

Sets the state of the event to signaled (available), releases any waiting threads, and resets it to nonsignaled (unavailable) automatically.

BOOL PulseEvent( );

Return Value

Nonzero if the function was successful; otherwise 0.


If the event is manual, all waiting threads are released, the event is set to nonsignaled, and PulseEvent returns. If the event is automatic, a single thread is released, the event is set to nonsignaled, and PulseEvent returns.

If no threads are waiting, or no threads can be released immediately, PulseEvent sets the state of the event to nonsignaled and returns.

PulseEvent uses the underlying Win32 PulseEvent function, which can be momentarily removed from the wait state by a kernel-mode asynchronous procedure call. Therefore, PulseEvent is unreliable and should not be used by new applications. For more information, see the PulseEvent function.


Header: afxmt.h

See Also


CEvent Class

CEvent Members

Hierarchy Chart