
EditorOptions Property

This application object property specifies the Visual FoxPro Editor options to be enabled.

_VFP.EditorOptions [= cOptionString]


  • cOptionString
    Specifies the options to be enabled or disabled.


By default Visual FoxPro enables Auto IntelliSense. To disable the auto activation while maintaining IntelliSense functionality through keyboard shortcuts or menu items, use lowercase instead of uppercase as in the following example:

_VFP.EditorOptions = "lq"   && Disables AUTO IntelliSense. 
_VFP.EditorOptions = "LQ"    && Enables Auto IntelliSense
                           && Continues or enables IntelliSense

The following table describes valid values to place in cOptionString:

Editor option Key Default Runtime
List Members l Off No
Quick Info q Off No
Auto List Members L On No
Auto Quick Info Q On No
Enable Hyperlinks (CTRL + Click to follow the link) K On Yes
Enable Hyperlinks (Click to follow the link) k Off Yes
DragDrop Between Words W Off No
Designer Value Tips T On No

You can disable all IntelliSense functionality by setting .EditorOptions to the empty string. "". The default settings are "LQKT".

_VFP.EditorOptions = "LQ"   && enables Auto List Members 
                           && and Auto Quick Info

See Also

Visual FoxPro IDE Enhancements | EDITSOURCE( ) Function | Setting Editor Options

Applies To: Application Object | _VFP System Variable