

本主題將說明 MetadataWorkspace 類別 (Class) 的進階用法,以擷取 Entity Data Model (EDM) 內的中繼資料資訊。為了要進行這項處理,您必須先建立 MetadataWorkspace 類別的新執行個體。然後,您必須向該中繼資料工作空間註冊項目集合。

項目集合會負責載入中繼資料,並透過中繼資料工作空間來使用該中繼資料。如需項目集合的詳細資訊,請參閱項目集合 (中繼資料)

System.Data.Metadata.Edm 命名空間提供了 RegisterItemCollection 方法,可向中繼資料工作空間註冊項目集合。

RegisterItemCollection 方法會確定每一個模型只註冊單一個項目集合。每一個項目集合都要負責載入有關特定模型的中繼資料。如需使用 ADO.NET 實體架構 之一般應用程式中模型的詳細資訊,請參閱 中繼資料工作空間概觀

本文件的程式碼範例會建立 MetadataWorkspace 類別的新執行個體 (Instance)。接下來,此程式碼範例會建立及註冊 EdmItemCollection 類別的新執行個體來載入有關概念 (.csdl) 模型的中繼資料,並建立及註冊 StoreItemCollection 類別的新執行個體來載入有關儲存 (.ssdl) 模型的中繼資料。


此程式碼範例會使用 CSpaceSSpace 指定模型。CSpace 代表概念模型的預設名稱。SSpace 代表儲存體模型的預設名稱。

若要執行以下程式碼範例,您的資料夾必須包含概念 (.csdl)、儲存 (.ssdl) 和對應 (.msl) 結構描述檔案。您也必須使用對應結構描述檔案的名稱來設定 FileName 輸入參數。此範例會使用 AdventureWorks 完整模型 (EDM) 中所定義的 AdventureWorks 模型。

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;

class AdvancedGetTypeExample
  // The data folder contains the EDM schemas such as 
  // conceptual schema file (.csdl),  
  // the storage schema file (.ssdl), 
  // and the mapping file (.msl).
  private const string 
    PathToDataFolder = @"..\..\..\..\Adventureworks\Adventureworks";

  private const string
    ConnectionString = @"server=serverName;database=Adventureworks;Integrated Security=true";

  static void Main()
       // Construct a new instance of the metadata workspace.
       MetadataWorkspace workspace = new MetadataWorkspace();

       // Create a new item collection with the specified 
       // connection and the folder info 
       // where the entity data model (EDM) schemas exist.
       EdmItemCollection edmCollection =
              new EdmItemCollection(PathToDataFolder);

       // Register the item collection with the metadata workspace.

       // Create a new item collection with the specified 
       // connection and the folder info 
       // where the entity data model (EDM) schemas exist.
       // SqlConnection object is used to supply the types to 
       // the StoreItemCollection. 
       StoreItemCollection storeCollection =
                new StoreItemCollection(PathToDataFolder);

       // Register the item collection with the metadata workspace.

       // Get items from the conceptual model.
       GetItemsFromModel(workspace, DataSpace.CSpace);

       // Get items from the storage model.
       GetItemsFromModel(workspace, DataSpace.SSpace);
     catch (MetadataException exceptionMetadata)
        Console.WriteLine("MetadataException: {0}", 
     catch (System.Data.MappingException exceptionMapping)
        Console.WriteLine("MappingException: {0}",

  public static void GetItemsFromModel
    (MetadataWorkspace workspace, DataSpace model)
    Console.WriteLine("Display items at the {0} model",
    // An EdmType class is the base class for the classes that 
    // represent types in the Entity Data Model (EDM).
    ReadOnlyCollection<EdmType> types =

    // For the conceptual model (DataSpace.CSpace):
    // This collection contains all types defined in .csdl file and 
    // also 
    // the canonical functions and primitive types defined 
    // in the Entity Data Model (EDM).
    // For the storage model (DataSpace.SSpace):
    // This collection contains all types defined in .ssdl file 
    // and also
    // all SQL Server primitive types and functions.

    // Iterate through the collection to get each type.
    foreach (EdmType item in types)
       Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Type in Model: {1} ",
               item.GetType().FullName, item.FullName);
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports System.Data.Metadata.Edm

Class AdvancedGetTypeExample
   ' The data folder contains the EDM schemas such as 
   ' conceptual schema file (.csdl),  
   ' the storage schema file (.ssdl), 
   ' and the mapping file (.msl).
   Private Const PathToDataFolder As String = _

   Private Const ConnectionString As String = _
    "server=serverName;database=Adventureworks;Integrated Security=true"

  Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Construct a new instance of the metadata workspace.
      Dim workspace As MetadataWorkspace = New MetadataWorkspace()

      ' Create a new item collection with the specified 
      ' connection and the folder info 
      ' where the entity data model (EDM) schemas exist.
      Dim edmCollection As New EdmItemCollection(PathToDataFolder)

      ' Register the item collection with the metadata workspace.

      ' Create a new item collection with the specified 
      ' connection and the folder info 
      ' where the entity data model (EDM) schemas exist.
      ' SqlConnection object is used to supply the types to 
      ' the StoreItemCollection. 
      Dim storeCollection As New StoreItemCollection(PathToDataFolder)

      ' Register the item collection with the metadata workspace.

      ' Get items from the conceptual model.
      GetItemsFromModel(workspace, DataSpace.CSpace)

      ' Get items from the storage model.
      GetItemsFromModel(workspace, DataSpace.SSpace)
    Catch exceptionMetadata As MetadataException
      Console.WriteLine("MetadataException: {0}", _
    Catch exceptionMapping As MappingException
      Console.WriteLine("MappingException: {0}", _
    End Try
  End Sub

  Public Shared Sub GetItemsFromModel( _
       ByVal workspace As MetadataWorkspace, _
       ByVal model As DataSpace)
    Console.WriteLine("Display items at the {0} model", model.ToString)

    ' An EdmType class is the base class for the classes that 
    ' represent types in the Entity Data Model (EDM).
    Dim types As ReadOnlyCollection(Of EdmType) = _
                 workspace.GetItems(Of EdmType)(model)

    ' For the conceptual model (DataSpace.CSpace):
    ' This collection contains all types defined in .csdl file and also 
    ' the canonical functions and primitive types defined 
    ' in the Entity Data Model (EDM).
    ' For the storage model (DataSpace.SSpace):
    ' This collection contains all types defined in .ssdl file and also
    ' all SQL Server primitive types and functions.

    ' Iterate through the collection to get each type.
    Dim item As EdmType
    For Each item In types
      Console.WriteLine( _
            "Type: {0}, Type in Model: {1} ", _
             item.GetType.FullName, item.FullName)
  End Sub
End Class


