
Server 類別

The Server object represents an instance of SQL Server.



命名空間:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
組件:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (在 Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll 中)


<PhysicalFacetAttribute> _
<EvaluationModeAttribute(AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnSchedule)> _
<RootFacetAttribute(GetType(Server))> _
Public NotInheritable Class Server _
    Inherits SqlSmoObject _
    Implements ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IAlterable, IScriptable, IServerSettings,  _
    IServerInformation, IDmfFacet, IAlienRoot, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection
Dim instance As Server
public sealed class Server : SqlSmoObject, 
    ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IAlterable, IScriptable, IServerSettings, IServerInformation, 
    IDmfFacet, IAlienRoot, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection
public ref class Server sealed : public SqlSmoObject, 
    ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IAlterable, IScriptable, IServerSettings, IServerInformation, 
    IDmfFacet, IAlienRoot, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection
type Server =  
        inherit SqlSmoObject 
        interface ISfcSupportsDesignMode 
        interface IAlterable 
        interface IScriptable 
        interface IServerSettings 
        interface IServerInformation 
        interface IDmfFacet 
        interface IAlienRoot 
        interface ISfcDomainLite 
        interface ISfcHasConnection 
public final class Server extends SqlSmoObject implements ISfcSupportsDesignMode, IAlterable, IScriptable, IServerSettings, IServerInformation, IDmfFacet, IAlienRoot, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection

Server 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
公用方法 Server() Initializes a new instance of the Server class.
公用方法 Server(String) Initializes a new instance of the Server class with the specified name.
公用方法 Server(ServerConnection) Initializes a new instance of the Server class based on the specified connection.



  名稱 說明
公用屬性 ActiveDirectory 已經過時。Gets information about the Active Directory settings for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 AffinityInfo Gets the AffinityInfo object that is associated with an instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 AuditLevel Gets or sets the AuditLevel property value.
公用屬性 Audits Represents a collection of Audit objects. Each Audit object represents an audit log defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 AvailabilityGroups Gets the available groups in the server.
公用屬性 BackupDevices Represents a collection of BackupDevice objects. Each BackupDevice object represents a backup device defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 BackupDirectory Gets or sets the BackupDirectory property value.
公用屬性 BrowserServiceAccount Gets the service account that the Browser service runs under on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 BrowserStartMode Gets the start mode for the SQL Server Browser Service running on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 BuildClrVersion Gets the BuildClrVersion property value.
公用屬性 BuildClrVersionString Gets the version string of the CLR that was used while building the instance.
公用屬性 BuildNumber Gets the BuildNumber property value.
公用屬性 ClusterName Gets the name of the cluster.
公用屬性 ClusterQuorumState Gets the state of the cluster quorum.
公用屬性 ClusterQuorumType Gets the type of the cluster quorum.
公用屬性 Collation Gets the Collation property value.
公用屬性 CollationID Gets the CollationID property value.
公用屬性 ComparisonStyle Gets the Windows comparison style of the collation.
公用屬性 ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS Gets the NetBIOS name of the local computer on which the instance of SQL Server is currently running.
公用屬性 Configuration Gets the configuration options for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 ConnectionContext Gets the current server connection details for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 Credentials Represents a collection of Credential objects. Each Credential object represents a credential defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 CryptographicProviders Gets the list of server cryptographic providers.
公用屬性 Databases Represents a collection of Database objects. Each Database object represents a database defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 DefaultFile Gets or sets the DefaultFile property value.
公用屬性 DefaultLog Gets or sets the default log of the server.
公用屬性 DefaultTextMode Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the default text mode is set for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 Edition Gets the Edition property value.
公用屬性 Endpoints Represents a collection of Endpoint objects. Each Endpoint object represents an endpoint defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 EngineEdition Gets the edition of the engine.
公用屬性 ErrorLogPath Gets the ErrorLogPath property value.
公用屬性 Events Gets the server events that are associated with the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 FilestreamLevel Gets the level of FILESTREAM access specified on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 FilestreamShareName Gets the Windows share name where FILESTREAM data is stored on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 FullTextService Gets the Microsoft Search Full-Text service implementation for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 HadrManagerStatus Gets the status of the Hadr manager.
公用屬性 Information Gets information about the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 InstallDataDirectory Gets the local Windows directory where the installation data is stored for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 InstallSharedDirectory Gets the remote shared directory where the installation data is stored for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 InstanceName Gets the instance name of the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 IsCaseSensitive Gets the value that indicates whether the case is sensitive.
公用屬性 IsClustered Gets the IsClustered property value.
公用屬性 IsFullTextInstalled Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether Full-Text service is installed on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 IsHadrEnabled Gets a value that indicates whether the Hadr is enabled.
公用屬性 IsSingleUser Gets the property value whether the user is single.
公用屬性 JobServer Gets the SQL Server Agent associated with the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 Language Gets the language of the server.
公用屬性 Languages Represents a collection of Language objects. Each Language object represents an languages supported by the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 LinkedServers Represents a collection of LinkedServer objects. Each LinkedServer object represents a linked server registered on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 LoginMode Gets or sets the ServerLoginMode property value.
公用屬性 Logins Represents a collection of Login objects. Each Login object represents a login defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 Mail Gets the Microsoft SQL Mail service associated with the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 MailProfile Gets or sets the mail profile of the server.
公用屬性 MasterDBLogPath Get the MasterDBLogPath property value.
公用屬性 MasterDBPath Gets the MasterDBPath property value.
公用屬性 MaxPrecision Gets the MaxPrecision property value.
公用屬性 Name Gets the name of the server, which is the physical machine name.
公用屬性 NamedPipesEnabled Gets the Boolean value that specifies whether Named Pipes provider is enabled for client-server connectivity on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 NetName Gets the NetName property value.
公用屬性 NumberOfLogFiles Gets or sets the NumberOfLogFiles property value.
公用屬性 OleDbProviderSettings Gets the DbProviderSettings property value.
公用屬性 OSVersion Gets the OSVersion property value.
公用屬性 PerfMonMode Gets or sets the PerfMonMode property value.
公用屬性 PhysicalMemory Gets the physical memory used by the server.
公用屬性 PhysicalMemoryUsageInKB Gets an Int64 value that specifies the amount of memory in use by the instance of the Database Engine, in kilobytes.
公用屬性 Platform Gets the server platform.
公用屬性 Processors Gets the Processors property value.
公用屬性 ProcessorUsage Gets an Int32 value that specifies the processor time used by the instance of the Database Engine.
公用屬性 Product Gets the product of the server.
公用屬性 ProductLevel Gets the ProductLevel property value.
公用屬性 Properties Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用屬性 ProxyAccount Gets the proxy account associated with the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 ResourceGovernor Gets the resource governor of the server.
公用屬性 ResourceLastUpdateDateTime Gets the last time the resource was last updated.
公用屬性 ResourceVersion Gets the ResourceVersion property.
公用屬性 ResourceVersionString Gets the ResouceVersionString property value.
公用屬性 Roles Represents a collection of ServerRole objects. Each ServerRole object represents a role defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 RootDirectory Gets the RootDirectory property value.
公用屬性 ServerAuditSpecifications Represents a collection of ServerAuditSpecification objects. Each ServerAuditSpecification object represents a specific audit specification defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 ServerType Gets the server type for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 ServiceAccount Gets the service account under which the instance of SQL Server is running.
公用屬性 ServiceInstanceId Gets the ID value that uniquely identifies the service instance for this instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 ServiceMasterKey Gets the service master key associated with the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 ServiceName Gets the service name for the server.
公用屬性 ServiceStartMode Gets the start mode for the SQL Server service.
公用屬性 Settings Gets modifiable settings for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 SqlCharSet Gets the value that identifies the character set used by the server.
公用屬性 SqlCharSetName Gets the name of the character set used by the server.
公用屬性 SqlDomainGroup Gets the domain group for the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 SqlSortOrder Gets the SQL sort order from the collation.
公用屬性 SqlSortOrderName Gets the name of the sort order used by the server.
公用屬性 State Gets the state of the referenced object. (繼承自 SmoObjectBase。)
公用屬性 Status Gets the current status of the Server.
公用屬性 SystemDataTypes Represents a collection of SystemDataType objects. Each SystemDataType object represents a system data type defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 SystemMessages Represents a collection of SystemMessage objects. Each SystemMessage object represents a system message defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 TapeLoadWaitTime Gets or sets the TapeLoadWaitTime property value.
公用屬性 TcpEnabled Gets the Boolean value that determines whether TCP/IP protocol is enabled on this instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 Triggers Represents a collection of ServerDdlTrigger objects. Each ServerDdlTrigger object represents a server data definition language (DDL) trigger that is defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用屬性 UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (繼承自 SmoObjectBase。)
公用屬性 UserDefinedMessages Represents a collection of UserDefinedMessage objects. Each UserDefinedMessage object represents a user-defined message defined on the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 UserOptions Gets the user options for the current connection to the instance of SQL Server.
公用屬性 Version Gets the Version property value.
公用屬性 VersionMajor Gets the major version of the server.
公用屬性 VersionMinor Gets the VersionMinor property value.
公用屬性 VersionString Gets the version string of the server.



  名稱 說明
公用方法 Alter() Updates any Server object property changes on the instance of SQL Server. 
公用方法 Alter(Boolean) Updates any Server object property changes on the instance of SQL Server with the option to override value checking.
公用方法 AttachDatabase(String, StringCollection) Attaches an existing database that is made up of one or more files to the instance of SQL Server with the specified name and using the specified data files. 
公用方法 AttachDatabase(String, StringCollection, AttachOptions) Attaches an existing database that is made up of one or more files to the instance of SQL Server that has the specified name and using the specified data files and attachment options. 
公用方法 AttachDatabase(String, StringCollection, String) Attaches an existing database that is made up of one or more files to the instance of SQL Server with the specified name and using the specified data files. 
公用方法 AttachDatabase(String, StringCollection, String, AttachOptions) Attaches an existing database that is made up of one or more files to the instance of SQL Server by using the specified name, data files, and attachment options. 
公用方法 CompareUrn Compares two URNS.
公用方法 DeleteBackupHistory(DateTime) Deletes the backup history for this instance of SQL Server up until the specified date and time.
公用方法 DeleteBackupHistory(Int32) Deletes the backup history for the specified media set.
公用方法 DeleteBackupHistory(String) Deletes the backup history for the specified database.
公用方法 Deny(ServerPermissionSet, String) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantee on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Deny(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[]) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Deny(ServerPermissionSet, String, Boolean) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantee and other users that the grantee granted the specified set of permissions on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Deny(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean) Denies the specified set of permissions for the specified grantees and other users that the grantee granted the specified set of permissions on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 DetachDatabase(String, Boolean) Detaches the specified database from the instance of SQL Server with the option to update statistics before the database is detached.
公用方法 DetachDatabase(String, Boolean, Boolean) Detaches the specified database from the instance of SQL Server with the option to update statistics before the database is detached.
公用方法 DetachedDatabaseInfo Returns information about a detached database file.
公用方法 Discover Discovers a list of type Object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 EnumActiveCurrentSessionTraceFlags Gets active session flags as a DataTable.
公用方法 EnumActiveGlobalTraceFlags Gets a DataTable that contains active global trace flags.
公用方法 EnumAvailableMedia() Enumerates a list of media that is visible to the instance of SQL Server on the local area network.
公用方法 EnumAvailableMedia(MediaTypes) Enumerates a list of media that is visible to the instance of SQL Server on the local area network and limited to the type of media specified.
公用方法 EnumClusterMembersState Enumerates the current state of the Windows cluster members of which the instance is part of.
公用方法 EnumClusterSubnets Enumerates a list of cluster subnets.
公用方法 EnumCollations Enumerates a list of collations supported by the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumDatabaseMirrorWitnessRoles() Enumerates a list of database mirror witness roles.
公用方法 EnumDatabaseMirrorWitnessRoles(String) Enumerates a list of mirror witness roles for the specified database.
公用方法 EnumDetachedDatabaseFiles Enumerates a list of detached database files.
公用方法 EnumDetachedLogFiles Enumerates a list of detached log files.
公用方法 EnumDirectories Enumerates a list of directories relative to the specified path.
公用方法 EnumErrorLogs Enumerates a list of SQL Server error log files.
公用方法 EnumLocks() Enumerates a list of current locks held on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumLocks(Int32) Enumerates a list of current locks held by the specified process on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumMembers Enumerates a list of members of server roles and database roles on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumObjectPermissions() Enumerates a list of object permissions for the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumObjectPermissions(String) Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified grantee on the application instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumObjectPermissions(ObjectPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified permission on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumObjectPermissions(String, ObjectPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified grantee and a specified permission on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumPerformanceCounters() Enumerates a list of performance counters that are supported by the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumPerformanceCounters(String) Enumerates a list of performance counters that are supported by the instance of SQL Server for a specified object.
公用方法 EnumPerformanceCounters(String, String) Enumerates a list of performance counters that are supported by the instance of SQL Server for a specified object and specified counter.
公用方法 EnumPerformanceCounters(String, String, String) Enumerates a list of performance counters that are supported by the instance of SQL Server for a specified object, for a specified counter, and on the specified instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumProcesses() Enumerates a list of processes running on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumProcesses(Boolean) Enumerates a list of processes running on the instance of SQL Server with the option to exclude system processes.
公用方法 EnumProcesses(Int32) Enumerates a list of information about the specified process.
公用方法 EnumProcesses(String) Enumerates a list of processes running on the instance of SQL Server that are associated with the specified login.
公用方法 EnumServerAttributes Enumerates a list of server attributes for the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumServerPermissions() Enumerates a list of server permissions for the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumServerPermissions(String) Enumerates a list of server permissions for a specified grantee on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumServerPermissions(ServerPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of server permissions for a specified permission on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumServerPermissions(String, ServerPermissionSet) Enumerates a list of server permissions for a specified grantee and a specified permission on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumStartupProcedures Enumerates a list of startup procedures.
公用方法 EnumWindowsDomainGroups() Enumerates a list of Microsoft Windows group accounts defined on a domain.
公用方法 EnumWindowsDomainGroups(String) Enumerates a list of Microsoft Windows group accounts defined for the specified domain.
公用方法 EnumWindowsGroupInfo() Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumWindowsGroupInfo(String) Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumWindowsGroupInfo(String, Boolean) Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of SQL Server and with the option to list the individual members.
公用方法 EnumWindowsUserInfo() Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows users that have explicitly granted access to SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumWindowsUserInfo(String) Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows users that have explicitly granted access to the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 EnumWindowsUserInfo(String, Boolean) Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows users that have explicitly granted access to the instance of SQL Server and with the option to list all the permissions paths (groups) through which the user has been granted access to the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Equals (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 FormatSqlVariant Formats an object as SqlVariant type. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 GetActiveDBConnectionCount Returns the number of active connections for the specified database.
受保護的方法 GetContextDB Gets the context database that is associated with this object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
受保護的方法 GetDBName Gets the database name that is associated with the object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 GetDefaultInitFields Returns the property types that are initialized by default when the specified object is initialized.
公用方法 GetHashCode (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetPropertyNames Returns the names of the initialized properties for the specified object type
受保護的方法 GetPropValue Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
受保護的方法 GetPropValueOptional Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
受保護的方法 GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
受保護的方法 GetServerObject Gets the server of the SqlSmoObject object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 GetSmoObject Gets a SqlSmoObject that is specified by a URN.
公用方法 GetStringComparer Returns the comparer object corresponding to the collation string passed.
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 Grant(ServerPermissionSet, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the specified grantee on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Grant(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[]) Grants the specified set of permissions to the specified grantees on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Grant(ServerPermissionSet, String, Boolean) Grants access to the specified permission to the grantee and the ability to grant access to other users on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Grant(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean) Grants access to the specified permission to the grantees and the ability to grant access to other users on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Grant(ServerPermissionSet, String, Boolean, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantee and the ability to grant the set of permissions to other users on the instance of SQL Server under an assumed role.
公用方法 Grant(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, String) Grants the specified set of permissions to the grantees and the ability to grant the set of permissions to other users on the instance of SQL Server under an assumed role.
公用方法 Initialize() Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 Initialize(Boolean) Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 IsDetachedPrimaryFile Verifies whether the specified file is a primary (.mdf) database file.
受保護的方法 IsObjectInitialized Verifies whether the object has been initialized. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
受保護的方法 IsObjectInSpace Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 IsWindowsGroupMember Verifies whether the specified Microsoft Windows user account is a member of the specified Windows group.
公用方法 JoinAvailabilityGroup Indicates a specified object to join the availability group.
公用方法 KillAllProcesses Stops the all processes on the specified database.
公用方法 KillDatabase Deletes the specified database and drops any active connection.
公用方法 KillProcess Stops the specified process.
公用方法 PingSqlServerVersion(String) Gets the version number of the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 PingSqlServerVersion(String, String, String) Get the version number of the specified instance of SQL Server using the specified login and password to gain access.
公用方法 ReadErrorLog() Enumerates the SQL Server error log.
公用方法 ReadErrorLog(Int32) Enumerates the specified SQL Server error log.
公用方法 Refresh Refreshes the objects and properties on the Server object. (覆寫 SqlSmoObject.Refresh()。)
公用方法 Revoke(ServerPermissionSet, String) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a list of grantees on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Revoke(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[]) Revokes a previously granted set of permissions from a list of grantees on the instance of SQL Server.
公用方法 Revoke(ServerPermissionSet, String, Boolean, Boolean) Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the instance of SQL Server and any other users to whom the grantee has granted the specified set of permissions. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
公用方法 Revoke(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean) Revokes previously granted permissions from grantees on the instance of SQL Server and any other users to whom the grantees have granted the specified set of permissions. The grantees are also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
公用方法 Revoke(ServerPermissionSet, String, Boolean, Boolean, String) Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the instance of SQL Server and any other users to whom the grantee has granted the specified set of permissions. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
公用方法 Revoke(ServerPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean, String) Revokes previously granted permissions from grantees on the instance of SQL Server and any other users to whom the grantees have granted the specified set of permissions. The grantees are also given the ability to revoke the specified set of permissions from other users under an assumed role.
公用方法 Script() Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the server.
公用方法 Script(ScriptingOptions) Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the server by using the specified scripting options.
公用方法 SetDefaultInitFields(Boolean) Specifies that all properties are fetched when objects are instantiated.
公用方法 SetDefaultInitFields(Type, Boolean) Specifies all the properties are fetched when objects of the specified type are instantiated.
公用方法 SetDefaultInitFields(Type, StringCollection) Specifies the properties that are fetched when objects of the specified type are instantiated.
公用方法 SetDefaultInitFields(Type, array<String[]) Specifies the properties that are fetched when objects of the specified type are instantiated.
受保護的方法 SetParentImpl Sets the parent of the SqlSmoObject to the newParent parameter. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 SetTraceFlag Sets a trace flag.
公用方法 ToString Returns a String that represents the referenced object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用方法 Validate Validates the state of an object. (繼承自 SmoObjectBase。)



  名稱 說明
公用事件 PropertyChanged Represents the event that occurs when a property is changed. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
公用事件 PropertyMetadataChanged Represents the event that occurs when property metadata changes. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)


明確 繼承 實作

  名稱 說明
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.Discover Discovers any dependencies. 不要直接在程式碼中參照此成員。其支援 SQL Server 基礎結構。 (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.GetDomainRoot Returns the root of the domain. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.GetParent Gets the parent of this object. 不要直接在程式碼中參照此成員。其支援 SQL Server 基礎結構。 (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.GetPropertyType Gets the type of the specified property. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.GetPropertyValue Gets the value of the specified property. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.GetUrn Gets the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. 不要直接在程式碼中參照此成員。其支援 SQL Server 基礎結構。 (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.Resolve Gets the instance that contains the information about the object from the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.SetObjectState Sets the object state to the specified SfcObjectState value. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienObject.SetPropertyValue Sets the property value. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienRoot.DesignModeInitialize 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Ensures that the Server object is in design mode, that it is disconnected from the instance of the Database Engine it represents.
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienRoot.SfcHelper_GetDataTable 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Gets a DataTable object containing the results from a URN.
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienRoot.SfcHelper_GetSmoObject 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Gets the Object that represents the object identified by a specified URN.
明確介面實作私用方法 IAlienRoot.SfcHelper_GetSmoObjectQuery 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Gets a List of String values.
明確介面實作私用屬性 ISfcDomainLite.DomainInstanceName Gets the instance name of the domain.
明確介面實作私用屬性 ISfcDomainLite.DomainName Gets the domain name.
明確介面實作私用方法 ISfcDomainLite.GetLogicalVersion 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Gets an Int32 value that indicates whether changes have been made to the Server object.
明確介面實作私用屬性 ISfcHasConnection.ConnectionContext Gets the context for the connection represented by the current Server object.
明確介面實作私用方法 ISfcHasConnection.GetConnection() 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Gets a connection to an Sfc backing store.
明確介面實作私用方法 ISfcHasConnection.GetConnection(SfcObjectQueryMode) 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Gets a connection to an Sfc backing store that supports the requested query mode.
明確介面實作私用方法 ISfcHasConnection.SetConnection 僅供參考之用。不支援。我們無法保證未來的相容性。 Sets a connection to an Sfc backing store.
明確介面實作私用方法 ISfcPropertyProvider.GetPropertySet Gets the interface reference to the set of properties of this object. (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。)
明確介面實作私用屬性 ISfcSupportsDesignMode.IsDesignMode Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Server supports design mode.



The Server class represents an instance of SQL Server. In SMO programming, the Server object determines the connection to a physical SQL Server installation. The Server class is the highest level in the SMO instance object hierarchy. When a Server object variable is created, it establishes a connection to an instance of SQL Server. If you do not specify the name in the Server class constructor, the connection is always made with the local, default instance of SQL Server.

By using the Server object, you can do the following:

  • Connect to an instance of SQL Server.

  • Modify the connection settings.

  • Run Transact-SQL statements directly.

  • Capture Transact-SQL output from the SMO program.

  • Manage transactions.

  • View operating system information.

  • Modify and view SQL Server settings, information, and user options.

  • Modify and view SQL Server configuration options.

  • Register the instance of SQL Server in the Active Directory directory service.

  • Subscribe to and handle SQL Server events.

  • Reference databases, endpoints, credentials, logins, linked servers, system messages, DDL triggers, system data types, and user-defined messages.

  • Regenerate the service master key.

  • Detach and attach databases.

  • Stop processes or databases.

  • Grant, deny, or revoke permissions on the database.

  • Enumerate information about the server.

  • Read the error log.

  • Remove the backup history.

  • Get and set the default initialization fields for specified types.

  • Create endpoints, such as database mirroring endpoint.

To get Server object properties, users can be a member of the public fixed server role.

To set Server object properties, users must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.

Thread Safety

此型別的任何公用靜態 (在 Microsoft Visual Basic 為共用) 成員具備多執行緒作業安全。並非所有的執行個體成員都是安全執行緒。


連接到 SQL Server 的執行個體


這個型別的任何公用 static (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared) 成員都是執行緒安全的。並不是所有的執行個體成員都保證可以用於所有的執行緒。



Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo 命名空間


連接到 SQL Server 的執行個體

從 SQL Server 的執行個體中斷連接