
Performance Report Knowledge

適用於: Operations Manager 2007 R2

The Performance report shows selected objects and performance counter values graphically over time.


The Performance report offers adding one or multiple charts and display data as a historical chart or as histograms. This report uses hourly or daily aggregated data. For the selected time range, the report shows performance data with charts and a data table.


Parameter Description

Data Aggregation

Report can be run using the hourly or daily aggregations of data.

Date/Time Selection

Defines a time period for the report with relative or fixed dates.

Business hours

Defines a business hours time range and the weekdays it applies to. If business hours are defined, this report only reports within this range. Business hours only works if hourly aggregation is selected.

Object Picker

Enables you to specify a group or set of objects for which to show alerts.

When using the object picker, selecting Add Group will return the group and all objects it contains. Add Object returns only the selected object.


Specifies the values used for the x-axis of the report.

3D Chart

Specifies whether the report is shown in a flat or a 3D image.


Most performance counters are targeted at the Windows operating system, so when using the object picker, select an object of class Windows Operating System. If you select Windows Computer, performance information will only be shown if you use Add Group.

Sample Usage

You can run the following reports.

  • Report on a single performance counter. After adding a chart and a series, you can select one performance counter (or performance counter rule) and the object to report on. You can choose the color, style, and scale for each series. The up and down buttons on the right side of the control enable you to control the z-order, which defines an order from front to back in the chart. This is used to avoid overlaying a line chart chosen for one series with the area chart chosen for a different series in the same chart.

  • Report on an average value across a group of objects. If more than one object is added to a series, the same performance data is averaged across all objects. This enables you to create a chart that shows an average of free database space across a number of servers hosting a particular database. You can drill down to the Performance detail report by clicking a link in Actions – the details report shows an averaged series and displays individual charts for every contained object.

  • Report on multiple counters for a similar subject. To analyze memory performance, a number of performance counters need to be compared. By using multiple series with different styles and colors, you can tune the analysis with different scales and z-ordering. For example, you can use an area chart for performance data indicating load and order it in the back and use line charts for the user activity indicating counters and order those toward the front. Using the Histogram parameter, a report configured in this way can be used to understand the effect that user load results have on system load during a specific time of the day or on a specific day in the month. After a report is rendered, you can save all configuration setting using a friendly name to Favorite Reports.