
Restore 成員

The Restore object provides programmatic access to restore operations.

Restore 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 描述
公用方法 Restore Initializes a new instance of the Restore class.



  名稱 描述
公用方法 Abort Terminates a running backup or restore operation. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用方法 ClearSuspectPageTable Deletes entries in the suspect page table.
公用方法 Equals (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 ExecuteSql Executes a batch of Transact-SQL statements that does not expect a returned results set on the specified instance of SQL Server. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
受保護的方法 ExecuteSqlAsync Executes a batch of Transact-SQL statements asynchronously that does not expect a returned results set on the specified instance of SQL Server. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
受保護的方法 ExecuteSqlWithResults Executes a batch of Transact-SQL statements that expects one or more returned results sets on the specified instance of SQL Server. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
受保護的方法 Finalize (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 GetDevicesScript (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用方法 GetHashCode (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 IsStringValid Verifies whether the specified string is valid. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 ReadBackupHeader Reads the backup header and returns information about the media contents.
公用方法 ReadFileList Returns the list of database files on the targeted media.
公用方法 ReadMediaHeader Reads the media header and returns the media header values.
公用方法 ReadSuspectPageTable Returns the suspect page table for the targeted instance of SQL Server. 
公用方法 Script Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the restore operation. 
公用方法 SetMediaPassword(SecureString) Sets the password for a media set. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用方法 SetMediaPassword(String) Sets the password for a media set. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用方法 SetPassword(SecureString) Sets the password for a backup set. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用方法 SetPassword(String) Sets the password for a backup set. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用方法 SqlRestore Performs a restore operation.
公用方法 SqlRestoreAsync Performs a restore operation asynchronously.
公用方法 SqlVerify(Server) Checks the media on the instance of SQL Server that is represented by the specified Server object. 
公用方法 SqlVerify(Server, Boolean) Checks the media on instance of SQL Server that is represented by the specified Server object and loads backup history information into the history tables.
公用方法 SqlVerify(Server, String%) Checks the media on the instance of SQL Server that is represented by the specified Server object and returns an error message.
公用方法 SqlVerify(Server, Boolean, String%) Checks the media on the instance of SQL Server that is represented by the specified Server object, loads backup history information into the history tables, and returns an error message.
公用方法 SqlVerifyAsync(Server) Checks the media on the instance of SQL Server that is represented by the specified Server object asynchronously.
公用方法 SqlVerifyAsync(Server, Boolean) Checks the media on the instance of SQL Server that is represented by the specified Server object asynchronously and loads backup history information into the history tables.
公用方法 SqlVerifyLatest(Server) Verifies the most recent backup but does not restore it, and checks to see that the backup set is complete and the entire backup is readable.
公用方法 SqlVerifyLatest(Server, SqlVerifyAction) Verifies the most recent backup with the specified action, and checks to see that the backup set is complete and the entire backup is readable.
公用方法 SqlVerifyLatest(Server, String%) Verifies the most recent backup but does not restore it, checks to see that the backup set is complete and the entire backup is readable, and returns an error message.
公用方法 SqlVerifyLatest(Server, SqlVerifyAction, String%) Verifies the most recent backup with the specified action, checks to see that the backup set is complete and the entire backup is readable, and returns an error message.
公用方法 ToString (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 Wait Waits for the current backup or restore operation to complete before moving on to the next process. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)



  名稱 描述
受保護的欄位 currentAsyncOperation (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
受保護的欄位 m_BackupAction (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
受保護的欄位 m_LogTruncation (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
受保護的欄位 m_RestoreAction (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用欄位 VerifyComplete Specifies the VerifyCompleteEventHandler.



  名稱 描述
公用屬性 Action Gets or sets the type of restore to be performed.
公用屬性 AsyncStatus Gets the asynchronous status of a backup or restore process. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 BlockSize Gets or sets the physical block size of the backup or restore, in bytes. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 BufferCount Gets or sets the total number of I/O buffers to be used for the backup or restore operation. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 Checksum Gets or sets a Boolean property value that determines whether a checksum value is calculated during backup or restore operations. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 ClearSuspectPageTableAfterRestore Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether entries in the suspect page table will be deleted following the restore operation.
公用屬性 ContinueAfterError Gets or sets a Boolean property value that determines whether the backup or restore continues after a checksum error occurs. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 Database Gets or sets the database on which the backup or restore operation runs. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 DatabaseFileGroups Gets the SQL Server file groups targeted by the backup or restore operation. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 DatabaseFiles Gets the operating system files targeted by the backup or restore operation. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 Devices Gets the backup devices specified for the backup or restore operation. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 FileNumber Gets or sets the index number used to identify the targeted backup set on the backup medium.
公用屬性 KeepReplication Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether to maintain a replication configuration during a restore operation.
公用屬性 MaxTransferSize Gets or sets the maximum number of bytes to be transferred between the backup media and the instance of SQL Server. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 MediaName Gets or sets the name used to identify a particular media set. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 NoRecovery Gets or sets a Boolean property value that determines whether the tail of the log is backed up and whether the database is restored into the Restoring state. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 NoRewind Gets or sets a Boolean property value that determines whether Microsoft SQL Server will keep the tape open after the backup or restore operation. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 Offset Gets or sets the array of page addresses to be restored.
公用屬性 Partial Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether a partial or full restore operation will be performed.
公用屬性 PercentCompleteNotification Gets or sets the percentage interval for PercentCompleteEventHandler event handler calls. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 RelocateFiles Gets or sets the array of database logical file names and operating system physical file names used to redirect database storage when a database is restored to a new physical location.
公用屬性 ReplaceDatabase Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether a restore operation creates a new image of the restored database.
公用屬性 Restart Gets or sets a Boolean property value that determines whether the backup or restore operation will restart if it is interrupted. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用屬性 RestrictedUser Gets or sets a Boolean property value that specifies whether access to the restored database is restricted to members of the db_owner fixed database role and the dbcreator and sysadmin fixed server roles.
公用屬性 StandbyFile Gets or sets the name of an undo file that is used as part of the imaging strategy for an instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 StopAtMarkAfterDate Gets or sets the date to be used in conjunction with the mark name specified by StopAtMarkName to determine the stopping point of the recovery operation.
公用屬性 StopAtMarkName Gets or sets the mark name to be used in conjunction with the date specified by StopAtMarkAfterDate to determine the stopping point of the recovery operation.
公用屬性 StopBeforeMarkAfterDate Gets or sets the date to be used in conjunction with the mark name specified by StopBeforeMarkName to determine the stopping point of the recovery operation.
公用屬性 StopBeforeMarkName Gets or sets the mark name to be used in conjunction with the date specified by StopBeforeMarkAfterDate to determine the stopping point of the recovery operation.
公用屬性 ToPointInTime Gets or sets the endpoint for database log restoration.
公用屬性 UnloadTapeAfter Gets or sets a Boolean property value that determines whether tape media are rewound and unloaded after the backup or restore operation completes. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)



  名稱 描述
公用事件 Complete Occurs when the backup or restore operation completes. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用事件 Information Occurs when any informational message is issued by Microsoft SQL Server that cannot be handled by the Complete NextMedia or PercentComplete events. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用事件 NextMedia Occurs when the backup or restore operation exhausts the medium in a target device. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
公用事件 PercentComplete Occurs when a backup or restore operation reaches a completion unit. (繼承自 BackupRestoreBase。)
