
Configuration Manager Data Discovery Record (DDR) Message XML

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Configuration Manager 2007, a data discovery record (DDR) manager message is used to pass a client data discovery report to the data discovery manager endpoint.

Input Message XML

The following input XML describes the input message XML for a DDR message.































            </WMIClass >




The DDR endpoint XML schema is split into two parts: a header and a body. The header contains information that identifies the client and other report details. The body contains the actual report data. The body is constructed from one or more Instance elements. Each instance represents a discovery property. An instance contains an element with the same logical name as the reported Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class, which itself contains one or more elements containing property data. The property data names are used to create the DDR and correspond with the logical defined property names for the corresponding resource type ( sms_r_system, sms_r_user or sms_r_usergroup) reported properties.

The literal text value of the property name does not necessarily match the equivalent DDR or WMI literal text value. It does match logically, however. For example, "MACAddress" matches in meaning but not in literal string value with "MAC Address" in the DDR or with "MACAddresses" in SMS_R_System.

The element data is the textual representation of the property value. (Element name WMIClass is used in this documentation to represent the resource). The resource name is the same as that found in the SMS Provider within sms_r_system, sms_r_user or sms_r_usergroup.

Output Message XML

There is no XML returned.


You use ISmsMessaging::Post Method to pass the message to the data discovery record manager endpoint, MP_DdrEndpoint. You set the target endpoint with ISmsMessage::SetTargetEndpoint Method.

The report header is passed in **Post.**pRequest parameter. The report body is passed by using ISmsMessageAttachment Interface. The report body attachment must be named {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003}.

The following security flags can be applied to the message:

Security Mode Required Optional









Use ISmsMessage4::SetSecurityFlags Method to set the security flags for the message.

For information about MPAPI security flags, see MPAPI_SECURITY_FLAGS Enumeration.

See Also


Configuration Manager Management Point Interface
Configuration Manager Management Point Message Schema