Exception Handling under /clr
You can use both structured exception handling (SEH) and C++ exception handling under /clr. Under /clr, you can also handle CLR exceptions. A CLR exception is any exception thrown by a managed type. The System::Exception class provides many useful methods for processing CLR exceptions and is recommended as a base class for user-defined exception classes.
Catching exception types derived from an interface is not supported under /clr. Also, the common language runtime does not permit you to catch stack overflow exceptions; a stack overflow exception will terminate the process.
In This Section
Basic Concepts in Using Managed Exceptions
Describes throwing exceptions and using try/catch blocks.Differences in Exception Handling Behavior Under /CLR
Discusses the differences from the standard behavior of C++ exception handling.finally
Discusses how to use the finally keyword.How to: Define and Install a Global Exception Handler
Demonstrates how unhandled exceptions can be captured.How to: Catch Exceptions in Native Code Thrown from MSIL
Discusses how to catch CLR and C++ exceptions in native code.How to: Define and Install a Global Exception Handler
Demonstrates how to catch all unhandled exceptions.
Related Sections
- Exception Handling
Describes exception handling in C++.