
HOW TO:設定及執行共同作業同步處理 (SQL Server)

本主題描述使用 Sync Framework 同步處理 SQL Server 和 SQL Server Compact 資料庫的套用主要部分。此應用程式中的程式碼著重於下列 Sync Framework 類別:

如需如何執行範例程式碼的詳細資訊,請參閱同步處理 SQL Server 和 SQL Server Compact 中的<HOW-TO 主題中的範例應用程式>。

如同共同作業同步處理的架構與類別中所述,同步處理可發生在 SqlSyncProvider 的兩個執行個體之間、SqlCeSyncProvider 的兩個執行個體之間,或是每一個的一個執行個體上。本主題的範例程式碼是來自兩層式應用程式,因此它不會示範兩個 SqlCeSyncProvider 執行個體的同步處理,因為這種處理方式需要 N 層式組態。如需 N 層式組態的範例,請參閱 Sync Framework SDK 中所隨附的範例 WebSharingAppDemo-CEProviderEndToEnd。


本主題描述如何使用 Sync Framework 2.0 所導入的兩個同步處理提供者來同步處理 SQL Server 和 SQL Server Compact 資料庫:SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider。Sync Framework 包括可以同步處理這些資料庫的其他提供者,但是新的提供者通常因為下列原因而比較適合此工作:

  • SqlSyncProviderDbSyncProvider 同樣能夠勝任,但是前者需要的程式碼少得多,而且比較不必了解 Sync Framework 用來同步處理資料的查詢。DbSyncProvider 仍然適用於非 SQL Server 資料庫。

  • SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider 可用於用戶端-伺服器、點對點和混合式拓撲,而 DbServerSyncProviderSqlCeClientSyncProvider 則只適用於用戶端-伺服器拓撲。SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider 也支援更進階的功能,例如根據資料的大小而非資料列數的變更批次處理。

  • SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider 都很有彈性且容易設定。它們可讓您同步處理所有版本的 SQL Server,包括 SQL Server Express 和 SQL Server Compact。


同步處理拓撲中的節點可分為兩個階段:設定要同步處理的節點,以及在一組節點之間實際執行同步處理。如果是 SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider,設定節點包含兩個工作:

  1. 定義您要同步處理的項目

    您會描述一個或多個「範圍」(Scope) 來定義所要同步處理的項目。範圍是一組資料表,其中某些或所有資料表可以進行篩選。資料表可以已經存在於資料庫,或者可以使用 Sync Framework 物件來加以描述,然後在同步處理基礎存放區時於執行階段產生。如需詳細資訊,請參閱本主題稍後的<了解範圍>。



  2. 佈建 Sync Framework 變更追蹤的資料庫

    描述資料表和範圍之後,您可以使用 Sync Framework 物件,將佈建的指令碼套用到每個節點。指令碼會建立變更追蹤及變更套用基礎結構,該基礎結構是由中繼資料表、觸發程序和預存程序所組成。

佈建節點之後,可以進行同步處理。從開發人員的觀點來看,設定同步處理選項及呼叫 Synchronize() 相當簡單。在幕後,Sync Framework 會使用您所指定的範圍和資料表描述資訊,針對每一個範圍和每一個同步處理配接器 (一個資料表一個) 建立組態物件。如此可讓 Sync Framework 取得保留於每一個資料庫的資訊,並針對一組節點之間的每一個同步處理工作階段建立其所需的資訊。SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider 兩者都可感知佈建期間所建立的變更追蹤資料表和其他物件,並且自動產生所需的 DbSyncAdapter 物件。這樣會大幅降低使用這些提供者同步處理資料所需的程式碼。


SQL Server SQL Server Compact 描述






表示針對 DbSyncScopeDescription 物件所代表的特定範圍佈建 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Compact 資料庫。



表示 SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider 用於特定範圍的組態資訊。









表示與同步處理相關之 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Compact 資料庫的範圍和資料表資訊。它是用來從 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Compact 資料庫擷取出 Description 物件。



表示針對 DbSyncTableDescription 物件所代表的 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Compact 資料庫資料表 (包含選擇性篩選) 進行佈建。



表示 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Compact 資料庫中資料表的同步處理配接器組態資訊。





請務必了解,範圍是資料表和篩選的「組合」。例如,您可以定義一個名為 sales-WA 的已篩選範圍,其中只包含美國華盛頓州的 customer_sales 資料表銷售資料。如果您在相同的資料表上定義另一個篩選 (例如 sales-OR),這就是不同的範圍。如果您定義篩選,請注意 Sync Framework 不會自動處理不再滿足篩選條件之資料列的刪除。例如,如果使用者或應用程式更新用於篩選之資料行中的值,資料列就會從某個範圍移到另一個範圍。此資料列會傳送到其現在所屬的新範圍,但是不會從舊的範圍中刪除此資料列。您的應用程式必須處理這種情況。

範圍可以不同,也可以彼此重疊。如果兩個範圍之間共用共同的資料,這兩個範圍就會重疊。例如,products 資料表可能會包含在 sales 範圍和 inventory 範圍中。範圍可以同時是重疊且經過篩選的。下列案例示範可能發生的篩選及重疊的方式:

  • 案例 1:

    • 範圍 1 是 sales-WA。此範圍包括:productsorders (含有 state=WA 的篩選) 及 order_details (含有 state=WA 的篩選)。

    • 範圍 2 是 sales-OR。此範圍包括:productsorders (含有 state=OR 的篩選) 及 order_details (含有 state=OR 的篩選)。

    在此案例中,兩個範圍會共用整個 products 資料表。ordersorder_details 資料表位於兩個範圍中,但是篩選並未重疊,因此範圍不會共用這些資料表中的資料列。

  • 案例 2:

    • 範圍 1 是 sales-WA。此範圍包括:productsorders (含有 state=WA 的篩選) 及 order_details (含有 state=WA 的篩選)。

    • 範圍 2 是 sales-Northwest。此範圍包括:productsorders (含有 state=WA OR state=ID 的篩選) 及 shippers

    在此案例中,兩個範圍會再次共用整個 products 資料表。orders 資料表位於兩個範圍中而且篩選會重疊:兩個範圍會共用可滿足 state=WA 篩選的資料列。shippersorder_details 資料表不會在範圍之間共用。

有許多不同的方法可以定義範圍,但是必須遵循以下基本方針:在同步處理拓撲內的一對資料庫之間同步處理的任何資料都只能屬於一個範圍。例如,上述的案例 2、資料庫 A 和資料庫 B 可以同步處理範圍 1,而資料庫 A 和資料庫 C 可以同步處理範圍 2。資料庫 A 和資料庫 B 無法同步處理範圍 2,因為 productsorders 資料列屬於這兩個範圍。



  • 描述範圍和資料表

  • 佈建伺服器

  • 佈建用戶端

  • 設定同步處理選項

  • 同步處理節點

在我們涵蓋每一個區域之後,將會提供完整的主控台應用程式來結合每一個範例及其他某些程式碼,以同步處理四節點的拓撲。此拓撲包含一部 SQL Server 伺服器、一個 SQL Server 用戶端和兩個 SQL Server Compact 用戶端。


下列程式碼範例會描述名為 filtered_customer 的範圍,並將兩個資料表新增到此範圍:CustomerCustomerContact。這些資料表已經存在於伺服器資料庫中,所以會使用 GetDescriptionForTable 方法來擷取伺服器資料庫中的結構描述。雖然此範圍包含 Customer 資料表中的所有資料行,不過只包含 CustomerContact 資料表中的兩個資料行。

DbSyncScopeDescription scopeDesc = new DbSyncScopeDescription("filtered_customer");

// Definition for Customer.
DbSyncTableDescription customerDescription =
    SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.Customer", serverConn);


// Definition for CustomerContact, including the list of columns to include.
Collection<string> columnsToInclude = new Collection<string>();
DbSyncTableDescription customerContactDescription =
    SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.CustomerContact", columnsToInclude, serverConn);

Dim scopeDesc As New DbSyncScopeDescription("filtered_customer")

' Definition for Customer. 
Dim customerDescription As DbSyncTableDescription = _
    SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.Customer", serverConn)


' Definition for CustomerContact, including the list of columns to include. 
Dim columnsToInclude As New Collection(Of String)()
Dim customerContactDescription As DbSyncTableDescription = _
    SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.CustomerContact", columnsToInclude, serverConn)



下列程式碼範例會針對 filtered_customer 範圍建立佈建物件、指定不應該在伺服器資料庫中建立基底資料表,並且指定應該在名為 "Sync" 的資料庫結構描述中建立所有同步處理相關的物件。此程式碼會在 Customer 資料表上定義篩選,這是佈建範圍的一部分。只有符合該篩選的資料列才會同步處理。CustomerContact 資料表上未定義任何篩選,因此,該資料表中的所有資料列都將同步處理。在定義佈建選項之後,便會呼叫 Apply 方法在伺服器資料庫中建立變更追蹤基礎結構,而且佈建指令碼會寫入檔案中。

SqlSyncScopeProvisioning serverConfig = new SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(scopeDesc);
serverConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync";

// Specify which column(s) in the Customer table to use for filtering data, 
// and the filtering clause to use against the tracking table.
// "[side]" is an alias for the tracking table.
serverConfig.Tables["Sales.Customer"].FilterClause = "[side].[CustomerType] = 'Retail'";

// Configure the scope and change-tracking infrastructure.

// Write the configuration script to a file. You can modify 
// this script if necessary and run it against the server
// to customize behavior.
Dim serverConfig As New SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(scopeDesc)
serverConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync"

' Specify which column(s) in the Customer table to use for filtering data, 
' and the filtering clause to use against the tracking table. 
' "[side]" is an alias for the tracking table. 
serverConfig.Tables("Sales.Customer").FilterClause = "[side].[CustomerType] = 'Retail'"

' Configure the scope and change-tracking infrastructure. 

' Write the configuration script to a file. You can modify 
' this script if necessary and run it against the server 
' to customize behavior. 
File.WriteAllText("SampleConfigScript.txt", serverConfig.Script("SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer1"))



  • 根據從伺服器或另一個用戶端資料庫所擷取的範圍資訊,針對 SQL Server 或 SQL Server Compact 用戶端資料庫進行完整初始化。

    系統會根據 SqlSyncDescriptionBuilderSqlCeSyncDescriptionBuilder 物件所提供的結構描述資訊,在用戶端資料庫中建立使用者物件和同步處理物件。在第一個同步處理工作階段中,系統會準備用戶端資料庫進行同步處理,而且所有資料列都會下載至用戶端資料庫成為累加插入。

  • 使用已存在的用戶端資料庫,針對 SQL Server Compact 用戶端資料庫進行快照集初始化。

    快照集初始化的用意是要減少初始化用戶端資料庫所需的時間。當已經使用完整初始化來初始化一個用戶端資料庫之後,後續的資料庫可以使用第一個用戶端資料庫的「快照集」來初始化。快照集是特別準備的 SQL Server Compact 資料庫,其中包含資料表結構描述、資料 (選擇性) 和變更追蹤基礎結構。請將這個快照集複製到需要它的每個用戶端。在用戶端的第一個同步處理工作階段期間,將會更新用戶端特有的中繼資料,而且在建立快照集之後所發生的所有變更都會下載到用戶端資料庫。


只有當 SQL Server Compact 資料庫中沒有任何活動時,才應該產生快照集。在快照集產生期間,並不支援任何型別的並行作業。

下列程式碼範例會先從伺服器中擷取範圍資訊,並使用所擷取的基底資料表和變更追蹤結構描述來佈建 SQL Server Compact 用戶端資料庫。然後,此程式碼會根據 SQL Server Compact 用戶端資料庫的範圍資訊,佈建 SQL Server 用戶端資料庫。

// Create a SQL Server Compact database and provision it based on scope
// information that is retrieved from the server. Compact databases
// do not support separate schemas, so we prefix the name of all 
// synchronization-related objects with "Sync" so that they are easy to
// identify.
Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync1, true);
Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync2, false);
DbSyncScopeDescription clientSqlCe1Desc = SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", null, "Sync", serverConn);
SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning clientSqlCe1Config = new SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlCe1Desc);
clientSqlCe1Config.ObjectPrefix = "Sync";

// Provision the existing database SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer2 based on scope
// information that is retrieved from the SQL Server Compact database. We could
// have also retrieved this information from the server.
DbSyncScopeDescription clientSqlDesc = SqlCeSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", "Sync", clientSqlCe1Conn);
SqlSyncScopeProvisioning clientSqlConfig = new SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlDesc);
clientSqlConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync";
' Create a SQL Server Compact database and provision it based on scope 
' information that is retrieved from the server. Compact databases 
' do not support separate schemas, so we prefix the name of all 
' synchronization-related objects with "Sync" so that they are easy to 
' identify. 
Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync1, True)
Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync2, False)
Dim clientSqlCe1Desc As DbSyncScopeDescription = _
    SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", Nothing, "Sync", serverConn)
Dim clientSqlCe1Config As New SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlCe1Desc)
clientSqlCe1Config.ObjectPrefix = "Sync"

' Provision the existing database SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer2 based on scope 
' information that is retrieved from the SQL Server Compact database. We could 
' have also retrieved this information from the server. 
Dim clientSqlDesc As DbSyncScopeDescription = _
    SqlCeSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", "Sync", clientSqlCe1Conn)
Dim clientSqlConfig As New SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlDesc)
clientSqlConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync"

下列程式碼範例會根據 SyncSampleClient1.sdf 資料庫產生名為 SyncSampleClient2.sdf 的快照集。然後,此程式碼會同步處理 SyncSampleClient2.sdf 與伺服器資料庫。

// Create a snapshot from the SQL Server Compact database, which will be used to
// initialize a second Compact database. Again, this database could be provisioned
// by retrieving scope information from another database, but we want to 
// demonstrate the use of snapshots, which provide a convenient deployment
// mechanism for Compact databases.
SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization syncStoreSnapshot = new SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization("Sync");
syncStoreSnapshot.GenerateSnapshot(clientSqlCe1Conn, "SyncSampleClient2.sdf");

// The new SQL Server Compact client synchronizes with the server, but
// no data is downloaded because the snapshot already contains 
// all of the data from the first Compact database.
syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
    new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, null, "Sync"),
    new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync")
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial");
' Create a snapshot from the SQL Server Compact database, which will be used to 
' initialize a second Compact database. Again, this database could be provisioned 
' by retrieving scope information from another database, but we want to 
' demonstrate the use of snapshots, which provide a convenient deployment 
' mechanism for Compact databases. 
Dim syncStoreSnapshot As New SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization("Sync")
syncStoreSnapshot.GenerateSnapshot(clientSqlCe1Conn, "SyncSampleClient2.sdf")

' The new SQL Server Compact client synchronizes with the server, but 
' no data is downloaded because the snapshot already contains 
' all of the data from the first Compact database. 
syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
    New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, Nothing, "Sync"), _
    New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync"))
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial")


下列程式碼範例是應用程式中 SampleSyncOrchestrator 類別的建構函式。此建構函式會採用兩個 RelationalSyncProvider 物件,因為 SqlSyncProviderSqlCeSyncProvider 都衍生自 RelationalSyncProvider。程式碼會指定哪個提供者是本機提供者以及哪個提供者是遠端提供者。然後,程式碼會指定變更要先從遠端資料庫上傳至本機資料庫,然後才能以另一個方向下載。

public SampleSyncOrchestrator(RelationalSyncProvider localProvider, RelationalSyncProvider remoteProvider)

    this.LocalProvider = localProvider;
    this.RemoteProvider = remoteProvider;
    this.Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.UploadAndDownload;
Public Sub New(ByVal localProvider As RelationalSyncProvider, ByVal remoteProvider As RelationalSyncProvider)

    Me.LocalProvider = localProvider
    Me.RemoteProvider = remoteProvider
    Me.Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.UploadAndDownload
End Sub


下列程式碼範例會具現化三個不同同步處理工作階段的提供者:在伺服器與 SQL Server 用戶端之間、在 SQL Server 用戶端與其中一個 SQL Server Compact 用戶端之間,以及在伺服器與其他 SQL Server Compact 用戶端之間。在前兩個工作階段期間會同步處理七個資料列:CustomerContact 中的所有四個資料列以及 Customer 中滿足篩選條件的三個資料列。不過,第三個工作階段不會同步處理資料列,因為快照集已經包含第一個 SQL Server Compact 資料庫中的所有資料。應用程式會顯示 Synchronize() 方法傳回的統計資料。

SampleSyncOrchestrator syncOrchestrator;
SyncOperationStatistics syncStats;

// Data is downloaded from the server to the SQL Server client.
syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
    new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, null, "Sync"),
    new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, null, "Sync")
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial");

// Data is downloaded from the SQL Server client to the 
// first SQL Server Compact client.
syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
    new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync"),
    new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, null, "Sync")
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial");

// Create a snapshot from the SQL Server Compact database, which will be used to
// initialize a second Compact database. Again, this database could be provisioned
// by retrieving scope information from another database, but we want to 
// demonstrate the use of snapshots, which provide a convenient deployment
// mechanism for Compact databases.
SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization syncStoreSnapshot = new SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization("Sync");
syncStoreSnapshot.GenerateSnapshot(clientSqlCe1Conn, "SyncSampleClient2.sdf");

// The new SQL Server Compact client synchronizes with the server, but
// no data is downloaded because the snapshot already contains 
// all of the data from the first Compact database.
syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
    new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, null, "Sync"),
    new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync")
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial");
Dim syncOrchestrator As SampleSyncOrchestrator
Dim syncStats As SyncOperationStatistics

' Data is downloaded from the server to the SQL Server client. 
syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
    New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, Nothing, "Sync"), _
    New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, Nothing, "Sync"))
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial")

' Data is downloaded from the SQL Server client to the 
' first SQL Server Compact client. 
syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
    New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync"), _
    New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, Nothing, "Sync"))
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial")

' Create a snapshot from the SQL Server Compact database, which will be used to 
' initialize a second Compact database. Again, this database could be provisioned 
' by retrieving scope information from another database, but we want to 
' demonstrate the use of snapshots, which provide a convenient deployment 
' mechanism for Compact databases. 
Dim syncStoreSnapshot As New SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization("Sync")
syncStoreSnapshot.GenerateSnapshot(clientSqlCe1Conn, "SyncSampleClient2.sdf")

' The new SQL Server Compact client synchronizes with the server, but 
' no data is downloaded because the snapshot already contains 
' all of the data from the first Compact database. 
syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
    New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, Nothing, "Sync"), _
    New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync"))
syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial")


以下完整程式碼範例包含了先前所描述的程式碼範例及其他程式碼,以便顯示同步處理統計資料及事件資訊。此範例需要 Utility 類別,詳情請參閱資料庫提供者公用程式類別的 HOW-TO 主題

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
using Microsoft.Synchronization;
using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data;
using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServer;
using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.Synchronization
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Create the connections over which provisioning and synchronization
            // are performed. The Utility class handles all functionality that is not
            // directly related to synchronization, such as holding connection 
            // string information and making changes to the server database.
            SqlConnection serverConn = new SqlConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlSync_Server);
            SqlConnection clientSqlConn = new SqlConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlSync_Client);
            SqlCeConnection clientSqlCe1Conn = new SqlCeConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync1);
            SqlCeConnection clientSqlCe2Conn = new SqlCeConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync2);

            // Create a scope named "filtered_customer", and add two tables to the scope.
            // GetDescriptionForTable gets the schema of each table, so that tracking 
            // tables and triggers can be created for that table. For Customer, we add
            // the entire table. For CustomerContact, we add only two of the columns.
            DbSyncScopeDescription scopeDesc = new DbSyncScopeDescription("filtered_customer");

            // Definition for Customer.
            DbSyncTableDescription customerDescription =
                SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.Customer", serverConn);


            // Definition for CustomerContact, including the list of columns to include.
            Collection<string> columnsToInclude = new Collection<string>();
            DbSyncTableDescription customerContactDescription =
                SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.CustomerContact", columnsToInclude, serverConn);


            // Create a provisioning object for "filtered_customer". We specify that
            // base tables should not be created (They already exist in SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer1),
            // and that all synchronization-related objects should be created in a 
            // database schema named "Sync". If you specify a schema, it must already exist
            // in the database.
            SqlSyncScopeProvisioning serverConfig = new SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(scopeDesc);
            serverConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync";

            // Specify which column(s) in the Customer table to use for filtering data, 
            // and the filtering clause to use against the tracking table.
            // "[side]" is an alias for the tracking table.
            serverConfig.Tables["Sales.Customer"].FilterClause = "[side].[CustomerType] = 'Retail'";

            // Configure the scope and change-tracking infrastructure.

            // Write the configuration script to a file. You can modify 
            // this script if necessary and run it against the server
            // to customize behavior.

            // Provision each of the client databases.           

            // Create a SQL Server Compact database and provision it based on scope
            // information that is retrieved from the server. Compact databases
            // do not support separate schemas, so we prefix the name of all 
            // synchronization-related objects with "Sync" so that they are easy to
            // identify.
            Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync1, true);
            Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync2, false);
            DbSyncScopeDescription clientSqlCe1Desc = SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", null, "Sync", serverConn);
            SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning clientSqlCe1Config = new SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlCe1Desc);
            clientSqlCe1Config.ObjectPrefix = "Sync";

            // Provision the existing database SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer2 based on scope
            // information that is retrieved from the SQL Server Compact database. We could
            // have also retrieved this information from the server.
            DbSyncScopeDescription clientSqlDesc = SqlCeSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", "Sync", clientSqlCe1Conn);
            SqlSyncScopeProvisioning clientSqlConfig = new SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlDesc);
            clientSqlConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync";

            // Initial synchronization sessions. 7 rows are synchronized:
            // all rows (4) from CustomerContact, and the 3 rows from Customer 
            // that satisfy the filtering criteria.
            SampleSyncOrchestrator syncOrchestrator;
            SyncOperationStatistics syncStats;

            // Data is downloaded from the server to the SQL Server client.
            syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
                new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, null, "Sync"),
                new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, null, "Sync")
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial");

            // Data is downloaded from the SQL Server client to the 
            // first SQL Server Compact client.
            syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
                new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync"),
                new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, null, "Sync")
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial");

            // Create a snapshot from the SQL Server Compact database, which will be used to
            // initialize a second Compact database. Again, this database could be provisioned
            // by retrieving scope information from another database, but we want to 
            // demonstrate the use of snapshots, which provide a convenient deployment
            // mechanism for Compact databases.
            SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization syncStoreSnapshot = new SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization("Sync");
            syncStoreSnapshot.GenerateSnapshot(clientSqlCe1Conn, "SyncSampleClient2.sdf");

            // The new SQL Server Compact client synchronizes with the server, but
            // no data is downloaded because the snapshot already contains 
            // all of the data from the first Compact database.
            syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
                new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, null, "Sync"),
                new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync")
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial");

            // Make changes on the server: 1 insert, 1 update, and 1 delete.
            Utility.MakeDataChangesOnNode(Utility.ConnStr_SqlSync_Server, "Customer");

            // Synchronize again. Three changes were made on the server, but
            // only two of them applied to rows that are in the "filtered_customer"
            // scope. The other row is not synchronized.
            // Notice that the order of synchronization is different from the initial
            // sessions, but the two changes are propagated to all nodes.
            syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
                new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync"),
                new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, null, "Sync")
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "subsequent");

            syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
                new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, null, "Sync"),
                new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync")
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "subsequent");

            syncOrchestrator = new SampleSyncOrchestrator(
                new SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync"),
                new SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, null, "Sync")
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize();
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "subsequent");



            Console.Write("\nPress any key to exit.");



    public class SampleSyncOrchestrator : SyncOrchestrator
        public SampleSyncOrchestrator(RelationalSyncProvider localProvider, RelationalSyncProvider remoteProvider)

            this.LocalProvider = localProvider;
            this.RemoteProvider = remoteProvider;
            this.Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.UploadAndDownload;

        public void DisplayStats(SyncOperationStatistics syncStatistics, string syncType)
            if (syncType == "initial")
                Console.WriteLine("****** Initial Synchronization ******");
            else if (syncType == "subsequent")
                Console.WriteLine("***** Subsequent Synchronization ****");

            Console.WriteLine("Start Time: " + syncStatistics.SyncStartTime);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Uploaded: " + syncStatistics.UploadChangesTotal);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Downloaded: " + syncStatistics.DownloadChangesTotal);
            Console.WriteLine("Complete Time: " + syncStatistics.SyncEndTime);
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization.Data
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServer
Imports Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe

Namespace Microsoft.Samples.Synchronization

    Class Program

        Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

            ' Create the connections over which provisioning and synchronization 
            ' are performed. The Utility class handles all functionality that is not 
            ' directly related to synchronization, such as holding connection 
            ' string information and making changes to the server database. 
            Dim serverConn As New SqlConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlSync_Server)
            Dim clientSqlConn As New SqlConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlSync_Client)
            Dim clientSqlCe1Conn As New SqlCeConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync1)
            Dim clientSqlCe2Conn As New SqlCeConnection(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync2)

            ' Create a scope named "filtered_customer", and add two tables to the scope. 
            ' GetDescriptionForTable gets the schema of each table, so that tracking 
            ' tables and triggers can be created for that table. For Customer, we add 
            ' the entire table. For CustomerContact, we add only two of the columns. 
            Dim scopeDesc As New DbSyncScopeDescription("filtered_customer")

            ' Definition for Customer. 
            Dim customerDescription As DbSyncTableDescription = _
                SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.Customer", serverConn)


            ' Definition for CustomerContact, including the list of columns to include. 
            Dim columnsToInclude As New Collection(Of String)()
            Dim customerContactDescription As DbSyncTableDescription = _
                SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForTable("Sales.CustomerContact", columnsToInclude, serverConn)


            ' Create a provisioning object for "filtered_customer". We specify that 
            ' base tables should not be created (They already exist in SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer1), 
            ' and that all synchronization-related objects should be created in a 
            ' database schema named "Sync". If you specify a schema, it must already exist 
            ' in the database. 
            Dim serverConfig As New SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(scopeDesc)
            serverConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync"

            ' Specify which column(s) in the Customer table to use for filtering data, 
            ' and the filtering clause to use against the tracking table. 
            ' "[side]" is an alias for the tracking table. 
            serverConfig.Tables("Sales.Customer").FilterClause = "[side].[CustomerType] = 'Retail'"

            ' Configure the scope and change-tracking infrastructure. 

            ' Write the configuration script to a file. You can modify 
            ' this script if necessary and run it against the server 
            ' to customize behavior. 
            File.WriteAllText("SampleConfigScript.txt", serverConfig.Script("SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer1"))

            ' Provision each of the client databases. 

            ' Create a SQL Server Compact database and provision it based on scope 
            ' information that is retrieved from the server. Compact databases 
            ' do not support separate schemas, so we prefix the name of all 
            ' synchronization-related objects with "Sync" so that they are easy to 
            ' identify. 
            Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync1, True)
            Utility.DeleteAndRecreateCompactDatabase(Utility.ConnStr_SqlCeSync2, False)
            Dim clientSqlCe1Desc As DbSyncScopeDescription = _
                SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", Nothing, "Sync", serverConn)
            Dim clientSqlCe1Config As New SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlCe1Desc)
            clientSqlCe1Config.ObjectPrefix = "Sync"

            ' Provision the existing database SyncSamplesDb_SqlPeer2 based on scope 
            ' information that is retrieved from the SQL Server Compact database. We could 
            ' have also retrieved this information from the server. 
            Dim clientSqlDesc As DbSyncScopeDescription = _
                SqlCeSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope("filtered_customer", "Sync", clientSqlCe1Conn)
            Dim clientSqlConfig As New SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(clientSqlDesc)
            clientSqlConfig.ObjectSchema = "Sync"

            ' Initial synchronization sessions. 7 rows are synchronized: 
            ' all rows (4) from CustomerContact, and the 3 rows from Customer 
            ' that satisfy the filtering criteria. 
            Dim syncOrchestrator As SampleSyncOrchestrator
            Dim syncStats As SyncOperationStatistics

            ' Data is downloaded from the server to the SQL Server client. 
            syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
                New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, Nothing, "Sync"), _
                New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, Nothing, "Sync"))
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial")

            ' Data is downloaded from the SQL Server client to the 
            ' first SQL Server Compact client. 
            syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
                New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync"), _
                New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, Nothing, "Sync"))
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial")

            ' Create a snapshot from the SQL Server Compact database, which will be used to 
            ' initialize a second Compact database. Again, this database could be provisioned 
            ' by retrieving scope information from another database, but we want to 
            ' demonstrate the use of snapshots, which provide a convenient deployment 
            ' mechanism for Compact databases. 
            Dim syncStoreSnapshot As New SqlCeSyncStoreSnapshotInitialization("Sync")
            syncStoreSnapshot.GenerateSnapshot(clientSqlCe1Conn, "SyncSampleClient2.sdf")

            ' The new SQL Server Compact client synchronizes with the server, but 
            ' no data is downloaded because the snapshot already contains 
            ' all of the data from the first Compact database. 
            syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
                New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, Nothing, "Sync"), _
                New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync"))
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "initial")

            ' Make changes on the server: 1 insert, 1 update, and 1 delete. 
            Utility.MakeDataChangesOnNode(Utility.ConnStr_SqlSync_Server, "Customer")

            ' Synchronize again. Three changes were made on the server, but 
            ' only two of them applied to rows that are in the "filtered_customer" 
            ' scope. The other row is not synchronized. 
            ' Notice that the order of synchronization is different from the initial 
            ' sessions, but the two changes are propagated to all nodes. 

            syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
                New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync"), _
                New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", serverConn, Nothing, "Sync"))
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "subsequent")

            syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
                New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, Nothing, "Sync"), _
                New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe1Conn, "Sync"))
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "subsequent")

            syncOrchestrator = New SampleSyncOrchestrator( _
                New SqlCeSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlCe2Conn, "Sync"), _
                New SqlSyncProvider("filtered_customer", clientSqlConn, Nothing, "Sync"))
            syncStats = syncOrchestrator.Synchronize()
            syncOrchestrator.DisplayStats(syncStats, "subsequent")



            Console.Write(vbLf & "Press any key to exit.")
        End Sub

    End Class

    Public Class SampleSyncOrchestrator
        Inherits SyncOrchestrator
        Public Sub New(ByVal localProvider As RelationalSyncProvider, ByVal remoteProvider As RelationalSyncProvider)

            Me.LocalProvider = localProvider
            Me.RemoteProvider = remoteProvider
            Me.Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.UploadAndDownload
        End Sub

        Public Sub DisplayStats(ByVal syncStatistics As SyncOperationStatistics, ByVal syncType As String)
            If syncType = "initial" Then
                Console.WriteLine("****** Initial Synchronization ******")
            ElseIf syncType = "subsequent" Then
                Console.WriteLine("***** Subsequent Synchronization ****")
            End If

            Console.WriteLine("Start Time: " & syncStatistics.SyncStartTime)
            Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Uploaded: " & syncStatistics.UploadChangesTotal)
            Console.WriteLine("Total Changes Downloaded: " & syncStatistics.DownloadChangesTotal)
            Console.WriteLine("Complete Time: " & syncStatistics.SyncEndTime)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


