

更新:2007 年 11 月


本逐步解說會說明如何建立實作事件架構非同步模式的元件。此元件的實作,是使用 System.ComponentModel 命名空間中的 Helper 類別來進行的。如此可確定元件會在任何應用程式模型 (包括 ASP.NET、主控台應用程式和 Windows Form 應用程式) 底下,正確地進行運作。運用 PropertyGrid 控制項和您自己的自訂控制項,也都能夠設計這個元件。

在完成時,您就會擁有能以非同步方式計算質數值的一個應用程式。您的應用程式將會具有一個主使用者介面 (UI) 執行緒,以及用於每次質數計算的另一個執行緒。儘管測試大型數字是否為質數需要一些時間,主 UI 執行緒依然不會被這項延遲中斷,而且在進行計算時,表單也會有回應的能力。您將能夠盡量執行並行計算,並能選擇性地取消擱置的計算。


  • 建立元件

  • 定義公用非同步事件和委派 (Delegate)

  • 定義私用委派

  • 實作公用事件

  • 實作 Completion 方法

  • 實作 Worker 方法

  • 實作 Start 和 Cancel 方法

若要將此主題中的程式碼複製為一份清單,請參閱 HOW TO:實作支援事件架構非同步模式的元件




  • 建立繼承自 Component、稱為 PrimeNumberCalculator 的類別。


元件會使用事件來與用戶端通訊。MethodNameCompleted 事件會向用戶端警示非同步工作的完成,而 MethodNameProgressChanged 事件則會向用戶端通知非同步工作的進度。


  1. 在檔案的頂端,匯入 System.ThreadingSystem.Collections.Specialized 命名空間。

    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections
    Imports System.Collections.Specialized
    Imports System.ComponentModel
    Imports System.Drawing
    Imports System.Globalization
    Imports System.Threading
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    import System.*;
    import System.Collections.*;
    import System.Collections.Specialized.*;
    import System.ComponentModel.*;
    import System.Data.*;
    import System.Drawing.*;
    import System.Threading.*;
    import System.Windows.Forms.*;
  2. 在 PrimeNumberCalculator 類別定義之前,宣告進度和完成事件的委派。

    Public Delegate Sub ProgressChangedEventHandler( _
        ByVal e As ProgressChangedEventArgs)
    Public Delegate Sub CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler( _
        ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs)
    public delegate void ProgressChangedEventHandler(
        ProgressChangedEventArgs e);
    public delegate void CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler(
        object sender,
        CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e);
    public delegate void ProgressChangedEventHandler(ProgressChangedEventArgs e);
    /** @delegate 
    public delegate void CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler(Object sender, 
        CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e);
  3. 在 PrimeNumberCalculator 類別定義中,宣告事件以對用戶端報告進度和完成。

    Public Event ProgressChanged _
        As ProgressChangedEventHandler
    Public Event CalculatePrimeCompleted _
        As CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler
    public event ProgressChangedEventHandler ProgressChanged;
    public event CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler CalculatePrimeCompleted;
    public ProgressChangedEventHandler progressChanged = null;
    /** @event 
    public void add_ProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventHandler p)
        progressChanged =(ProgressChangedEventHandler)System.Delegate.
            Combine(progressChanged, p);
    /** @event 
    public void remove_ProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventHandler p)
        progressChanged =(ProgressChangedEventHandler)System.Delegate.
            Remove(progressChanged, p);
    public CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler calculatePrimeCompleted = null;
    /** @event 
    public void add_CalculatePrimeCompleted(CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler p)
        calculatePrimeCompleted =(CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler)
            System.Delegate.Combine(calculatePrimeCompleted, p);
    /** @event 
    public void remove_CalculatePrimeCompleted(
        CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler p)
        calculatePrimeCompleted =(CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler)
            System.Delegate.Remove(calculatePrimeCompleted, p);
  4. 在 PrimeNumberCalculator 類別定義之後,衍生 CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs 類別,以便將每次計算的結果,都報告到 CalculatePrimeCompleted 事件的用戶端事件處理常式。除了 AsyncCompletedEventArgs 屬性,這個類別還讓用戶端能夠決定要測試何種數值、該數值是否為質數,以及該數值不為質數時所具有的第一個除數。

    Public Class CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs
        Inherits AsyncCompletedEventArgs
        Private numberToTestValue As Integer = 0
        Private firstDivisorValue As Integer = 1
        Private isPrimeValue As Boolean
        Public Sub New( _
        ByVal numberToTest As Integer, _
        ByVal firstDivisor As Integer, _
        ByVal isPrime As Boolean, _
        ByVal e As Exception, _
        ByVal canceled As Boolean, _
        ByVal state As Object)
            MyBase.New(e, canceled, state)
            Me.numberToTestValue = numberToTest
            Me.firstDivisorValue = firstDivisor
            Me.isPrimeValue = isPrime
        End Sub
        Public ReadOnly Property NumberToTest() As Integer
                ' Raise an exception if the operation failed 
                ' or was canceled.
                ' If the operation was successful, return 
                ' the property value.
                Return numberToTestValue
            End Get
        End Property
        Public ReadOnly Property FirstDivisor() As Integer
                ' Raise an exception if the operation failed 
                ' or was canceled.
                ' If the operation was successful, return 
                ' the property value.
                Return firstDivisorValue
            End Get
        End Property
        Public ReadOnly Property IsPrime() As Boolean
                ' Raise an exception if the operation failed 
                ' or was canceled.
                ' If the operation was successful, return 
                ' the property value.
                Return isPrimeValue
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class
    public class CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs :
        private int numberToTestValue = 0;
        private int firstDivisorValue = 1;
        private bool isPrimeValue;
        public CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs(
            int numberToTest,
            int firstDivisor,
            bool isPrime,
            Exception e,
            bool canceled,
            object state) : base(e, canceled, state)
            this.numberToTestValue = numberToTest;
            this.firstDivisorValue = firstDivisor;
            this.isPrimeValue = isPrime;
        public int NumberToTest
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or 
                // was canceled.
                // If the operation was successful, return the 
                // property value.
                return numberToTestValue;
        public int FirstDivisor
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or 
                // was canceled.
                // If the operation was successful, return the 
                // property value.
                return firstDivisorValue;
        public bool IsPrime
                // Raise an exception if the operation failed or 
                // was canceled.
                // If the operation was successful, return the 
                // property value.
                return isPrimeValue;
    public class CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs extends AsyncCompletedEventArgs
        private int numberToTestValue = 0;
        private int firstDivisorValue = 1;
        private boolean isPrimeValue;
        public CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs(int numberToTest, int firstDivisor,
            boolean isPrime, System.Exception e, boolean cancelled, Object state)
            super(e, cancelled, state);
            this.numberToTestValue = numberToTest;
            this.firstDivisorValue = firstDivisor;
            this.isPrimeValue = isPrime;
        /** @property 
        public int get_NumberToTest()
            // Raise an exception if the operation failed or 
            // was cancelled.
            // If the operation was successful, return the 
            // property value.
            return numberToTestValue;
        /** @property 
        public int get_FirstDivisor()
            // Raise an exception if the operation failed or 
            // was cancelled.
            // If the operation was successful, return the 
            // property value.
            return firstDivisorValue;
        /** @property 
        public boolean get_IsPrime()
            // Raise an exception if the operation failed or 
            // was cancelled.
            // If the operation was successful, return the 
            // property value.
            return isPrimeValue;




  • 編譯元件。


    warning CS0067: The event 'AsynchronousPatternExample.PrimeNumberCalculator.ProgressChanged' is never used
    warning CS0067: The event 'AsynchronousPatternExample.PrimeNumberCalculator.CalculatePrimeCompleted' is never used



PrimeNumberCalculator 元件的非同步概念,是由稱為 SendOrPostCallback 的特殊委派,在內部進行實作的。SendOrPostCallback 表示在 ThreadPool 執行緒上所執行的回呼 (Callback) 方法。此回呼方法必須具有使用 Object 型別之單一參數的簽章 (Signature),這表示您將需要在包裝函式類別 (Wrapper Class) 中的委派之中傳遞狀態。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 SendOrPostCallback


  1. 在 PrimeNumberCalculator 類別中,宣告和建立 SendOrPostCallback 委派。在稱為 InitializeDelegates 的公用程式方法中,建立 SendOrPostCallback 物件。


    Private onProgressReportDelegate As SendOrPostCallback
    Private onCompletedDelegate As SendOrPostCallback
    Protected Overridable Sub InitializeDelegates()
        onProgressReportDelegate = _
            New SendOrPostCallback(AddressOf ReportProgress)
        onCompletedDelegate = _
            New SendOrPostCallback(AddressOf CalculateCompleted)
    End Sub
    private SendOrPostCallback onProgressReportDelegate;
    private SendOrPostCallback onCompletedDelegate;
    protected virtual void InitializeDelegates()
        onProgressReportDelegate =
            new SendOrPostCallback(ReportProgress);
        onCompletedDelegate =
            new SendOrPostCallback(CalculateCompleted);
    private SendOrPostCallback onProgressReportDelegate;
    private SendOrPostCallback onCompletedDelegate;
    protected void InitializeDelegates()
        onProgressReportDelegate = new SendOrPostCallback(ReportProgress);
        onCompletedDelegate = new SendOrPostCallback(CalculateCompleted);
  2. 在您的元件建構函式 (Constructor) 內呼叫 InitializeDelegates 方法。

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    public PrimeNumberCalculator()
    public PrimeNumberCalculator()
        /// Required for Windows.Forms Class Composition Designer support
  3. 在處理需要非同步地完成之實際工作的 PrimeNumberCalculator 類別中,宣告一個委派。這個委派會包裝測試數值是否為質數的 Worker 方法。這個委派會使用 AsyncOperation 參數來追蹤非同步作業的存留期 (Lifetime)。

    Private Delegate Sub WorkerEventHandler( _
    ByVal numberToCheck As Integer, _
    ByVal asyncOp As AsyncOperation)
    private delegate void WorkerEventHandler(
        int numberToCheck,
        AsyncOperation asyncOp);
        private delegate void WorkerEventHandler(
            int numberToCheck, 
            AsyncOperation asyncOp );
  4. 為擱置中非同步運算建立管理存留期的集合。在作業執行和完成時,用戶端需要具有追蹤這些作業的方法。若要進行這種追蹤,需要用戶端在對非同步方法進行呼叫時,傳遞唯一語彙基元 (Token,又稱為工作 ID)。PrimeNumberCalculator 元件必須使工作 ID 與其對應的引動過程關聯,以持續追蹤每次呼叫。如果用戶端傳遞的工作 ID 並非唯一,PrimeNumberCalculator 元件就必須引發例外狀況。

    PrimeNumberCalculator 元件會使用稱為 HybridDictionary 的特殊集合類別,持續追蹤工作 ID。在類別定義中,建立一個稱為 userTokenToLifetime 的 HybridDictionary

    Private userStateToLifetime As New HybridDictionary()
    private HybridDictionary userStateToLifetime = 
        new HybridDictionary();
    private HybridDictionary userStateToLifetime = new HybridDictionary();


實作事件架構非同步模式的元件,都會使用事件來與用戶端通訊。藉由 AsyncOperation 類別的協助,這些事件會在適當的執行緒上被叫用 (Invoke)。


  • 實作公用事件以向用戶端報告。您將需要一個用來報告進度的事件,以及一個用來報告完成的事件。

    ' This method is invoked via the AsyncOperation object,
    ' so it is guaranteed to be executed on the correct thread.
    Private Sub CalculateCompleted(ByVal operationState As Object)
        Dim e As CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs = operationState
    End Sub
    ' This method is invoked via the AsyncOperation object,
    ' so it is guaranteed to be executed on the correct thread.
    Private Sub ReportProgress(ByVal state As Object)
        Dim e As ProgressChangedEventArgs = state
    End Sub
    Protected Sub OnCalculatePrimeCompleted( _
        ByVal e As CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs)
        RaiseEvent CalculatePrimeCompleted(Me, e)
    End Sub
    Protected Sub OnProgressChanged( _
        ByVal e As ProgressChangedEventArgs)
        RaiseEvent ProgressChanged(e)
    End Sub
    // This method is invoked via the AsyncOperation object,
    // so it is guaranteed to be executed on the correct thread.
    private void CalculateCompleted(object operationState)
        CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e =
            operationState as CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs;
    // This method is invoked via the AsyncOperation object,
    // so it is guaranteed to be executed on the correct thread.
    private void ReportProgress(object state)
        ProgressChangedEventArgs e =
            state as ProgressChangedEventArgs;
    protected void OnCalculatePrimeCompleted(
        CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (CalculatePrimeCompleted != null)
            CalculatePrimeCompleted(this, e);
    protected void OnProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        if (ProgressChanged != null)
    // You are guaranteed to be on the correct thread, as
    // this method is invoked via the AsyncOperation object.
    private void CalculateCompleted(Object operationState)
        CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e = 
    // You are guaranteed to be on the correct thread, as
    // this method is invoked via the AsyncOperation object.
    private void ReportProgress(Object state)
        ProgressChangedEventArgs e = (ProgressChangedEventArgs)state;
    protected void OnCalculatePrimeCompleted(CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (calculatePrimeCompleted != null) {
            calculatePrimeCompleted.Invoke(this, e);
    protected void OnProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        if (progressChanged != null) {

實作 Completion 方法


這個方法,也就是從唯一用戶端語彙基元的內部集合中,移除用戶端工作 ID 的地方。這個方法也會呼叫對應 AsyncOperation 上的 PostOperationCompleted 方法,以結束特定非同步作業的存留期。這個呼叫會在適合於應用程式模型的執行緒上,引發完成事件。在呼叫 PostOperationCompleted 方法之後,就會無法再使用這個 AsyncOperation 執行個體,而且使用該執行個體的任何嘗試,都會擲回例外狀況。

CompletionMethod 簽章必須持有說明非同步作業結果的所有狀態。此類別持有這個特定非同步作業所測試之數值的狀態:數值是否為質數,以及不為質數時所具有的第一個除數。此類別也持有用來描述發生之任何例外狀況及對應於此特定工作之 AsyncOperation 的狀態。


  • 實作完成方法。這個方法會使用六個參數,以填入將會透過用戶端的 CalculatePrimeCompletedEventHandler 傳回給用戶端的 CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs。此方法還會從內部集合中移除用戶端的工作 ID 語彙基元,並以對於 PostOperationCompleted 的呼叫來結束非同步作業的存留期。AsyncOperation 則會將此呼叫封送處理 (Marshal) 至執行緒,或是適合於應用程式模型的內容。

    ' This is the method that the underlying, free-threaded 
    ' asynchronous behavior will invoke.  This will happen on
    '  an arbitrary thread.
    Private Sub CompletionMethod( _
        ByVal numberToTest As Integer, _
        ByVal firstDivisor As Integer, _
        ByVal prime As Boolean, _
        ByVal exc As Exception, _
        ByVal canceled As Boolean, _
        ByVal asyncOp As AsyncOperation)
        ' If the task was not previously canceled,
        ' remove the task from the lifetime collection.
        If Not canceled Then
            SyncLock userStateToLifetime.SyncRoot
            End SyncLock
        End If
        ' Package the results of the operation in a 
        ' CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs.
        Dim e As New CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs( _
            numberToTest, _
            firstDivisor, _
            prime, _
            exc, _
            canceled, _
        ' End the task. The asyncOp object is responsible 
        ' for marshaling the call.
        asyncOp.PostOperationCompleted(onCompletedDelegate, e)
        ' Note that after the call to PostOperationCompleted, asyncOp
        ' is no longer usable, and any attempt to use it will cause.
        ' an exception to be thrown.
    End Sub
    // This is the method that the underlying, free-threaded 
    // asynchronous behavior will invoke.  This will happen on
    // an arbitrary thread.
    private void CompletionMethod( 
        int numberToTest,
        int firstDivisor, 
        bool isPrime,
        Exception exception, 
        bool canceled,
        AsyncOperation asyncOp )
        // If the task was not previously canceled,
        // remove the task from the lifetime collection.
        if (!canceled)
            lock (userStateToLifetime.SyncRoot)
        // Package the results of the operation in a 
        // CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs.
        CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e =
            new CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs(
        // End the task. The asyncOp object is responsible 
        // for marshaling the call.
        asyncOp.PostOperationCompleted(onCompletedDelegate, e);
        // Note that after the call to OperationCompleted, 
        // asyncOp is no longer usable, and any attempt to use it
        // will cause an exception to be thrown.
        // This is the method that the underlying, free-threaded 
        // asynchronous behavior will invoke.  This will happen on
        // an arbitrary thread.
        private void CompletionMethod(
            int numberToTest,
            int firstDivisor,
            boolean isPrime,
            System.Exception exception,
            boolean canceled,
            AsyncOperation asyncOp)
            // If the task was not previously canceled,
            // remove the task from the lifetime collection.
            if (!canceled)
                synchronized (userStateToLifetime.get_SyncRoot())
            // Package the results of the operation in a 
            // CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs.
            CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs e =
                new CalculatePrimeCompletedEventArgs(
            // End the task. The asyncOp object is responsible 
            // for marshaling the call.
            asyncOp.PostOperationCompleted(onCompletedDelegate, e);
            // Note that after the call to OperationCompleted, 
            // asyncOp is no longer usable, and any attempt to use it
            // will cause an exception to be thrown.
        // Note that after the call to OperationCompleted, 
        // asyncOp is no longer usable, and any attempt to use it
        // will cause an exception to be thrown.




  • 編譯元件。


    warning CS0169: The private field 'AsynchronousPatternExample.PrimeNumberCalculator.workerDelegate' is never used


實作 Worker 方法

直到目前為止,您已經實作了 PrimeNumberCalculator 元件的支援非同步程式碼。現在您就可以實作進行實際工作的程式碼。您將實作三種方法:CalculateWorker、 BuildPrimeNumberList 和 IsPrime在一起使用時,BuildPrimeNumberList 和 IsPrime 組成了稱為 Sieve of Eratosthenes 的著名演算式,此演算式會找出直到測試數值平方根的所有質數,以判斷該數值是否為質數。如果到時候都沒有找到任何除數,則表示測試數值就是質數。

如果這個元件的撰寫是為了提供最高效率,就會記得針對不同測試數值的各種引動過程所探索到的所有質數。此元件也應該會檢查像是 2、3、5 的普通除數,然而,這個範例的目的是要示範非同步作業的執行會如何耗費時間,因此這些最佳化的事項都將留給您做為練習。

CalculateWorker 方法包裝在委派中,而且會以 BeginInvoke 的呼叫來非同步叫用。


進度回報會在 BuildPrimeNumberList 方法中實作。在速度快的電腦中,可以在快速執行時引發 ProgressChanged 事件。用戶端執行緒 (即引發這些事件的執行緒) 必須能夠處理這個情況。使用者介面的程式碼可能充滿了訊息且無法保留,導致懸置行為的產生。如需處理這個情況的使用者介面範例,請參閱 HOW TO:實作事件架構非同步模式的用戶端


  1. 實作 TaskCanceled 公用程式方法。這個方法會檢查工作存留期集合,以找出指定的工作 ID,而如果找不到此工作 ID,就會傳回 true。

    ' Utility method for determining if a 
    ' task has been canceled.
    Private Function TaskCanceled(ByVal taskId As Object) As Boolean
        Return (userStateToLifetime(taskId) Is Nothing)
    End Function
    // Utility method for determining if a 
    // task has been canceled.
    private bool TaskCanceled(object taskId)
        return( userStateToLifetime[taskId] == null );
        // Utility method for determining if a 
        // task has been canceled.
        private boolean TaskCanceled(Object taskId)
            return (!userStateToLifetime.Contains(taskId) );
  2. 實作 CalculateWorker 方法。這項實作需要兩個參數:要測試的數值,以及 AsyncOperation

    ' This method performs the actual prime number computation.
    ' It is executed on the worker thread.
    Private Sub CalculateWorker( _
        ByVal numberToTest As Integer, _
        ByVal asyncOp As AsyncOperation)
        Dim prime As Boolean = False
        Dim firstDivisor As Integer = 1
        Dim exc As Exception = Nothing
        ' Check that the task is still active.
        ' The operation may have been canceled before
        ' the thread was scheduled.
        If Not Me.TaskCanceled(asyncOp.UserSuppliedState) Then
                ' Find all the prime numbers up to the
                ' square root of numberToTest.
                Dim primes As ArrayList = BuildPrimeNumberList( _
                    numberToTest, asyncOp)
                ' Now we have a list of primes less than 
                prime = IsPrime( _
                    primes, _
                    numberToTest, _
            Catch ex As Exception
                exc = ex
            End Try
        End If
        Me.CompletionMethod( _
            numberToTest, _
            firstDivisor, _
            prime, _
            exc, _
            TaskCanceled(asyncOp.UserSuppliedState), _
    End Sub
    // This method performs the actual prime number computation.
    // It is executed on the worker thread.
    private void CalculateWorker(
        int numberToTest,
        AsyncOperation asyncOp)
        bool isPrime = false;
        int firstDivisor = 1;
        Exception e = null;
        // Check that the task is still active.
        // The operation may have been canceled before
        // the thread was scheduled.
        if (!TaskCanceled(asyncOp.UserSuppliedState))
                // Find all the prime numbers up to 
                // the square root of numberToTest.
                ArrayList primes = BuildPrimeNumberList(
                // Now we have a list of primes less than
                // numberToTest.
                isPrime = IsPrime(
                    out firstDivisor);
            catch (Exception ex)
                e = ex;
        //CalculatePrimeState calcState = new CalculatePrimeState(
        //        numberToTest,
        //        firstDivisor,
        //        isPrime,
        //        e,
        //        TaskCanceled(asyncOp.UserSuppliedState),
        //        asyncOp);
        private void CalculateWorker(
            int numberToTest,
            AsyncOperation asyncOp)
            boolean isPrime = false;
            int firstDivisor = 1;
            System.Exception exception = null;
            // Check that the task is still active.
            // The operation may have been canceled before
            // the thread was scheduled.
            if (!TaskCanceled(asyncOp.get_UserSuppliedState()))
                    // Find all the prime numbers up to 
                    // the square root of numberToTest.
                    ArrayList primes = BuildPrimeNumberList(
                    // Now we have a list of primes less than
                    // numberToTest.
                    isPrime = IsPrime(
                        /** @out */ firstDivisor);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    exception = ex;
  3. 實作 BuildPrimeNumberList。這項實作需要使用兩個參數:要測試的數值,以及 AsyncOperation。此實作會使用 AsyncOperation 來報告進度和累加結果。如此就能確定用戶端的事件處理常式,會在適當的執行緒或應用程式模型的內容中被呼叫。在 BuildPrimeNumberList 找到質數時,就會將此報告為 ProgressChanged 事件之用戶端事件處理常式的累加結果。此時需要使用衍生自 ProgressChangedEventArgs 的類別 (稱為 CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs),此類別包含一個添加的屬性,稱為 LatestPrimeNumber。

    BuildPrimeNumberList 方法也會定期呼叫 TaskCanceled 方法,並在此方法傳回 true 時結束。

    ' This method computes the list of prime numbers used by the
    ' IsPrime method.
    Private Function BuildPrimeNumberList( _
        ByVal numberToTest As Integer, _
        ByVal asyncOp As AsyncOperation) As ArrayList
        Dim e As ProgressChangedEventArgs = Nothing
        Dim primes As New ArrayList
        Dim firstDivisor As Integer
        Dim n As Integer = 5
        ' Add the first prime numbers.
        ' Do the work.
        While n < numberToTest And _
            Not Me.TaskCanceled(asyncOp.UserSuppliedState)
            If IsPrime(primes, n, firstDivisor) Then
                ' Report to the client that you found a prime.
                e = New CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs( _
                    n, _
                    CSng(n) / CSng(numberToTest) * 100, _
                asyncOp.Post(Me.onProgressReportDelegate, e)
                ' Yield the rest of this time slice.
            End If
            ' Skip even numbers.
            n += 2
        End While
        Return primes
    End Function
    // This method computes the list of prime numbers used by the
    // IsPrime method.
    private ArrayList BuildPrimeNumberList(
        int numberToTest,
        AsyncOperation asyncOp)
        ProgressChangedEventArgs e = null;
        ArrayList primes = new ArrayList();
        int firstDivisor;
        int n = 5;
        // Add the first prime numbers.
        // Do the work.
        while (n < numberToTest && 
               !TaskCanceled( asyncOp.UserSuppliedState ) )
            if (IsPrime(primes, n, out firstDivisor))
                // Report to the client that a prime was found.
                e = new CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs(
                    (int)((float)n / (float)numberToTest * 100),
                asyncOp.Post(this.onProgressReportDelegate, e);
                // Yield the rest of this time slice.
            // Skip even numbers.
            n += 2;
        return primes;
        // This method computes the list of prime numbers used by the
        // IsPrime method.
        private ArrayList BuildPrimeNumberList(int numberToTest, 
            AsyncOperation asyncOp)
            ProgressChangedEventArgs e = null;
            ArrayList primes = new ArrayList();
            int firstDivisor = 1;
            int n = 5;
            // Add the first prime numbers.
            // Do the work.
            while (n < numberToTest &&
                   !TaskCanceled( asyncOp.get_UserSuppliedState()) )
                if (IsPrime(primes, n, /** @out */firstDivisor)) 
                    // Report to the client that you found a prime.
                    e = new CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs(n, 
                        (int)((float)n / ( float)(numberToTest) * 100), 
                    asyncOp.Post(this.onProgressReportDelegate, e);
                    // Yield the rest of this time slice.
                // Skip even numbers.
                n += 2;
            return primes;
  4. 實作 IsPrime。這項實作需要使用三個參數:一份已知質數的清單、要測試的數值,以及找到的第一個除數的輸出參數。利用質數的清單,此實作即可判斷測試數值是否為質數。

    ' This method tests n for primality against the list of 
    ' prime numbers contained in the primes parameter.
    Private Function IsPrime( _
        ByVal primes As ArrayList, _
        ByVal n As Integer, _
        ByRef firstDivisor As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim foundDivisor As Boolean = False
        Dim exceedsSquareRoot As Boolean = False
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim divisor As Integer = 0
        firstDivisor = 1
        ' Stop the search if:
        ' there are no more primes in the list,
        ' there is a divisor of n in the list, or
        ' there is a prime that is larger than 
        ' the square root of n.
        While i < primes.Count AndAlso _
            Not foundDivisor AndAlso _
            Not exceedsSquareRoot
            ' The divisor variable will be the smallest prime number 
            ' not yet tried.
            divisor = primes(i)
            i = i + 1
            ' Determine whether the divisor is greater than the 
            ' square root of n.
            If divisor * divisor > n Then
                exceedsSquareRoot = True
                ' Determine whether the divisor is a factor of n.
            ElseIf n Mod divisor = 0 Then
                firstDivisor = divisor
                foundDivisor = True
            End If
        End While
        Return Not foundDivisor
    End Function
    // This method tests n for primality against the list of 
    // prime numbers contained in the primes parameter.
    private bool IsPrime(
        ArrayList primes,
        int n,
        out int firstDivisor)
        bool foundDivisor = false;
        bool exceedsSquareRoot = false;
        int i = 0;
        int divisor = 0;
        firstDivisor = 1;
        // Stop the search if:
        // there are no more primes in the list,
        // there is a divisor of n in the list, or
        // there is a prime that is larger than 
        // the square root of n.
        while (
            (i < primes.Count) &&
            !foundDivisor &&
            // The divisor variable will be the smallest 
            // prime number not yet tried.
            divisor = (int)primes[i++];
            // Determine whether the divisor is greater
            // than the square root of n.
            if (divisor * divisor > n)
                exceedsSquareRoot = true;
            // Determine whether the divisor is a factor of n.
            else if (n % divisor == 0)
                firstDivisor = divisor;
                foundDivisor = true;
        return !foundDivisor;
        // This method tests n for primality against the list of 
        // prime numbers contained in the primes parameter.
        private boolean IsPrime(
            ArrayList primes, 
            int n, 
            /** @ref */int firstDivisor)
            boolean foundDivisor = false;
            boolean exceedsSquareRoot = false;
            int i = 0;
            int divisor = 0;
            firstDivisor = 1;
            // Stop the search if:
            // there are no more primes in the list,
            // there is a divisor of n in the list, or
            // there is a prime that is larger than 
            // the square root of n.
            while (i < primes.get_Count() && !foundDivisor && !exceedsSquareRoot) 
                // The divisor variable will be the smallest 
                // prime number not yet tried.
                divisor = Convert.ToInt32(primes.get_Item(i++));
                // Determine whether the divisor is greater
                // than the square root of n.
                if (divisor * divisor > n) {
                    exceedsSquareRoot = true;
                // Determine whether the divisor is a factor of n.
                else {
                    if (n % divisor == 0) {
                        firstDivisor = divisor;
                        foundDivisor = true;
            return !foundDivisor;
  5. ProgressChangedEventArgs 衍生 CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs。要向 ProgressChanged 事件的用戶端事件處理常式報告累加結果,這個類別是必要的。此類別有一個稱為 LatestPrimeNumber 的添加屬性。

    Public Class CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs
        Inherits ProgressChangedEventArgs
        Private latestPrimeNumberValue As Integer = 1
        Public Sub New( _
            ByVal latestPrime As Integer, _
            ByVal progressPercentage As Integer, _
            ByVal UserState As Object)
            MyBase.New(progressPercentage, UserState)
            Me.latestPrimeNumberValue = latestPrime
        End Sub
        Public ReadOnly Property LatestPrimeNumber() As Integer
                Return latestPrimeNumberValue
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class
    public class CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs :
        private int latestPrimeNumberValue = 1;
        public CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs(
            int latestPrime,
            int progressPercentage,
            object userToken) : base( progressPercentage, userToken )
            this.latestPrimeNumberValue = latestPrime;
        public int LatestPrimeNumber
                return latestPrimeNumberValue;
    public class CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs 
        extends ProgressChangedEventArgs
        private int latestPrimeNumberValue = 1;
        public CalculatePrimeProgressChangedEventArgs(int latestPrime, 
            int progressPercentage, Object userToken)
            super(progressPercentage, userToken);
            this.latestPrimeNumberValue = latestPrime;
        /** @property 
        public int get_LatestPrimeNumber()
            return latestPrimeNumberValue;




  • 編譯元件。

    還需要撰寫的部分,只剩下啟動和取消非同步作業的方法,也就是 CalculatePrimeAsync 和 CancelAsync。

實作 Start 和 Cancel 方法

在包裝 Worker 方法的委派上呼叫 BeginInvoke,即可讓 Worker 方法在自己的執行緒上啟動。若要管理特定非同步作業的存留期,您可以呼叫 AsyncOperationManager Helper 類別上的 CreateOperation 方法。這樣就會傳回 AsyncOperation,它會將用戶端事件處理常式的呼叫封送處理至適當的執行緒或內容。

藉由在其對應的 AsyncOperation 上呼叫 PostOperationCompleted,即可取消特定的擱置中的作業。這樣就會結束作業,而且對於 AsyncOperation 的任何後續呼叫,也都會擲回例外狀況。


  1. 實作 CalculatePrimeAsync 方法。確定用戶端支援的語彙基元 (工作 ID),在表示目前擱置工作的所有語彙基元中是唯一的。如果用戶端傳入的語彙基元並非唯一,CalculatePrimeAsync 就會引發例外狀況。否則,語彙基元就會加入到工作 ID 集合中。

    ' This method starts an asynchronous calculation. 
    ' First, it checks the supplied task ID for uniqueness.
    ' If taskId is unique, it creates a new WorkerEventHandler 
    ' and calls its BeginInvoke method to start the calculation.
    Public Overridable Sub CalculatePrimeAsync( _
        ByVal numberToTest As Integer, _
        ByVal taskId As Object)
        ' Create an AsyncOperation for taskId.
        Dim asyncOp As AsyncOperation = _
        ' Multiple threads will access the task dictionary,
        ' so it must be locked to serialize access.
        SyncLock userStateToLifetime.SyncRoot
            If userStateToLifetime.Contains(taskId) Then
                Throw New ArgumentException( _
                    "Task ID parameter must be unique", _
            End If
            userStateToLifetime(taskId) = asyncOp
        End SyncLock
        ' Start the asynchronous operation.
        Dim workerDelegate As New WorkerEventHandler( _
            AddressOf CalculateWorker)
        workerDelegate.BeginInvoke( _
            numberToTest, _
            asyncOp, _
            Nothing, _
    End Sub
    // This method starts an asynchronous calculation. 
    // First, it checks the supplied task ID for uniqueness.
    // If taskId is unique, it creates a new WorkerEventHandler 
    // and calls its BeginInvoke method to start the calculation.
    public virtual void CalculatePrimeAsync(
        int numberToTest,
        object taskId)
        // Create an AsyncOperation for taskId.
        AsyncOperation asyncOp =
        // Multiple threads will access the task dictionary,
        // so it must be locked to serialize access.
        lock (userStateToLifetime.SyncRoot)
            if (userStateToLifetime.Contains(taskId))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "Task ID parameter must be unique", 
            userStateToLifetime[taskId] = asyncOp;
        // Start the asynchronous operation.
        WorkerEventHandler workerDelegate = new WorkerEventHandler(CalculateWorker);
        // This method starts an asynchronous calculation. 
        // First, it checks the supplied task ID for uniqueness.
        // If taskId is unique, it creates a new WorkerEventHandler 
        // and calls its BeginInvoke method to start the calculation.
        public void CalculatePrimeAsync(int numberToTest, Object taskId)
            // Create an AsyncOperation for taskId.
            AsyncOperation asyncOp = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(taskId);
            synchronized (userStateToLifetime.get_SyncRoot()) 
                // Multiple threads will access the task dictionary,
                // so it must be locked to serialize access.
                if (userStateToLifetime.Contains(taskId)) {
                    throw new ArgumentException("Task ID parameter must be unique", 
                userStateToLifetime.set_Item(taskId, asyncOp);
            // Start the asynchronous operation.
            WorkerEventHandler workerDelegate = new WorkerEventHandler(CalculateWorker);
  2. 實作 CancelAsync 方法。如果 taskId 參數存在於語彙基元 (Token) 集合內,則會被移除。如此一來,可避免執行尚未啟動的取消工作。如果該工作正在執行中,則當 BuildPrimeNumberList 方法偵測到此工作 ID 已從存留期集合中移除時,就會結束。

    ' This method cancels a pending asynchronous operation.
    Public Sub CancelAsync(ByVal taskId As Object)
        Dim obj As Object = userStateToLifetime(taskId)
        If (obj IsNot Nothing) Then
            SyncLock userStateToLifetime.SyncRoot
            End SyncLock
        End If
    End Sub
    // This method cancels a pending asynchronous operation.
    public void CancelAsync(object taskId)
        AsyncOperation asyncOp = userStateToLifetime[taskId] as AsyncOperation;
        if (asyncOp != null)
            lock (userStateToLifetime.SyncRoot)
        // This method cancels a pending asynchronous operation.
        public void CancelAsync(Object taskId)
            Object obj = userStateToLifetime.get_Item(taskId);
            if (obj != null)
                synchronized (userStateToLifetime.get_SyncRoot())




  • 編譯元件。

PrimeNumberCalculator 元件現在已經完成,並且已經可以使用。

如需使用 PrimeNumberCalculator 元件的範例用戶端,請參閱 HOW TO:實作事件架構非同步模式的用戶端


您可以藉由撰寫 CalculatePrime,也就是 CalculatePrimeAsync 方法的同步對等方法,來填寫這個範例。這樣就會讓 PrimeNumberCalculator 元件完全遵循事件架構非同步模式。

保留針對不同測試數值的各種引動過程所探索到所有質數清單,即可改進這個範例。只要使用這種處理方法,每項工作都會受益於先前完成的工作。請以 lock 區域小心保護這份清單,如此即可序列化不同執行緒對此清單的存取。

您也可以測試普通除數 (像是 2、3 和 5),以改進這個範例。



HOW TO:在背景執行作業

HOW TO:實作支援事件架構非同步模式的元件




Visual Basic 中的多執行緒
