

Opens the Project Manager so you can modify or create a project file.



  • FileName
    Specifies the file name for the project. If you don't specify an extension for the file name, Visual FoxPro automatically assigns a .pjx extension.

  • ?
    Displays the Open dialog box, from which you can open an existing project file or enter the name of a new project to create.

    Explicitly opens the Project Manager in the main Visual FoxPro window, after it has been placed in a parent window. The Project Manager is placed in a parent window by including the IN WINDOW clause.

    Continues program execution after the Project Manager is opened. The program doesn't wait for the Project Manager to be closed, but continues execution on the program line immediately following the line that contains MODIFY PROJECT NOWAIT. If you omit NOWAIT when MODIFY PROJECT is issued in a program, the Project Manager is opened and program execution pauses until the Project Manager is closed.

    NOWAIT is effective only from within a program. It has no effect on MODIFY PROJECT when issued from the Command window.

  • SAVE
    Leaves the Project Manager open after another window is activated. If you omit SAVE, the Project Manager is closed when another window is activated. Including SAVE has no effect when issued from the Command window.

    Specifies that the Project Manager is hidden (its Visible property is set to false (.F.)) when it is opened. To display the Project Manager, set the Project Manager's Visible property to true (.T.). NOSHOW makes it possible for you to manipulate a project before displaying it in the Project Manager. Note that to avoid confusion with the NOSHADOW keyword, you cannot abbreviate NOSHOW to less than five characters.

    Specifies that a ProjectHook object isn't created when the Project Manager is opened. Include NOPROJECTHOOK for projects that will not be manipulated programmatically through the Project Manager hooks. Note that a Project object is still created whenever a project file (.pjx) is opened.


In a project, you specify all the source files that are required for a final application, and then Visual FoxPro makes sure the generated application is based on the latest source files.

A project file is a table that keeps track of all the source files such as programs, forms, menus, libraries, reports, labels, tables, indexes, and format files. A project also keeps track of all the dependencies, references, and connections among the files.

Note   Shared libraries (.fll, .mlb, .dll, and CFM files) cannot be included in projects.

A project file has a .pjx file name extension and an associated memo file with a .pjt extension.

Issuing MODIFY PROJECT without any arguments displays the Open dialog box.

For information on the Project Manager, see Compiling an Application.

See Also