
Overriding URL categorization

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

You can change the URL categorization of a URL or IP address by creating a URL category override. The following procedures describe how to create a URL category override for a specific array, or for all the arrays in an enterprise:

  • Adding a URL category override for an array

  • Adding a URL category override for the enterprise


The following is true for both procedures:

  • Each URL must include a host name and a path, and may include a query string and escaped characters (such as “%20” to represent a space).

  • Do not include a protocol (such as https://) with the URL.

  • Forefront TMG does not support the use of Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) URLs.

  • The URLs www.mycompany.com/homepage and www.mycompany/homepage/ are considered to be the same URL; the final closing slash does not affect URL categorization.


Changing URL categorization on the enterprise level is a new feature in Forefront TMG 2010 SP1.

Adding a URL category override for an array

  1. In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click Web Access Policy.

  2. In the Tasks pane, click Configure URL Category Overrides.

  3. On the URL Category Override tab, click Add.

  4. Under Override the default URL category for this URL pattern, type a URL pattern in the format www.contoso.com/\*.

  5. Under Move the URL pattern to this URL Category, select a new URL category.

  6. Click OK. The URL Categories Override dialog closes. Click OK again and then on the Apply Changes bar, click Apply.

Adding a URL category override for the enterprise

  1. In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click the Enterprise node.


    This feature is available for Forefront TMG 2010 SP1 on Enterprise Management Systems only.

  2. In the Tasks pane, click Configure URL Category Overrides.

  3. To add a new URL category override, click Add, and type a URL pattern in the format www.contoso.com/\*.

  4. Under Move the URL pattern to this URL Category, select a new URL category.

  5. Click OK. The URL Categories Override dialog closes. Click OK again and then on the Apply Changes bar, click Apply.


Array level overrides take precedence over enterprise level overrides.


Managing URL filtering