
ObjectPermission 成員

The ObjectPermission object represents a SQL Server object permission.

ObjectPermission 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 描述
公用方法靜態成員 Add Returns a set of object permissions after adding two object permissions.
公用方法靜態成員 BitwiseOr Returns an object permission set by performing a bitwise OR operation on two ObjectPermission objects.
公用方法 Equals (覆寫 Object. . :: . .Equals(Object)。)
受保護的方法 Finalize (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetHashCode This method supports the SMO infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (覆寫 Object. . :: . .GetHashCode() () () ()。)
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法靜態成員 ToObjectPermissionSet Converts an object permission into an object permission set.
公用方法 ToString (繼承自 Object。)



  名稱 描述
公用運算子靜態成員 Addition Creates an object permission set by performing an addition operation on two ObjectPermission objects.
公用運算子靜態成員 BitwiseOr Creates an object permission set by performing a bitwise OR operation on two ObjectPermission objects.
公用運算子靜態成員 Equality Creates an object permission set by performing an equality operation on two ObjectPermission objects.
公用運算子靜態成員 Implicit Widening Implicit Implicit Implicit(ObjectPermission to ObjectPermissionSet)
公用運算子靜態成員 Inequality Creates an object permission set by performing an inequality operation on two ObjectPermission objects.



  名稱 描述
公用屬性靜態成員 Alter Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Connect Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Control Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Delete Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Execute Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Impersonate Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Insert Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Receive Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 References Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Select Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Send Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 TakeOwnership Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 Update Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
公用屬性靜態成員 ViewChangeTracking Returns V
公用屬性靜態成員 ViewDefinition Gets a permission that can be included in the object permission set.
