Dmdiag Examples
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
DmDiag Examples
Example 1: Write disk configuration to file
If you want to write disk configuration information to a file named Diskconf.txt, type the following at the command line:
dmdiag -f c:\data\diskconf.txt
Example 2: Display disk configuration
If you want to display disk configuration information in the command window, type the following at the command line:
Sample DmDiag output
---------- Computer Name and OS Version ----------
Computer name: server2
NT build: 3675
CPU Type: x86
DMDIAG Version: 5.2.3678.0 shp
---------- LDM File Versions ----------
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmadmin.exe
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmconfig.dll
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmdlgs.dll
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmdskmgr.dll
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmdskres.dll
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmintf.dll
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmremote.exe
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmserver.dll
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmutil.dll
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\dmview.ocx
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\dmboot.sys
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\dmio.sys
5.2.3675.0 shp - C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\dmload.sys
---------- Mount Points ----------
---------- Drive Letter Usage, Drive Type ----------
A: = \Device\Floppy0 [Removable]
C: = \Device\HarddiskVolume1 [Fixed]
D: = \Device\HarddiskVolume2 [Fixed]
E: = \Device\CdRom0 [CDRom]
---------- Consolidated LDM Configuration Data ----------
ERROR: scan operation failed:
A format error was found in the private region of the disk
ERROR: scan operation failed:
A format error was found in the private region of the disk
---------- \Device\Harddisk0 ----------
\Device\Harddisk0\DP(1)0x7e00-0x7d040000+1 (Device)
\Device\Harddisk0\DP(2)0x7d047e00-0x845f1c00+2 (Device)
\Device\Harddisk0\DR0 (Device)
\Device\Harddisk0\Partition0 (SymbolicLink) -> \Device\Harddisk0\DR0
\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1 (SymbolicLink) -> \Device\HarddiskVolume1
\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2 (SymbolicLink) -> \Device\HarddiskVolume2
---------- Partition Table Info Disk 0 ----------
525 Cylinders
255 Tracks/Cylinder
63 Sectors/Track
512 Bytes/Sector
12 MediaType
8,434,125 Sectors (total)
4,318,272,000 Bytes (total)
4,217,063 KB
4,118 MB
4.0 GB
0 StartingOffset
4,321,787,904 PartitionLength
0 HiddenSectors
0 PartitionNumber
0 PartitionType
0 BootIndicator
0 RecognizedPartition
0 RewritePartition
MBR PartitionStyle
4 PartitionCount
da0dda0d Signature
Starting Partition Hidden Total Partition Partition
Boot Recognized Rewrite
Offset (bytes) Length (bytes) Sectors Sectors Number Type (HEX)
Indicator Partition Partition
32,256 2,097,414,144 63 4,096,512 0 0x07
1 1 0
2,097,446,400 2,220,825,600 4,096,575 4,337,550 1 0x07
0 1 0
0 0 0 0 2 0x00
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 3 0x00
0 0 0
4,318,272,000 Bytes ( 8434125 sectors) Geometric size
4,321,787,904 Bytes ( 8440992 sectors) True size (measured)
4,321,787,904 Bytes ( 8440992 sectors) Reported size (Partition0)
0 Bytes ( 0 sectors) missing/wasted
---------- DMIO Kernel List ----------
Basic-info: version=21 maxspecio=512 maxio=512 maxkio=2048
Ktrans-state: dg=0.0 pendtid=0.0 state=UNKNOWN
# Kmem-regions:
id 0: (size=100)
id 1: (size=0)
# Disks: (cnt: 1)
Disk Harddisk0: dm= dgiid=0.0 darid=0.1026 dmrid=0.0
publen=9223372036854775807 privlen=9223372036854775807 maxiosize=64
type=ntdisk info=
# Devices: (cnt: 0)
# Groups: (cnt: 1)
Group NULLDG: iid=0.0 id=
configtid=0.0 logsize=0
# Group-Objects: (cnt: 0)
# End-group: NULLDG
---------- LDM Disk Header Harddisk0 ----------
ERROR: scan operation failed:
A format error was found in the private region of the disk
---------- LDM Disk Config Harddisk0 ----------
ERROR: scan operation failed:
A format error was found in the private region of the disk
---------- LDM Disk KLOG Harddisk0 ----------
ERROR: scan operation failed:
A format error was found in the private region of the disk
---------- DMAdmin Simple Query ----------
dmdiag: ERROR: No disk groups loaded
---------- DMAdmin Verbose Query ----------
dmdiag: ERROR: No disk groups loaded
If you want to see your output one screen at a time, type the following at the command line:
dmdiag |more
See Also
Dmdiag Overview
Dmdiag Syntax
Alphabetical List of Tools
Rsdir Overview
Rsdiag Overview
Iologsum Overview
Health_chk Overview
Ftonline Overview
Filever Overview
Efsinfo Overview
Dskprobe Overview
Diruse Overview
Dfsutil Overview
Connstat Overview
Cabarc Overview
Bitsadmin Overview