

Deletes a specified number of rows, beginning at iRow, from the data set.


This feature will be removed in a future version of Windows. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Instead, write a fully functional OLE DB provider using the native OLE DB interfaces.


HRESULT deleteRows (
   DBROWCOUNT     iRow,
   DBROWCOUNT     cRows,
   DBROWCOUNT     *pcRowsDeleted);


  • iRow
    [in] Position of the first row at which the deletion begins. A value of -1 indicates all rows.

  • cRows
    [in] Number of rows to be deleted. Ignored when implementing the wildcard behavior (iRow value of -1).

  • pcRowsDeleted
    [out] Actual number of rows that were successfully deleted from the data set.

Return Codes

  • S_OK
    The method succeeded.

  • E_FAIL
    A provider-specific error occurred.


OLEDBSimpleProvider::deleteRows requires the following notifications:

For more information and programming considerations about sending and receiving notifications, seeNotifications (OLE DB).