

Designates a function as the handler for the reporting of run-time error checks (RTCs).

_RTC_error_fnW _RTC_SetErrorFuncW( 
   _RTC_error_fnW function  


  • function
    The address of the function that will handle run-time error checks.

Return Value

The previously defined error function; or NULL if there is no previously defined function.


In new code, use only _RTC_SetErrorFuncW. _RTC_SetErrorFunc is only included in the library for backward compatibility.

The _RTC_SetErrorFuncW callback applies only to the component that it was linked in, but not globally.

Make sure that the address that you pass to _RTC_SetErrorFuncW is that of a valid error handling function.

If an error has been assigned a type of –1 by using _RTC_SetErrorType, the error handling function is not called.

Before you can call this function, you must first call one of the run-time error-check initialization functions. For more information, see Using Run-Time Checks Without the C Run-Time Library.

_RTC_error_fnW is defined as follows:

typedef int (__cdecl *_RTC_error_fnW)(int errorType**, const wchar_t *filename, int** linenumber**, const wchar_t *moduleName, const wchar_t *format, ...);**


  • errorType
    The type of error that's specified by _RTC_SetErrorType.

  • filename
    The source file where the failure occurred, or null if no debug information is available.

  • linenumber
    The line in filename where the failure occurred, or 0 if no debug information is available.

  • moduleName
    The DLL or executable name where the failure occurred.

  • format
    printf style string to display an error message, using the remaining parameters. The first argument of the VA_ARGLIST is the RTC Error number that occurred.

For an example that shows how to use _RTC_error_fnW, see Native Run-Time Checks Customization.



Required header



For more information, see Compatibility.


All versions of the C run-time libraries.

.NET Framework Equivalent

Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.

See Also


_CrtDbgReport, _CrtDbgReportW

Run-Time Error Checking

Other Resources

RTC sample