


發行︰ 2016年3月

適用於: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager、System Center 2012 - Operations Manager、System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

<_caps3a_sxs _xmlns3a_caps="https://schemas.microsoft.com/build/caps/2013/11"><_caps3a_sxstarget locale="zh-TW">Operations Manager 中每個監視和規則的開頭都是資料來源,其定義從中取得要評估或收集之資料的地方。 當您定義規則或監視時,第一個要做的決定就是將使用的資料來源。 回答此問題最直接的方式就是判斷要收集或指示要偵測之條件的資訊位於何處。例如,當特定錯誤發生時,應用程式可能會在 Windows 事件記錄檔中建立事件。 您可以建立監看此特定事件並在偵測到時產生警示的規則。 如果無法透過事件、記錄檔或效能計數器偵測事件,則可能需要定期執行指令碼來擷取所需的資訊。監視和規則可使用同一組資料來源,如下表所示。類型資料來源說明Event Monitors and Rules Windows Events 事件記錄檔中符合指定準則的事件。Text Logs 一行表示一個項目的文字記錄檔。WMI Events 由 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 建立的事件。SNMP Events 傳送自 SNMP 裝置的陷阱。Syslog Events 來自 Unix 系統和其他裝置的事件。Performance Monitors and Rules Windows Performance 監視閾值或從 Windows 收集效能值。WMI Performance 監視閾值或從 WMI 查詢收集效能值。Script Monitors and Rules Script Monitors 監視依排程執行的指令碼傳回的值。Script Collection Rules 從依排程執行的指令碼收集事件或效能資料。<_caps3a_sxssource locale="en-US">Monitors and rules in Operations Manager each start with a data source which defines where it will get the data to evaluate or collect. The first decision to make when you are defining a rule or monitor is the data source that it will use. The most straightforward method to answer this question is to determine where the information is that you want to collect or that indicates the condition you want to detect.For example, an application may create an event in the Windows Event Log when a particular error occurs. You could create a rule that watches for this particular event and generates an alert when it detects one. If detection of the event is not possible through an event, a log, or a performance counter, then you may need to run a script on a periodic basis to retrieve the required information.The same set of data sources is available for both monitors and rules as shown in the table below.TypeData SourceDescriptionEvent Monitors and Rules Windows Events Events in the Windows event log matching specified criteria.Text Logs Text log file that has a single line per entry.WMI Events Events created by Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).SNMP Events Traps sent from an SNMP device.Syslog Events Events from Unix systems and other devices.Performance Monitors and Rules Windows Performance Monitor a threshold or collect a performance value from Windows.WMI Performance Monitor a threshold or collect a performance value from a WMI query.Script Monitors and Rules Script Monitors Monitor a value from a script that runs on a schedule.Script Collection Rules Collect events or performance data from a script that runs on a schedule.