
HOW TO:查詢物件集合 (C# 程式設計手冊)

更新:2007 年 11 月

這個範例顯示如何針對 Student 物件清單執行簡單查詢。每個 Student 物件都包含一些學生的基本資訊,以及一份代表學生四次考試分數的清單。

這個應用程式是本節中其他使用相同 students 資料來源的許多範例的架構。


下列查詢會傳回第一次考試分數高於 85 分的學生。

public class StudentClass
    #region data
    protected enum GradeLevel { FirstYear = 1, SecondYear, ThirdYear, FourthYear };
    protected class Student
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public GradeLevel Year;
        public List<int> ExamScores;

    protected static List<Student> students = new List<Student>
        new Student {FirstName = "Terry", LastName = "Adams", ID = 120, Year = GradeLevel.SecondYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 99, 82, 81, 79}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Fadi", LastName = "Fakhouri", ID = 116, Year = GradeLevel.ThirdYear,ExamScores = new List<int>{ 99, 86, 90, 94}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Hanying", LastName = "Feng", ID = 117, Year = GradeLevel.FirstYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 93, 92, 80, 87}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Cesar", LastName = "Garcia", ID = 114, Year = GradeLevel.FourthYear,ExamScores = new List<int>{ 97, 89, 85, 82}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Debra", LastName = "Garcia", ID = 115, Year = GradeLevel.ThirdYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 35, 72, 91, 70}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Hugo", LastName = "Garcia", ID = 118, Year = GradeLevel.SecondYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 92, 90, 83, 78}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Sven", LastName = "Mortensen", ID = 113, Year = GradeLevel.FirstYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 88, 94, 65, 91}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Claire", LastName = "O'Donnell", ID = 112, Year = GradeLevel.FourthYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 75, 84, 91, 39}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Svetlana", LastName = "Omelchenko", ID = 111, Year = GradeLevel.SecondYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 97, 92, 81, 60}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Lance", LastName = "Tucker", ID = 119, Year = GradeLevel.ThirdYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 68, 79, 88, 92}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Michael", LastName = "Tucker", ID = 122, Year = GradeLevel.FirstYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 94, 92, 91, 91}},
        new Student {FirstName = "Eugene", LastName = "Zabokritski", ID = 121, Year = GradeLevel.FourthYear, ExamScores = new List<int>{ 96, 85, 91, 60}}

    //Helper method
    protected static int GetPercentile(Student s)
        double avg = s.ExamScores.Average();
        return avg > 0 ? (int)avg / 10 : 0;

    public void QueryHighScores(int exam, int score)
        var highScores = from student in students
                         where student.ExamScores[exam] > score
                         select new {Name = student.FirstName, Score = student.ExamScores[exam]};

        foreach (var item in highScores)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1}", item.Name, item.Score);

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        StudentClass sc = new StudentClass();
        sc.QueryHighScores(1, 90);

        // Keep the console window open in debug mode
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

這個查詢故意設計的如此簡單,好讓您可以自行學習。例如,您可以在 where 子句中嘗試其他述詞 (Predicate),或使用 orderby 子句來排序結果。


  • 建立以 .NET Framework 3.5 版為目標的 Visual Studio 專案。根據預設,專案有 System.Core.dll 的參考,以及 System.Linq 命名空間 (Namespace) 的 using 指示詞。

  • 將程式碼複製至您的專案中。

  • 按 F5 編譯和執行程式。

  • 按任何鍵離開主控台視窗。



LINQ 查詢運算式 (C# 程式設計手冊)