全文檢索搜尋可用於 SQL Server 的每個執行個體,在 SMO 中是由 FullTextService 物件表示。FullTextService 物件位於 Server 物件之下,可用於管理 Microsoft 全文檢索搜尋服務的組態選項。FullTextCatalogCollection 物件屬於 Database 物件,且為 FullTextCatalog 物件的集合 (這些物件表示針對資料庫所定義的全文檢索目錄)。與一般索引不同的是,您只能為每個資料表定義一個全文檢索索引,這是由 Table 物件中的 FullTextIndexColumn 物件表示。
首先,請呼叫 FullTextCatalog 建構函式並指定目錄名稱,以在資料庫上建立全文檢索目錄。接著再呼叫建構函式,並指定要在其上建立全文檢索索引的資料表,以建立全文檢索索引。接下來可以使用 FullTextIndexColumn 物件並且提供資料表內資料行的名稱,以加入全文檢索索引的索引資料行。然後再將 CatalogName 屬性設定為已建立的目錄。最後呼叫 Create 方法,並在 SQL Server 執行個體上建立全文檢索索引。
如果要使用所提供的任何程式碼範例,您必須選擇建立應用程式用的程式設計環境、程式設計範本,及程式設計語言。如需詳細資訊,請參閱<如何:在 Visual Studio .NET 中建立 Visual Basic SMO 專案>或<如何:在 Visual Studio .NET 中建立 Visual C# SMO 專案>。
在 Visual Basic 中建立全文檢索搜尋服務
此程式碼範例會針對 AdventureWorks2008R2 範例資料庫中的 ProductCategory 資料表建立全文檢索搜尋目錄。然後在 ProductCategory 資料表的 Name 資料行上建立全文檢索搜尋索引。全文檢索搜尋索引需要資料行上已定義了唯一索引。
' compile with:
' /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
' /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll
' /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll
' /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Public Class A
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server = Nothing
srv = New Server()
' Reference the AdventureWorks database.
Dim db As Database = Nothing
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks")
' Reference the ProductCategory table.
Dim tb As Table = Nothing
tb = db.Tables("ProductCategory", "Production")
' Define a FullTextCatalog object variable by specifying the parent database and name arguments in the constructor.
Dim ftc As FullTextCatalog = Nothing
ftc = New FullTextCatalog(db, "Test_Catalog")
ftc.IsDefault = True
' Create the Full-Text Search catalog on the instance of SQL Server.
' Define a FullTextIndex object varaible by supplying the parent table argument in the constructor.
Dim fti As FullTextIndex = Nothing
fti = New FullTextIndex(tb)
' Define a FullTextIndexColumn object variable by supplying the parent index and column name arguements in the constructor.
Dim ftic As FullTextIndexColumn = Nothing
ftic = New FullTextIndexColumn(fti, "Name")
' Add the indexed column to the index.
fti.ChangeTracking = ChangeTracking.Automatic
' Specify the unique index on the table that is required by the Full Text Search index.
fti.UniqueIndexName = "AK_ProductCategory_Name"
' Specify the catalog associated with the index.
fti.CatalogName = "Test_Catalog"
' Create the Full Text Search index on the instance of SQL Server.
End Sub
End Class
在 Visual C# 中建立全文檢索搜尋服務
此程式碼範例會針對 AdventureWorks2008R2 範例資料庫中的 ProductCategory 資料表建立全文檢索搜尋目錄。然後在 ProductCategory 資料表的 Name 資料行上建立全文檢索搜尋索引。全文檢索搜尋索引需要資料行上已定義了唯一索引。
// compile with:
// /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll
// /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll
// /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll
// /r:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
public class A {
public static void Main() {
// Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Server srv = default(Server);
srv = new Server();
// Reference the AdventureWorks database.
Database db = default(Database);
db = srv.Databases ["AdventureWorks"];
// Reference the ProductCategory table.
Table tb = default(Table);
tb = db.Tables["ProductCategory", "Production"];
// Define a FullTextCatalog object variable by specifying the parent database and name arguments in the constructor.
FullTextCatalog ftc = default(FullTextCatalog);
ftc = new FullTextCatalog(db, "Test_Catalog");
ftc.IsDefault = true;
// Create the Full-Text Search catalog on the instance of SQL Server.
// Define a FullTextIndex object varaible by supplying the parent table argument in the constructor.
FullTextIndex fti = default(FullTextIndex);
fti = new FullTextIndex(tb);
// Define a FullTextIndexColumn object variable by supplying the parent index and column name arguements in the constructor.
FullTextIndexColumn ftic = default(FullTextIndexColumn);
ftic = new FullTextIndexColumn(fti, "Name");
// Add the indexed column to the index.
fti.ChangeTracking = ChangeTracking.Automatic;
// Specify the unique index on the table that is required by the Full Text Search index.
fti.UniqueIndexName = "AK_ProductCategory_Name";
// Specify the catalog associated with the index.
fti.CatalogName = "Test_Catalog";
// Create the Full Text Search index on the instance of SQL Server.
在 PowerShell 中建立全文檢索搜尋服務
此程式碼範例會針對 AdventureWorks2008R2 範例資料庫中的 ProductCategory 資料表建立全文檢索搜尋目錄。然後在 ProductCategory 資料表的 Name 資料行上建立全文檢索搜尋索引。全文檢索搜尋索引需要資料行上已定義了唯一索引。
# Example of implementing a full text search on the default instance.
# Set the path context to the local, default instance of SQL Server and database tables
CD \sql\localhost\default\databases
$db = get-item AdventureWorks2008R2
CD AdventureWorks\tables
#Get a reference to the table
$tb = get-item Production.ProductCategory
# Define a FullTextCatalog object variable by specifying the parent database and name arguments in the constructor.
$ftc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.FullTextCatalog -argumentlist $db, "Test_Catalog2"
$ftc.IsDefault = $true
# Create the Full Text Search catalog on the instance of SQL Server.
# Define a FullTextIndex object variable by supplying the parent table argument in the constructor.
$fti = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.FullTextIndex -argumentlist $tb
# Define a FullTextIndexColumn object variable by supplying the parent index
# and column name arguments in the constructor.
$ftic = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.FullTextIndexColumn -argumentlist $fti, "Name"
# Add the indexed column to the index.
# Set change tracking
$fti.ChangeTracking = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ChangeTracking]::Automatic
# Specify the unique index on the table that is required by the Full Text Search index.
$fti.UniqueIndexName = "AK_ProductCategory_Name"
# Specify the catalog associated with the index.
$fti.CatalogName = "Test_Catalog2"
# Create the Full Text Search Index