
Type 2 Online Store Samples

[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Player SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by MediaPlayer. MediaPlayer has been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use MediaPlayer instead of Windows Media Player SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The Windows Media Player SDK includes the following online stores samples:

  • Sample online stores.
  • A type 2 online store plug-in. This sample is generated by a Visual Studio project wizard, which creates a C++ project that you can use as a starting point for your own component. Using the wizard ensures that your component is unique. For more information, see Type 2 Online Store Plug-in.
  • An online store webpage. This sample webpage shows a webpage that Windows Media Player 10 or later might host in a service task pane.
  • Specifying the ContentDistributor attribute. This sample C++ code shows you how to use the Windows Media Format SDK to add the ContentDistributor attribute to the header of a Windows Media file. This is the attribute that Windows Media Player 10 or later uses to identify individual online store providers. For more information, see Adding the ContentDistributor Attribute.

Viewing the Type 2 Sample Online Stores

Microsoft has provided two type 2 sample online stores for you to view. One is a sample commerce store and the other is a sample music store. The sample online stores are simple implementations that show some of the basic features available for use in your own online stores. You can view the source code for the sample online store webpages.

Because the samples are available from the Internet, they will be updated with additional features from time to time.

To view the type 2 sample online stores, configure your registry as described in Registry Keys and Entries for a Type 2 Online Store. The following table gives the keys for the type 2 sample stores.

Store type Key Player versions that support the sample store
Type 2 music 8540 10 and 11
Type 2 commerce 8541 10


About Type 2 Online Stores
