
執行 System Center 2012 R2-DPM 的自動安裝


您可以執行 DPM 2012 R2 的自動安裝,如下所示:

  1. 建立 DPMSetup.ini 檔案,並將它放在您要安裝 DPM 2012 R2 的伺服器上。 您可以在 [記事本] 或其他文字編輯器中建立檔案。

  2. 將下列內容貼至檔案。 完成時,將檔案儲存為 DPMSetup.ini。 請注意:

    • 您需要使用您自己環境的值來取代 <> 中的文字。

    • 以雜湊 (#) 開頭的行會被標記為註解,且 DPM 安裝程式將會使用預設值。 如果您想要指定值,請將此值輸入並移除 # 符號。

    • 無論 SQL Server 執行個體是安裝在 DPM 伺服器或遠端伺服器上,您將使用相同的指令碼。

    UserName = <A user with credentials to install DPM>
    CompanyName = <Name of your company>
    ProductKey = <The 25-character DPM product key in the format xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx>
    # SqlAccountPassword = <The password to the DPM$ account>
    # StandardAgentLicenses = <No. of standard agent licenses you have purchased>
    # EnterpriseAgentLicenses = <No. of enterprise agent licenses you have purchased>
    # ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager
    # DatabaseFiles = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\DPMDB
    # IntegratedInstallSource = <Location of the DPM setup files>
    # ---For using a remote SQL Server instance ---
    # YukonMachineName = <Name of the SQL Server computer> OR <SQL Cluster Name>
    # YukonInstanceName = <Name of the instance of SQL Server that Setup must use>
    # YukonMachineUserName = <User name that Setup must user>
    # YukonMachinePassword = <Password for the user name Setup must use>
    # YukonMachineDomainName = <Domain to which the SQL Server computer is attached>
    # ---For using a reporting SQL Server instance in case of DPMDB in SQL Cluster ---
    # ReportingMachineName = <Name of the SQL Server computer>
    # ReportingInstanceName = <Name of the instance of SQL Server that Setup must use>
    # ReportingMachineUserName = <User name that Setup must user>
    # ReportingMachinePassword = <Password for the user name Setup must use>
    # ReportingMachineDomainName = <Domain to which the SQL Server computer is attached>
  3. 儲存檔案後,在安裝伺服器上提升權限的命令提示字元中,輸入:start /wait [media location]\setup.exe /i /f <path>\DPMSetup.ini /l <path>\dpmlog.txt。 [media location] 代表您將執行 setup.exe 的位置。 <path> 代表 .ini 檔案的位置。