
Activate Event

Occurs when a Form, FormSet, Project, or Page object becomes active or when a Toolbar object is shown.

PROCEDURE Object.Activate


Triggers for this event depend on the type of object:

  • A FormSet object is activated when a form in the form set receives the focus or when the Show method for the form set is called.
  • A Form object is activated by a user action, such as clicking a form or a control or when the Show method for the Form object is called.
  • A Page object is activated by user action, such as clicking the tab of the page or clicking a control contained in the page, or if the ActivePage property of the page frame containing it is set to the page's number.
  • A ToolBar object is activated when the Show method for the ToolBar is called.
  • A ProjectHook is activated by a user action, such as clicking on the Project window, or by a command such as ACTIVATE WINDOW <project>.

If you use the Show method for a form set, all forms with their Visible property set to true (.T.) are shown. The Activate event is triggered first for the form set, then for the form, and then for the page.

See Also

ActivePage Property | Deactivate Event | GotFocus Event | LostFocus Event | SetFocus Method | Show Method | Visible Property | Form Object | FormSet Object | Page Object | ToolBar Object | ProjectHook Object