
Creating reports

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

This topic describes how to create reports in Forefront TMG. Creating reports involves the following process:

  1. Create a report or a report job—Use one of the available wizards to create a report or report job. Each wizard allows you to do the following:

    1. Configure the report frequency (if it’s a recurring report job), the period that the report covers, and the report categories to be included.

    2. Configure the report or report job to be sent via e-mail, or published to a file share on the file system.

  2. Generate the report—The reports and report jobs that you create appear in the details pane of the Reporting tab. Report generation works as follows:

    1. For one-time or user activity reports, right-click the report job and select Generate and View Report. Forefront TMG creates the report’s HTML page and opens it in the server’s browser.


      The user activity report is a new report that is included in Forefront TMG SP1.

    2. For recurring reports, Forefront TMG generates these reports automatically, although you can initiate a report generation manually when you require it.

For an overview of Forefront TMG reporting, see Planning for reporting.

To create a report

  1. In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click the Logs & Reports node.

  2. In the details pane, click the Reporting tab.

  3. In the Tasks pane, click the report type that you want to create.

  4. Type a name for the report. The report you create will be saved on the details pane of the Reporting tab, where you can edit its properties and manually initiate a report.

  5. Do one of the following according to the report type:

    • One-time report—On the Report Period page, specify the number of days you want to include in the report. The maximum number of days is 60.

    • Recurring report job—On the Recurring Report Job Scheduling page, specify how often and when the job will run.

    • User activity report—On the Report Details page, select the report period from the list, and type the usernames or IP addresses that you want to include in the report.

    • Site activity report—On the Report Details page, select the report period from the list, type the number of users to include and the number of sites to include for each user, and type the suffix of the site name that you want to include in the report, without wildcards. For example, to create a report on all the sites in the contoso domain, type the site name contoso.com.

  6. If you want to modify the default parameters of the report, do the following:

    1. On the Report Content page, click the report category that you want to modify, and then click Edit Report Details.

    2. Select a report subcategory from the Subcategory list, then click the Parameter Value and adjust the value as required.

    3. In some report subcategories you can modify the order in which the data is displayed. To do this, under Sort Order, select the parameter value to be used for sorting the data in the report.

  7. (Optional). On the Send E-mail notification page, enable Send e-mail notification for completed reports and configure how you want to send such notifications.

  8. If you want to be able to view this report without opening the Forefront TMG Management console, configure Forefront TMG to publish reports on the Report Publishing page.


    • If you select e-mail notification, or if you are creating a recurring report job, report publishing is required.

    • If the published reports directory is on a different computer, click Set Account, and enter the credentials that will be used by the reporting engine for publishing. These credentials should have write permissions in the specified folder.

  9. Complete the wizard, and then click Finish. On the Apply Changes bar, click Apply.

Next Steps

The next step in configuring reports is to generate and view a report. For instructions, see Viewing reports.


Configuring Forefront TMG reports
Planning for reporting