

Include the standard header <mutex> to define the classes mutex, recursive_mutex, timed_mutex, and recursive_timed_mutex; the templates lock_guard and unique_lock; and supporting types and functions that define mutual-exclusion code regions.

This header uses Concurrency Runtime (ConcRT) so that you can use it together with other ConcRT mechanisms. For more information about ConcRT, see Concurrency Runtime.

#include <mutex>



In code that is compiled by using /clr or /clr:pure, this header is blocked.

The classes mutex and recursive_mutex are mutex types. A mutex type has a default constructor and a destructor that does not throw exceptions. These objects have methods that provide mutual exclusion when multiple threads try to lock the same object. Specifically, a mutex type contains the methods lock, try_lock, and unlock:

  • The lock method blocks the calling thread until the thread obtains ownership of the mutex. Its return value is ignored.

  • The try_lock method tries to obtain ownership of the mutex without blocking. Its return type is convertible to bool and is true if the method obtains ownership, but is otherwise false.

  • The unlock method releases the ownership of the mutex from the calling thread.

You can use mutex types as type arguments to instantiate the templates lock_guard and unique_lock. You can use objects of these types as the Lock argument to the wait member functions in the template condition_variable_any.

A timed mutex type satisfies the requirements for a mutex type. In addition, it has the try_lock_for and try_lock_until methods that must be callable by using one argument and must return a type that is convertible to bool. A timed mutex type can define these functions by using additional arguments, provided that those additional arguments all have default values.

  • The try_lock_for method must be callable by using one argument, Rel_time, whose type is an instantiation of chrono::duration. The method tries to obtain ownership of the mutex, but returns within the time that is designated by Rel_time, regardless of success. The return value converts to true if the method obtains ownership; otherwise, the return value converts to false.

  • The try_lock_until method must be callable by using one argument, Abs_time, whose type is an instantiation of chrono::time_point. The method tries to obtain ownership of the mutex, but returns no later than the time that is designated by Abs_time, regardless of success. The return value converts to true if the method obtains ownership; otherwise, the return value converts to false.

A mutex type is also known as a lockable type. If it does not provide the member function try_lock, it is a basic lockable type. A timed mutex type is also known as a timed lockable type.




lock_guard Class

Represents a template that can be instantiated to create an object whose destructor unlocks a mutex.

mutex Class (STL)

Represents a mutex type. Use objects of this type to enforce mutual exclusion within a program.

recursive_mutex Class

Represents a mutex type. In constrast to the mutex class, the behavior of calling locking methods for objects that are already locked is well-defined.

recursive_timed_mutex Class

Represents a timed mutex type. Use objects of this type to enforce mutual exclusion that has time-limited blocking within a program. Unlike objects of type timed_mutex, the effect of calling locking methods for recursive_timed_mutex objects is well-defined.

timed_mutex Class

Represents a timed mutex type. Use objects of this type to enforce mutual exclusion that has time-limited blocking within a program.

unique_lock Class

Represents a template that can be instantiated to create objects that manage the locking and unlocking of a mutex.




call_once Function

Provides a mechanism for calling a specified callable object exactly once during execution.

lock Function

Attempts to lock all arguments without deadlock.




adopt_lock_t Structure

Represents a type that is used to define an adopt_lock.

defer_lock_t Structure

Represents a type that defines a defer_lock object that is used to select one of the overloaded constructors of unique_lock.

once_flag Structure

Represents a struct that is used with the template function call_once to ensure that initialization code is called only once, even in the presence of multiple threads of execution.

try_to_lock_t Structure

Represents a struct that defines a try_to_lock object and is used to select one of the overloaded constructors of unique_lock.




adopt_lock Variable

Represents an object that can be passed to constructors for lock_guard and unique_lock to indicate that the mutex object that is also being passed to the constructor is locked.

defer_lock Variable

Represents an object that can be passed to the constructor for unique_lock, to indicate that the constructor should not lock the mutex object that is also being passed to it.

try_to_lock Variable

Represents an object that can be passed to the constructor for unique_lock to indicate that the constructor should try to unlock the mutex that is also being passed to it without blocking.

See Also

Other Resources

C++ Standard Library Header Files