
About Configuration Manager Errors

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, when a Configuration Manager 2007 error occurs it is either a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) or a SMS Provider error.

A WMI error is reported in an instance of __ExtendedStatus. An SMS Provider error is reported in an instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus.

How you process an error depends on the programming language that you are using.

Error Handling with WMI

In VBScript the error object Number property is non-zero if an error occurs during synchronous operation. Typically, you check this value after making changes to, or querying, the SMS Provider. In an asynchronous operation you receive an error object of the OnCompleted callback function.

After you get the error object instance, you can check the __Class property to determine the origin of the error. WMI creates an instance of __ExtendedStatus for WMI errors, and the SMS Provider creates an instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus for SMS Provider errors. SMS_ExtendedStatus is derived from __ExtendedStatus. The details of an SMS Provider error can also be found in SMSProv.log.

For more information see, How to Handle Configuration Manager Synchronous Errors by Using WMI.

How to Handle Configuration Manager Asynchronous Errors by Using WMI.

Error Handling with the Managed SMS Provider

To handle Configuration Manager errors by using the managed SMS Provider, you catch the Configuration Manager-specific exceptions.

Exception Description


SmsQueryException is raised when a Configuration Manager query error occurs. It provides exception information specific to Configuration Manager (SMS_ExtendedStatus) and also encapsulates any WMI exceptions raised.

SmsQueryException.ErrorCode maps to the equivalent System.ManagementException exception code.

SmsQueryException.ExtendStatusCode maps to the SMS Provider error code raised in SMS_ExtendedStatus.ErrorCode.


SmsConnectionException is raised when the connection to WMI is lost.


SmsException is the base class from which SmsQueryException and SmsConnectionException derive. It is never raised but can be caught to catch both SmsQueryException and SmsConnectionException.

Accessing the __ExtendedStatus and the SMS_ExtendedStatus objects

Because the __ExtendedStatus and SMS_ExtendedStatus are not wrapped by the managed SMS Provider, you must use the System.Management ManagedException object.

If you do not need access to the error WMI objects, you can get access to an exception details string in SMSException.Details.

For more information about handling synchronous exceptions, see How to Handle Configuration Manager Synchronous Errors by Using Managed Code.

For more information about handling asynchronous exceptions, see How to Handle Configuration Manager Asynchronous Errors by Using Managed Code.

See Also


Configuration Manager Errors
Configuration Manager Objects
How to Handle Configuration Manager Synchronous Errors by Using WMI
How to Handle Configuration Manager Asynchronous Errors by Using WMI
How to Handle Configuration Manager Asynchronous Errors by Using Managed Code
How to Handle Configuration Manager Synchronous Errors by Using Managed Code