
Which ATL Classes Facilitate ActiveX Control Containment?

ATL's control-hosting code doesn't require you to use any ATL classes; you can simply create an "AtlAxWin80" window and use the control-hosting API if necessary (for more information, see What Is the ATL Control-Hosting API?). However, the following classes make the containment features easier to use.




Wraps an "AtlAxWin80" window, providing methods for creating the window, creating a control and/or attaching a control to the window, and retrieving interface pointers on the host object.


Wraps an "AtlAxWinLic80" window, providing methods for creating the window, creating a control and/or attaching a licensed control to the window, and retrieving interface pointers on the host object.


Acts as a base class for ActiveX control classes based on a dialog resource. Such controls can contain other ActiveX controls.


Acts as a base class for dialog classes based on a dialog resource. Such dialogs can contain ActiveX controls.


Provides a method, GetDlgControl, that will return an interface pointer on a control, given the ID of its host window. In addition, the Windows API wrappers exposed by CWindow generally make window management easier.

See Also


ATL Control Containment FAQ