
Netsh Commands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The Netsh commands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server offer a command-line tool that helps with the administration of DHCP servers and provides an equivalent alternative to console-based management. This can be useful in the following situations:

  • When managing DHCP servers in wide area networks (WANs), commands can be used in interactive mode at the Netsh command prompt to better manage across slow-speed network links.

  • When managing a large number of DHCP servers, commands can be used in batch mode at the Netsh command prompt to help script and automate recurring administrative tasks that need to be performed for all DHCP servers.

You can run these commands from the command prompt for the Netsh DHCP context. For these commands to work at the command prompt, you must type netsh dhcp before typing commands and parameters as they appear in the syntax below.

For an example of how to use Netsh commands for DHCP in batch files and scripts, see Netsh DHCP Example.

For more information about netsh, see Netsh Overview and Enter a Netsh Context.

This section contains commands in the following contexts.

  • Netsh DHCP

  • Netsh DHCP server

  • Netsh DHCP server V4

  • Netsh DHCP server V6 in Windows Server 2008

  • Netsh DHCP server V6 in Windows Server 2008

  • Netsh DHCP server scope

  • Netsh DHCP server mscope

For information on how to interpret netsh command syntax, see Formatting Legend.

Netsh commands for DHCP

The following entries provide details for each command.

Netsh DHCP

The following commands are available at the dhcp> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • add server

  • delete server

  • server

  • show server

add server

Adds a DHCP server to the list of authorized servers in Active Directory.


add server serverDNS serverIP


  • ServerDNS
    Required. Specifies the DHCP server to add. Identifies the server by DNS domain name.
  • ServerIP
    Required. Specifies the DHCP server to add. Identifies the server by IP address.


In the following example, this command adds a server with the DNS name dhcpsrv1.example.microsoft.com and IP address to the list of authorized servers in Active Directory®.

add server dhcpsrv1.example.microsoft.com

delete server

Deletes a DHCP server from the list of authorized servers in Active Directory.


delete server ServerDNS ServerIP


  • ServerDNS
    Required. Specifies the DHCP server to delete. Identifies the server by DNS domain name.
  • ServerIP
    Required. Specifies the DHCP server to delete. Identifies the server by IP address.


In the following example, this command deletes the server with the DNS name dhcpsrv1.example.microsoft.com and IP address from the list of authorized servers in Active Directory.

delete server dhcpsrv1.example.microsoft.com


Shifts the current Netsh DHCP command-line context to a different DHCP server. Used without parameters, server shifts the current command-line context to the local computer.


server [{**\\**ServerNetBIOSName | **\\**ServerFQDN | ServerIP}]


  • **{ **\\**ServerNetBIOSName| **\\ServerFQDN| ServerIP}
    Specifies the DHCP server to which you want to shift the current command-line context. Identifies the server by NetBIOS name, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or IP address.


In the first example, this command changes the Netsh DHCP command-line context to the DHCP server with the NetBIOS name \\DHCP-SRV1.

In the second example, this command changes the Netsh DHCP command-line context to the DHCP server with IP address

In the third example, this command changes the Netsh DHCP command-line context to the DHCP server with the FQDN \\example.microsoft.com.

server \\DHCP-SRV1


server \\example.microsoft.com

show server

Displays a list of authorized servers in Active Directory.


show server



Netsh DHCP server

The following commands are available at the dhcp server> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • add class

  • add mscope

  • add optiondef

  • add scope

  • backup

  • delete class

  • delete dnscredentials

  • delete mscope

  • delete optiondef

  • delete optionvalue

  • delete scope

  • delete superscope

  • dump

  • export

  • import

  • initiate auth

  • mscope

  • restore

  • scope

  • set auditlog

  • set bindings

  • set databasebackupinterval

  • set databasebackuppath

  • set databasecleanupinterval

  • set databaseloggingflag

  • set databasename

  • set databasepath

  • set databaserestoreflag

  • set detectconflictretry

  • set dnsconfig

  • set dnscredentials

  • set napstate

  • set napdeffail

  • set optionvalue

  • set server

  • set userclass

  • set vendorclass

  • show all

  • show auditlog

  • show bindings

  • show class

  • show detectconflictretry

  • show dnsconfig

  • show dnscredentials

  • show mibinfo

  • show mscope

  • show napstate

  • show napdeffail

  • show optiondef

  • show optionvalue

  • show scope

  • show superscope

  • show server

  • show dbproperties

  • show serverstatus

  • show userclass

  • show vendorclass

  • show version

add class

Adds a class to the specified DHCP server.


add class ClassName [ClassComment] [Data] [[IsVendor=]{0 | 1}] [[IsBinary=]{B | b}]


  • ClassName
    Required. Specifies the name of the class to create.
  • ClassComment
    Specifies the comment to associate with the class.
  • Data
    Specifies class data in ASCII or binary format depending on the IsBinary parameter. If unspecified, it is assumed that the format of the data is ASCII.
  • [ IsVendor=]{0 | 1}
    Indicates whether the class to add is a user class or a vendor class: 0-User class (default), 1-Vendor class.
  • [ IsBinary=]{B | b}
    Indicates if the class data is in binary format. If unspecified, it is assumed that the format of the data is ASCII.


In the first example, this command creates a vendor class named MyClass, with the comment TestClass, and the class data TestDataForMyClass in ASCII format.

In the second example, this command creates a user class named MyUserClass with binary data of 4345335532 (ASCII-CE3U2).

The third example is an alternate command syntax for the second example.

add class MyClass TestClass TestDataForMyClass 1

add class MyUserClass TestClass1 4345335532 B

add class MyUserClass TestClass1 4345335532 0 b

add mscope

Adds a multicast scope to the specified DHCP server.


add mscope MscopeName [MscopeComment] [TTL]


  • MscopeName
    Required. Specifies the name of the multicast scope to add.
  • MscopeComment
    Specifies a description of the current multicast scope.
  • TTL
    Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) value for the multicast scope. The valid range for this field is 1 to 255, with a default of 32.


In the following example, this command creates a multicast scope with the name My MultiCast Scope, a comment of MyTestMulticastScope, and a multicast TTL value of 40.

add mscope "My MultiCast Scope" MyTestMulticastScope 40

add optiondef

Adds a new option type definition to the specified DHCP server.


add optiondef OptCode OptName{BYTE | WORD | DWORD | STRING | IPADDRESS} [[IsArray=]{0 | 1}] [**vendor=**VendorClass] [**comment=**OptComment] [DefValue]


  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the option type to define. Identifies the option type with a unique option code. For the value of the code, choose a number between zero and 255.
  • OptName
    Required. Specifies the name of the option type.
    Required. Indicates the data type of the option.
  • [IsArray=]{0 | 1}
    Indicates whether the data type is arrayed or non-arrayed: 0-Unary or non-arrayed (default), 1-Arrayed.
  • ****vendor=VendorClass
    Specifies the vendor class for the option. If unspecified, the default vendor class, the DHCP standard options class, is used.
  • ****comment=OptComment
    Specifies a comment to add to the new option type definition. If unspecified, the default value is NULL.
  • DefValue
    Specifies a default value to use for this option type, if one is not specified otherwise.


  • IsArray must be 0 for STRING type options.


In the first example, this command defines a new option type named ExtensionsPath with code 18, a STRING data type, and joins it to the DHCP standard options class, assigning it a default value of c:\Temp.

In the second and third examples, this command defines a new option type named TestOption with code 231 and an IPADDRESS data type. In the second example, the option is defined to provide only a single IP address. IsArray and DefValue are not necessary because defaults are assumed. In the third example, DefValue and IsArray are required to create an array that contains the IP address values,, and

add optiondef 18 ExtensionsPath STRING 0 c:\Temp

add optiondef 231 TestOption IPADDRESS

add optiondef 231 TestOption IPADDRESS 1 vendor=MyVendorClass

add optiondef 231 TestOption IPV6ADDRESS 1 vendor=MyVendorClass::0A01:0101

add scope

Adds a scope to the specified DHCP server.


add scope ScopeAddress SubnetMask ScopeName[ScopeComment]


  • ScopeAddress
    Required. Specifies the scope to add. Identifies the scope by IP network number.
  • SubnetMask
    Required. Specifies the subnet mask for the scope to add.
  • ScopeName
    Required. Specifies an identifying name for the scope.
  • ScopeComment
    Specifies a comment for the scope.


In the following example, this command adds a scope for the DHCP server with scope address, subnet mask, a scope name of MyScope, and a scope comment of MyComment.

add scope MyScope MyComment


Performs an asynchronous backup of the DHCP database, including all scopes, reservations, leases, options, configuration settings, and registry keys. An error will be returned if the specified destination is not valid or cannot be found.


backup [Path]


  • [Path]
    Specifies the path of the folder in which the backup .mdb DHCP database file will be created. If not specified, the path defaults to %systemroot%\System32\Dhcp\Backup.


  • Note that if the default destination is chosen, the synchronous backup that the DHCP server creates every 60 minutes will overwrite the async backup.


In the following example, this command sets the path of the DHCP server database file to c:\MyBackUpFiles\DHCP.

backup "c:\MyBackUpFiles\DHCP”

delete class

Deletes a class from the specified DHCP server.


delete class Name


  • Name
    Required. Specifies the user or vendor class to delete.


In the following example, this command deletes the class named MyClass.

delete class MyClass

delete dnscredentials

Deletes the credentials used for all DNS dynamic updates.


delete dnscredentials dhcpforceflag



delete mscope

Deletes a multicast scope from the specified DHCP server.


delete mscope MscopeName


  • MscopeName
    Required. Specifies the multicast scope to delete. MscopeName is case-sensitive.


In the following example, this command deletes the multicast scope MyMulticastScope from the currently specified DHCP server.

delete mscope MyMulticastScope

delete optiondef

Deletes a defined option type from the specified DHCP server.


delete optiondef OptCode [[vendor=]VendorName]


  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the unique identifier for the option type to delete.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies the vendor class name with which the option type is associated. If unspecified, the option type definition is deleted from the non-vendor-specific DHCP standard options class.


In the following example, this command deletes an option type with code 18 from the DHCP standard options class.

delete optiondef 18

delete optionvalue

Deletes the current value of the specified option type for the specified DHCP server.


delete optionvalue OptCode[[vendor=]VendorClass] [[user=]UserClass]


  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the unique identifier of the global server option with a value to delete.
  • ****vendor=VendorClass
    Specifies the vendor class name with which the option is associated. If the tag is not included, the global VendorName that was set by set vendorclass is assumed. If the tag is used, but no value is specified, then no vendor class is used. This parameter is available only for computers running Windows® 2000 Server.
  • ****user=UserClass
    Specifies the user class name with which the option is associated. If the tag is not included, the global UserName that was set by set userclass is assumed. If the tag is used, but no value is specified, then no user class is used. This parameter is available only for computers running Windows 2000 Server.


In the following example, this command deletes the current value of the option type with code 18.

delete optionvalue 18

delete scope

Deletes a scope from the specified DHCP server.


delete scope ScopeAddress {DHCPNOFORCE | DHCPFULLFORCE}


  • ScopeAddress
    Required. Specifies the address of the scope to delete.
    Required. Indicates the force with which the scope will be deleted: DHCPNOFORCE-Deletes the scope if there are no active clients in the scope, DHCPFULLFORCE-Deletes the scope even if there are active clients in the scope.


In the following example, this command forces the deletion of the scope from the DHCP server and ignores all warnings.

delete scope dhcpfullforce

delete superscope

Deletes a superscope from the specified DHCP server.


delete superscope SuperscopeName


  • SuperscopeName
    Required. Specifies the name of the superscope to delete.


  • You can set the superscope from the scope context with the set superscope command.

  • The superscope name is case-sensitive.


In the following example, this command deletes the superscope named My Superscope from the specified DHCP server.

delete superscope "My Superscope"


Dumps the configuration of the local DHCP server to the command prompt window when run within the netsh environment.



When run at the command prompt or in a batch file, output can be saved in a text file. Used without parameters, this command dumps the configuration of the local server to the command prompt window.


netsh dhcp server [IPAddress] dump >[PathAndFileName]


  • IPAddress
    Specifies the IP address of the DHCP server for which the configuration is output.
  • PathAndFileName
    Specifies both the location where the file is saved, and the name of the destination file to which to dump DHCP server configuration. If unspecified, the DHCP server configuration is dumped to the command prompt window.


  • This command dumps the DHCP configuration as text output within the command prompt window. You can copy or redirect this output to a file to view it in a text editor. After file output is obtained, you can use the exec command to configure another DHCP server with the same configuration.

  • Before you perform the dump command at the source server, reconcile all scopes and fix any reported inconsistencies.

  • The following command dumps the current configuration for the local DHCP server (the source) to a text file named Dhcpcfg.dmp. This file can be copied to another (destination) DHCP server and used to recreate the source configuration on it. You can recreate the configuration by typing the following command:

    dump > dhcpcfg.dmp

  • Before you use the exec command to produce a dump file at the destination server, complete the following steps:

    1. Close the DHCP console at the destination server. Do not reopen the console until after you have run the exec command.

    2. Delete all default option definitions and any user and vendor classes at the destination server.

  • These examples demonstrate how to use the delete optiondef and del class Netsh commands to delete all default option definitions and any user and vendor classes. You can run these commands at the dhcp server> prompt, from within the netsh environment.

    • delete optiondef 76

    • del class "Default BOOTP Class"

    • del class "Microsoft Windows 98 Options"

  • On the destination server, the exec command is used to load and run the saved configuration:

    netsh exec dhcpcfg.dmp

  • After you use the exec command to load the dump file, you must reconcile all scopes. Use net stop dhcpserver to stop the DHCP Server service and net start dhcpserver to restart it. Once the service is restarted, DHCP database changes take effect.


The first command, which is run within the netsh environment, dumps the configuration of the local DHCP server to the command prompt window.

The second command, which is run at the command prompt, dumps the configuration of a DHCP server with IP address to a text file named Dhcpcfg.dmp at the location C:\Dhcp\ on the local computer.

The third command, which is run at the command prompt, dumps the configuration of a DHCP server with IP address to a text file named Dhcpcfg.dmp on a shared network folder named \\Backup\Dhcp\.


netsh dhcp server dump > C:\Dhcp\Dhcpcfg.dmp

netsh dhcp server dump > \\Backup\Dhcp\Dhcpcfg.dmp


Exports the DHCP service configuration to a file.


export [Path]FileName {all | ScopeList}


  • [Path] FileName
    Required. Specifies, by name, the file where the DHCP configuration will be stored. If the path, the file name, or both contain spaces, quotation marks must be used.
  • {all | ScopeList}
    Required. Specifies which scopes you want to export. The parameter all exports all scopes. The parameter ScopeList exports the scopes that correspond to the IP addresses you list. Each IP address in the list must be separated by spaces.


  • This command works only on the local server.

  • While the export command runs, the DHCP service is stopped and does not respond to DHCP clients seeking new leases or lease renewals.

  • If the DHCP service has a large number of scopes or a large number of client address leases, this command can take a long time to run.


In the first example, this command exports the complete DHCP service configuration to the file c:\Temp\Dhcpdb.

In the second example, this command exports the DHCP configuration for scopes and to the file c:\Temp\Dhcpdb.

In the third example, this command exports the complete DHCP service configuration to the file c:\My Folder\Dhcp Configuration. Note that both the path and file name contain spaces, so quotation marks are used.

export c:\Temp\Dhcpdb all

export c:\Temp\Dhcpdb

export "c:\My Folder\Dhcp Configuration" all


Imports a DHCP service configuration from a file to the local service.


import [Path]FileName {all | ScopeList]


  • [Path] FileName
    Required. Specifies, by name, the file from which the DHCP configuration will be imported. If the path, the file name, or both contain spaces, quotation marks must be used.
  • {all | ScopeList}
    Required. Specifies which scopes you want to import. The parameter all imports all scopes represented in the file you specify. The parameter ScopeList imports the scopes that correspond to the IP addresses you list. Each IP address in the list must be separated by spaces.


  • This command works only on the local server.

  • While the import command runs, the DHCP service is stopped and does not respond to DHCP clients seeking new leases or lease renewals.

  • If the DHCP service has a large number of scopes or a large number of client address leases, this command can take a long time to run.


In the first example, this command imports the complete DHCP service configuration from the file c:\Temp\Dhcpdb.

In the second example, this command imports the DHCP configuration for scopes and from the file c:\Temp\Dhcpdb

In the third example, this command imports the complete DHCP service configuration from the file c:\My Folder\Dhcp Configuration. Note that both the path and file name contain spaces, so quotation marks are used.

import c:\Temp\Dhcpdb all

import c:\Temp\Dhcpdb

import "c:\My Folder\Dhcp Configuration" all

initiate auth

Initiates authorization of the specified DHCP server in Active Directory.


initiate auth




Switches the command context to a DHCP multicast scope.


mscope MscopeName


  • MscopeName
    Required. Specifies the name of the multicast scope to which to switch the command context.


  • This command enables you to use any of the available DHCP multicast scope-level commands on the specified DHCP multicast scope. Subsequent operations will be performed on this multicast scope at the specified server.

  • The name of the multicast scope is case-sensitive.


In the following example, this command switches the command context to a multicast scope named My Multicast Scope.

mscope "My Multicast Scope"


Restores DHCP server data, including all scopes, reservations, leases, options, configuration settings, and registry keys. The DHCP service is temporarily stopped during the restore and clients cannot contact the DHCP server to obtain IP addresses.


restore [Path]


  • [Path]
    Specifies the path of the .mdb DHCP database file to be restored. If not specified, the path will default to %systemroot%\System32\Dhcp\Backup


  • An error is returned when the specified database cannot be found, or the database was created with a different language version of the server.


In the following example, this command sets the restore path of the DHCP server database file to c:\MyBackUpFiles\DHCP.

restore "c:\MyBackUpFiles\DHCP”


Switches the command context to a DHCP scope.


scope ScopeIPAddress


  • ScopeIPAddress
    Required. Specifies the scope to which to switch the command context. Identifies the scope by network or subnet IP address.


  • This command enables you to use any of the available DHCP scope-level commands on the specified DHCP scope. Subsequent operations will be performed on this scope at the specified server.


In the following example, this command switches the command context to the scope with IP address


set auditlog

Configures audit logging data for the specified DHCP server.


set auditlog NewAuditPath Maxsize Minsize Interval


  • NewAuditPath
    Optional. Specifies a local folder for the DHCP server to use when storing audit log files. If a path is not specified, the location will default to %windir%\System32\Dhcp.
  • Maxsize
    Optional. This value is a DWORD and is written to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DhcpLogFileMaxSize. This attribute sets the maximum size restriction (in megabytes) for the total amount of disk space available for all audit log files created and stored by the DHCP service. The default is seven.
  • Minsize
    Optional. This value is a DWORD and is written to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DhcpLogMinSpaceOnDisk. This attribute sets the minimum free space (in megabytes) available on the local disk before audit logging stops. The default is 20.
  • Interval
    Optional. This value is a DWORD and is written to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer\Parameters\DhcpLogDiskSpaceCheckInterval. This attributes sets the number of times the log is written to before checking free disk space. The default is 50.


  • Only the path can be configured in the DHCP GUI. The other attributes are configured through the registry.

  • In order for this change to take effect, you must stop and restart the DHCP service after you run this command.


In the following example, this command sets the DHCP server to store audit log files in the directory %windir%\System32\Dhcp with a maximum size of seven megabytes, minimum free space of 20 megabytes, and an interval of 120.

netsh dhcp> set auditlog interval 120

set bindings

Sets interface bindings for the server.


set bindings Interface [Enable | Disable]


  • Interface
    Optional. Specifies the friendly name of the interface. The default is all local interfaces.
  • Mode
    Optional. Specifies the binding mode.

    ENABLE - Enables interface binding (default).

    DISABLE - Disables the interface binding.


  • Use the “Show Bindings” command to verify the value of the “Bound to Server” attribute. “TRUE” value indicates the interface binding is enabled. “FALSE” value indicates that the interface binding is disabled.

set databasebackupinterval

Sets the backup interval for the specified DHCP server.


set databasebackupinterval NewInterval


  • NewInterval
    Required. Specifies the backup interval in minutes.


In the following example, this command sets the database backup interval for the specified DHCP server to 1,440 minutes (24 hours).

set databasebackupinterval 1440

set databasebackuppath

Sets the database backup path for the specified DHCP server.


set databasebackuppath NewBackupPath


  • NewBackupPath
    Required. Specifies a local folder for the DHCP server to use when storing audit log files. A valid folder path is required, and the folder must be local to the DHCP server where the path is defined.


In the following example, this command sets the database backup path to c:\windows\dhcp\backup.

set databasebackuppath c:\windows\dhcp\backup

set databasecleanupinterval

Sets the database cleanup interval of the specified DHCP server.


set databasecleanupinterval NewInterval


  • NewInterval
    Required. Specifies the database cleanup interval, in minutes.


In the following example, this command sets the database cleanup interval to 10,080 minutes (every seven days).

set databasecleanupinterval 10080

set databaseloggingflag

Sets or resets the database logging flag for the specified DHCP server. Used without parameters, this command resets the database logging flag.


set databaseloggingflag [{0 | 1}]


  • {0 | 1}
    Indicates the database logging flag setting: 0-Resets the flag (default), 1-Sets the flag.


In the following example, this command resets the database logging flag for the currently specified DHCP server.

set databaseloggingflag 0

set databasename

Sets the name of the DHCP server database file for the specified DHCP server.


set databasename NewFileName


  • NewFileName
    Required. Specifies a new name for the DHCP server database file.


  • In order for this change to take effect, you must stop and restart the DHCP Server service.


In the following example, this command sets the DHCP server database file name to newdatabase.mdb.

set databasename newdatabase.mdb

set databasepath

Sets the path of the DHCP server database file for the specified DHCP server.


set databasepath NewPath


  • NewPath
    Required. Specifies the path of the DHCP database file.


  • In order for this change to take effect, you must stop and restart the DHCP Server service.


In the following example, this command sets the path of the DHCP server database file to c:\windows\dhcp.

set databasepath c:\windows\dhcp

set databaserestoreflag

Sets or resets the database restore flag for the specified DHCP server. Used without parameters, this command resets the database restore flag.


set databaserestoreflag [{0 | 1}]


  • {0 | 1}
    Indicates the setting of the database restore flag: 0-Resets the flag (default), 1-Sets the flag.


In the following example, this command sets the database restore flag for the currently specified DHCP server.

set databaserestoreflag 1

set detectconflictretry

Sets the number of conflict detection attempts for the specified DHCP server.


set detectconflictretry RetryNumber


  • RetryNumber
    Required. Specifies the number of conflict detection attempts that the DHCP server will make before it leases a scope IP address to a client.


  • The maximum value for RetryNumber is five. All values greater than five will default down to five.


In the following example, this command sets the DHCP server to make four attempts to detect if a there is a conflict for a scope IP address before the DHCP server uses this scope IP address in a new address lease.

set detectconflictretry 4

set dnsconfig

Sets the Domain Name System (DNS) dynamic update configuration for the specified DHCP server.


set dnsconfig [Enable=]{0 | 1} [[Update=]{0 | 1}] [[Lookup=]{0 | 1}] [[NonDyn=]{0 | 1}]


  • [Enable=]{0 | 1}
    Required. Indicates whether to enable or disable the dynamic updates of DNS client information: 0-Disables dynamic updates of DNS client information, 1-Enables dynamic updates of DNS client information.
  • [Update=]{0 | 1}
    Indicates the type of update lookups: 0-Updates according to client request, 1-Updates forward and reverse name lookups.
  • [Lookup=]{0 | 1}
    Indicates whether to enable or disable forward lookups for clients when leases expire: 0-Disables forward lookups, 1-Enables forward lookups.
  • [NonDyn=]{0 | 1}
    Indicates whether to update DNS information for clients that do not support dynamic updates: 0-Disables updates for clients that do not support dynamic updates, 1-Enables these updates.


  • This command is only supported for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server and members of the Windows Server 2003 family.

  • The configured Preferred DNS server, in the TCP/IP properties of the DHCP server, will be updated with DHCP client records when dynamic updates are enabled. If the Preferred DNS server is not available on the network, the Alternate DNS server will be updated.


In the following example, this command enables the dynamic update of DNS information by the DHCP server and configures updates to always be made for both forward and reverse lookups. This example also disables the option to perform forward lookups when leases expire and enables updates for non-dynamic clients.

set dnsconfig 1 1 0 1

set dnscredentials

Sets DNS dynamic update credentials for the specified DHCP server.


set dnscredentials UserName Domain Password


  • UserName
    Required. The user name associated with a valid domain account.
  • Domain
    Required. The domain in which the user account is located.
  • Password
    Required. The password for the user account.


In the first example, this command sets the DNS dynamic update credentials to the values specified.

In the second example, this command sets the value of UserName to User1 and the value of Domain to Domain1, but the password is not specified. Instead, an asterisk (*) is used. When an asterisk (*) is used in place of a valid password, the user is prompted for a password. Without the correct password for the specified UserName, the credentials cannot be changed.

set dnscredentials User1 Domain1 Password1

set dnscredentials User1 Domain1 *

set napstate

Turns NAP functionality on or off.


set napstateoption [On | Off]

set napdeffail

Sets the NAP default failure state.


set napdeffailstate { fullaccess | drop | quarantine }

set optionvalue

Sets a DHCP server option value that will be applied for all scopes defined at the specified DHCP server.


set optionvalue OptCode {BYTE | WORD | DWORD | STRING | IPADDRESS} [[user=]UserName] [[vendor=]VendorName] [OptionValue]


  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the unique identifier for the option type with the value to set.
    Required. Specifies the data type for the option type with the value to set.
  • [user=]UserName
    Sets the applicable user class name to which this command will apply. If unspecified, the default user class is assumed.
  • [vendor=]VendorName
    Sets the applicable vendor class name to which this command will apply. If unspecified, the DHCP standard options class is assumed.
  • [OptionValue]
    Specifies the new server default value for the option type identified by OptCode. The value must be of the associated data type.


  • Vendor and user classes are supported only for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class, use either the set userclass or set vendorclass commands.


In the first example, this command sets the value of option code 003 to list two router IP addresses, and

In the second example, this command further qualifies the first example and sets the specified value to apply only for those scope clients that identify themselves as members of the vendor class Vendor1. In order for this example to work, this class must already be defined at the server, with the specified option type defined for its use.

set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS

set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS vendor=Vendor1

set server

Changes the Netsh command-line context to the specified server. Used without parameters, the local server is assumed.


set server[{ServerIP | **\\**ServerDNS}]


  • **{ServerIP | **\\ServerDNS}
    Specifies the IP address or the DNS name of the specified DHCP server.


  • When this command is used, and the Netsh command-line context is changed to another server, all subsequent command operations are performed on the specified server. To perform command operations on another server, this command must be run again, with the IP address or DNS name of the new server provided as the parameter.


In the following example, this command switches the DHCP server command-line context to the server at IP address

set server

set userclass

Sets the name for the current user class. Used without parameters, the current user class is reset to the default user class


set userclass [UserClass]


  • UserClass
    Specifies the name of the user class for the currently specified DHCP server.


  • This command is available only for use with DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.


In the first example, this command sets the user class name to MyUserClass.

In the second example, this command resets the current user class to the default user class.

set userclass MyUserClass

set userclass

set vendorclass

Sets the name for the current vendor class. Used without parameters, the current vendor class is reset to the default class, DHCP standard options.


set vendorclass [VendorClass]


  • VendorClass
    Specifies the name of the vendor class for the current server.


  • This command is available only for use with DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.


In the first example, this command sets the vendor class name to MyVendorClass.

In the second example, this command resets the current vendor class to the default class, DHCP standard options.

set vendorclass MyVendorClass

set vendorclass

show all

Displays all status and configuration information for the specified DHCP server.


show all


  • none


  • This command lists all current server status and configuration details, including the stored management information base (MIB) information, for the currently specified DHCP server.

show auditlog

Displays all audit log information for the specified DHCP server.


show auditlog


  • none

show bindings

Displays bindings information for the specified DHCP server.


show bindings




  • This command displays bindings information for the current DHCP server, indicating which active network connections that are configured with static IP addresses are enabled or disabled for use in servicing DHCP clients on your network.

  • The DHCP service automatically disables network connections that obtain their IP address configuration dynamically from service bindings. This happens by default.

show class

Enumerates and displays all class information for the specified DHCP server. This includes both user and vendor class information.


show class


  • none

show detectconflictretry

Displays the configured number of conflict detection attempts for the specified DHCP server.


show detectconflictretry


  • none


  • This command displays the current number of ping retries that are used to attempt the detection of address conflicts for the scope IP addresses that are distributed by the server.

show dnsconfig

Displays the DNS dynamic update configuration for the specified DHCP server.


show dnsconfig


  • none


  • If DNS configuration has not been enabled or set, you can use the DNS console or the set dnsconfig command to configure these settings.

show dnscredentials

Displays the current DNS dynamic update credentials.


show dnscredentials


  • none

show mibinfo

Displays management information base (MIB) information for the specified DHCP server.


show mibinfo



show mscope

Displays all information about multicast scopes for the specified DHCP server.


show mscope


  • none

show napstate

Displays whether NAP functionality is turned on or off.


show napstate

show napdeffail

Displays the NAP default failure state.


show napdeffail

show optiondef

Displays all defined and available options types for use at the specified DHCP server. Used without parameters, all options are displayed.


show optiondef [**vendor=**VendorName]


  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Indicates which defined and available option types to display. If unspecified, the default for VendorName is the default vendor class that is currently set for the DHCP server.


  • The default vendor class can be reset with the set vendorclass command.

  • VendorName is applicable only for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.


In the first example, this command displays all defined option types for the current vendor class.

In the second example, this command displays the defined option types that are available for use with the specified class Vendor1.

show optiondef

show optiondef vendor=Vendor1

show optionvalue

Displays all of the available option values that are currently set for the specified DHCP server. Used without parameters, all option values are displayed, including those that are used for both user and vendor classes.


show optionvalue[{**user=**UserName | **vendor=**VendorName}]


  • ****user=UserName
    Specifies the default values that are set for the option types that are available for use with the currently set user class.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies the default values that are set for the option types that are available for use with the currently set vendor class.


  • **User=**UserName and **vendor=**VendorName are only available for use with DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • If you provide values for UserName or VendorName, the respective tags (user= or vendor=) are required. If the tags are not included, the default that is assumed is the current user class, previously set with the set userclass command.


In the following example, this command displays all of the available option types that have values set at the currently specified DHCP server.

show optionvalue

show scope

Displays information about the scopes for the specified DHCP server.


show scope


  • none

show superscope

Displays information about the superscopes for the specified DHCP server.


show superscope


  • none

show server

Displays information about the specified DHCP server, including the fully qualified domain name and IP address of the server.


show server


  • none

show dbproperties

Displays information about server database configuration for the specified DHCP server.


show dbproperties


  • none


  • This command displays the following database configuration information:

    • DatabaseName

    • DatabasePath

    • DatabaseBackupPath

    • DatabaseBackupInterval

    • DatabaseLoggingFlag

    • DatabaseRestoreFlag

    • DatabaseCleanupInterval

show serverstatus

Displays status information for the specified DHCP server.


show serverstatus


  • none


  • This is an example of the type of status information that this command displays:

    Server Attrib - Server Servicing Clients :TRUE

    Server Attrib - Dynamic BootP Support Enabled :TRUE

    Server Attrib - DHCP server Part Of DS :TRUE

    Server Attrib - DHCP server Bindings Aware :TRUE

    Server Attrib - Administrative Rights :TRUE

show userclass

Displays the current user class setting at the specified DHCP server.


show userclass


  • none


  • This is an example of the type of setting information that this command displays:

    Current Class Name set for the Server dhcpsrv1.example.microsoft.com is None.

show vendorclass

Displays the current vendor class setting at the specified DHCP server.


show vendorclass


  • none


  • This is an example of the type of setting information that this command displays:

    Current Vendor Name set for the Server dhcpsrv1.example.microsoft.com is None.

show version

Displays current version information for the specified DHCP server.


show version


  • none


  • This is an example of the type of version information that this command displays:

    The version of the DHCP server is 5.6.

Netsh DHCP server V4

The following commands are available at the dhcp server v4> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • add optiondef

  • add scope

  • add class

  • delete optiondef

  • delete optionvalue

  • delete scope

  • delete class

  • set bindings

  • set optionvalue

  • set userclass

  • set vendorclass

  • show bindings

  • show mibinfo

  • show optiondef

  • show optionvalue

  • show scope

  • show userclass

  • show vendorclass

  • show class

  • export

  • import

Netsh DHCP server V6 in Windows Server 2008

The following commands can run from the dhcp server v6> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • add optiondef

  • add scope

  • add class

  • delete optiondef

  • delete optionvalue

  • delete scope

  • delete class

  • set bindings

  • set optionvalue

  • set unicastflag

  • set rapidcommitflag

  • set preferredlifetime

  • set validlifetime

  • set t1

  • set t2

  • set userclass

  • set vendorclass

  • show bindings

  • show mibinfo

  • show optiondef

  • show optionvalue

  • show rapidcommitflag

  • show unicastflag

  • show preferredlifetime

  • show validlifetime

  • show t1

  • show t2

  • show scope

  • show userclass

  • show vendorclass

  • show class

  • export

  • import

set unicastflag

Sets the global unicast flag for the server.


set unicastflag [ on | off ]

set rapidcommitflag

Sets the global unicast flag for the server.


set rapidcommitflag [ on | off ]

set preferredlifetime

Sets the preferred lifetime of an issued lease on the DHCP server.


set preferredlifetime [lifetime=seconds]


  • Lifetime
    The preferred lifetime in seconds.


  • The following command sets the preferred lifetime on the DHCP server to 1 hour:

  • set preferredlifetime 3600

set validlifetime

Sets the valid lifetime of a lease on the DHCP server.


set validlifetime [lifetime=seconds]


  • Lifetime
    The preferred lifetime in seconds.


  • The following command sets the valid lifetime on the DHCP server to 1 hour:

  • set validlifetime 3600

set t1

Sets the value of T1 of an issued lease on the DHCP server.


set t1 [lifetime=seconds]


  • Lifetime
    The preferred lifetime in seconds.


  • The following command sets T1 on the DHCP server to 1 hour:

  • set t1 3600

set t2

Sets the value of T2 of an issued lease on the DHCP server.


set t2 [lifetime=seconds]


  • Lifetime
    The preferred lifetime in seconds.


  • The following command sets T2 on the DHCP server to 1 hour:

  • set t2 3600

show rapidcommitflag

Displays the rapidcommitflag.


show rapidcommitflag


  • none

show unicastflag

Displays the unicastflag.


show unicastflag


  • none

show preferredlifetime

Displays the preferred lifetime of an issued lease on the DHCP server.


show preferredlifetime


  • none

show validlifetime

Displays the valid lifetime of a lease on the DHCP server.


show validlifetime


  • none

show t1

Displays the value of T1 of an issued lease on the DHCP server.


show t1


  • none

show t2

Displays the value of T2 of an issued lease on the DHCP server.


show t2


  • none

Netsh DHCP server V6 in Windows Server 2008 R2

The following commands can run from the dhcp server v6> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

Unless otherwise noted in this reference, Netsh commands in Windows Server 2008 R2 provide the same functionality as the Netsh commands in Windows Server 2008.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • add optiondef

  • add scope

  • add class

  • delete optiondef

  • delete optionvalue

  • delete scope

  • delete class

  • set bindings

  • set optionvalue

  • set unicastflag

  • set rapidcommitflag

  • set preferredlifetime

  • set validlifetime

  • set t1

  • set t2

  • set userclass

  • set vendorclass

  • show bindings

  • show mibinfo

  • show optiondef

  • show optionvalue

  • show rapidcommitflag

  • show unicastflag

  • show preferredlifetime

  • show validlifetime

  • show t1

  • show t2

  • show scope

  • show userclass

  • show vendorclass

  • show class

  • export

  • import

set nameprotection

Enables or disables the use of the DHCP ID Resource Record for registeringAAAA records in the DNS Server.


set nameprotection


  • none

set unicastflag

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

set rapidcommitflag

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

set preferredlifetime

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

set validlifetime

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

set t1

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

set t2

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

show rapidcommitflag

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

show unicastflag

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

show preferredlifetime

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

show validlifetime

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

show t1

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

show t2

This Netsh command is available in Windows Server 2008, but is not available in Windows Server 2008 R2.

Netsh DHCP server scope

The following commands are available at the dhcp server scope> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • add excluderange

  • add iprange

  • add reservedip

  • delete excluderange

  • delete iprange

  • delete lease

  • delete optionvalue

  • delete reservedip

  • delete reservedoptionvalue

  • dump

  • initiate reconcile

  • set comment

  • set name

  • set optionvalue

  • set reservedoptionvalue

  • set scope

  • set state

  • set superscope

  • show clients

  • show clientsv5

  • show excluderange

  • show iprange

  • show optionvalue

  • show reservedip

  • show reservedoptionvalue

  • show scope

  • show state

add excluderange

Adds a range of addresses to exclude from distribution in the current scope.


add excluderange StartIP EndIP


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the exclusion range.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the exclusion range.


In the following example, this command excludes the IP addresses in the range to from distribution in the scope.

add excluderange

add iprange

Adds a range of IP addresses to the current scope.


add iprange StartIP EndIP [{DHCP | BOOTP | BOTH}] [MaxBootP]


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the range.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the range.
    Specifies the type of client to be serviced by this scope and IP range. DHCP is the default.
  • MaxBootP
    Specifies the maximum number of BOOTP clients.


  • MaxBootP is useful only if ClientType is set to support BOOTP-type clients for the scope. If an optional command-line option is used, all command-line options (mandatory, as well as optional) that come before the optional command that is used are required and must appear in proper sequence.


In the following example, this command adds DHCP clients that are in the IP address range to to the distribution range in the scope.

add iprange

add reservedip

Reserves an IP address for use by a specified media access control (MAC) address in the current scope.


add reservedip ReservedIP MACAddress [ClientName] [ClientComment] [{DHCP | BOOTP | BOTH}]


  • ReservedIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address to reserve.
  • MACAddress
    Required. Specifies the physical hardware or MAC address to associate with the reserved IP address.
  • ClientName
    Specifies a client name to associate with this reserved client entry. If unspecified, a client name is not associated with this reserved client entry.
  • ClientComment
    Specifies a client comment to associate with this reserved client entry. If unspecified, a client comment is not associated with this reserved client entry.
    Specifies the type of clients to associate with this reserved client entry. DHCP is the default.


  • If an optional command-line option is used, all command-line options (mandatory as well as optional) that come before the optional command-line option that is used are required and must appear in proper sequence.


In the following example, this command reserves the IP address for use by the DHCP client that identifies its MAC address as 08-00-2b-30-36-9b when it obtains a lease in the current scope.

add reservedip 08002b30369B

delete excluderange

Deletes a range of previously excluded IP addresses from the current scope.


delete excluderange StartIP EndIP


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the exclusion range.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the exclusion range.


In the following example, this command deletes the exclusion range that starts with an IP address of and ends with an IP address of from the current scope.

delete excluderange

delete iprange

Deletes a range of IP addresses from the current scope.


delete iprange StartIP EndIP


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the range to delete.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the range to delete.


In the following example, this command deletes IP addresses in the range to from the current scope.

delete iprange

delete lease

Deletes an IP address lease from the current scope.


delete lease [{LeaseIP | **\\**HostName | AllBadAddresses | AllRasServerAddresses}]


  • **{LeaseIP | **\\HostName | AllBadAddresses | AllRasServerAddresses}
    Required. Specifies the IP address or the host name associated with the leased address. If AllBadAddresses is specified, all records marked as BAD_ADDRESS are removed. If AllRasServerAddresses is specified, all leases obtained by all Routing and Remote Access Service servers are removed.


In the first example, this command deletes the IP address lease from the current scope.

In the second example, this command deletes all IP address leases marked as BAD_ADDRESS from the current scope.

delete lease

delete lease AllBadAddresses

delete optionvalue

Removes or clears the currently set scope option value from the current scope.


delete optionvalue OptCode[**user=**UserName] [**vendor=**VendorName]


  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the unique identifier of the option whose value is to delete.
  • ****user=UserName
    Specifies the user class from which to delete the currently set option value. If the tag is provided, but the value unspecified, the current default user class is assumed.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies the vendor class from which to delete the currently set option value. If the tag is provided, but the value unspecified, the current default vendor class is assumed.


  • Vendor and user classes are only supported for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • If you specify a user class, a vendor class, or both, this command deletes the set option value from only the scope clients that are identified as members of the specified class or classes.

  • To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class that is used with this command, use either the set userclass or set vendorclass commands.


In the first example, this command deletes the currently set option value for option code 18 from the current scope.

In the second example, this command deletes the currently set option value for option code 18 from the vendor class MyVendorClass.

delete optionvalue 18

delete optionvalue 18 vendor="MyVendorClass"

delete reservedip

Deletes a reservation for an IP address in the current scope.


delete reservedip ReservedIP MACAddress


  • ReservedIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address reservation to delete from the current scope.
  • MACAddress
    Required. Specifies the media access control (MAC) or physical hardware address string for which the IP address was reserved.


In the following example, this command removes the IP address reservation for the MAC address 08002B30369B from the current scope.

delete reservedip 08002B30369B

delete reservedoptionvalue

Deletes an option value that is currently assigned to a reserved client in the current scope.


delete reservedoptionvalue ReservedIP OptCode [**User=**UserName] [**vendor=**VendorName]


  • ReservedIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address of the reserved client.
  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the unique code for the option type that is currently assigned to the reserved client.
  • ****User=UserName
    Specifies the user class from which to delete the option value. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current default user class is assumed.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies the vendor class from which to delete the option value. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current vendor class is assumed.


  • Vendor and user classes are only supported for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class used with this command, use either set userclass or set vendorclass.


In the following example, this command deletes the currently set option value for the option identified by code 18 for reserved IP address of in the current scope.

delete reservedoptionvalue 18


Dumps the configuration of the current scope to the command prompt window when run within the netsh environment.



When run at the command prompt or in a batch file, output can be saved in a text file. Used without parameters, this command dumps the configuration of the current scope to the command prompt window.


netsh dhcp server {ServerName| IPAddress} scope ScopeIDdump >[PathAndFileName]


  • ServerName | IPAddress
    Specifies the server name or IP address of the DHCP server for which the scope configuration is output.
  • ScopeID
    Required. Specifies the IP address of the scope for which the configuration is output.
  • PathAndFileName
    Specifies both the location where the file is saved, and the name of the destination file to which to dump the scope configuration. If unspecified, the scope configuration is dumped to the command prompt window.


The first command, which is run within the netsh environment, dumps the configuration of the current scope to the command prompt window.

The second command, which is run from the command prompt, dumps the configuration of the local server scope to a file named Scopecfg.dmp on the shared network folder \\Backup\Dhcp\.


netsh dhcp server scope dump >\\Backup\Dhcp\Scopecfg.dmp

initiate reconcile

Checks and reconciles the current scope. Used without parameters, this command verifies the scopes and checks for inconsistencies but does not fix any inconsistencies that it finds in the database.


initiate reconcile [fix]


  • [fix]
    Indicates that the command will fix, if possible, any inconsistencies that it finds in the database.


In the first example, this command verifies the scopes and checks for inconsistencies.

In the second example, this command verifies the scopes, checks for inconsistencies, and fixes any inconsistencies that are found.

initiate reconcile

initiate reconcile fix

set comment

Sets the comment for the current scope. Used without parameters, set comment deletes the current comment.


set comment [NewComment]


  • [NewComment]
    Specifies a new or modified comment string for the scope.


In the first example, this command sets a comment string that has no spaces.

In the second example, this command sets a comment string that includes spaces.

set comment NewCommentNoSpaces

set comment "New Comment With Spaces"

set name

Sets the name of the current scope.


set name NewName


  • NewName
    Required. Specifies the new name of the scope.


In the first example, this command sets a name that has no spaces.

In the second example, this command sets a name that includes spaces.

set name NewNameNoSpaces

set name "New Name With Spaces"

set optionvalue

Sets an option value for the current scope.


set optionvalue OptCode{BYTE | WORD | DWORD | STRING | IPADDRESS} [**user=**UserName] [**vendor=**VendorName] OptionValue


  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the code for the option type whose value is to be set.
    Required. Specifies the data type for the option type whose value is to be set.
  • ****user=UserName
    Specifies the user class. If the tag is provided, but the value is unspecified, the current default user class is assumed.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies the vendor class. If the tag is provided, but the value is unspecified, the current default vendor class is assumed.
  • OptionValue
    Required. Specifies the assigned value for the option type that is specified in OptCode. If the option type supports an array that contains more than a single numeric or IP address value, provide the additional values, in the order that you prefer them, at the end of the command, with each value separated by a space.


  • Vendor and user classes are only supported for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class used with this command, use either set userclass or set vendorclass.


In the first example, this command sets the value of option code 003 to list two router IP addresses (,

In the second example, this command sets the value that is specified in the first example to apply only to those scope clients that identify themselves as members of the vendor class Vendor1, a class that was previously defined at the server with this specified option type defined for its use.

set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS

set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS vendor=Vendor1

set reservedoptionvalue

Sets the value of an option for a reservation IP address in the current scope.


set reservedoptionvalue ReservedIP OptCode {BYTE | WORD | DWORD | STRING | IPADDRESS} [**user=**UserName] [**vendor=**VendorName] OptValue


  • ReservedIP
    Required. Specifies the reserved IP address for which the option value is to be set.
  • OptCode
    Required. Specifies the code for the option type whose value is to be set.
    Required. Specifies the data type for the option type whose value is to be set.
  • ****user=UserName
    Specifies either the current default user class or the class specified as UserName. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current default user class is assumed.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies either the current default vendor class or the class specified as VendorName. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current default vendor class is assumed.
  • OptValue
    Required. Specifies the assigned value for the option type specified in OptCode. If the option type supports an array that contains more than a single numeric or IP address value, provide the additional values, in the order that you prefer them, at the end of the command with each value separated by a space.


  • Vendor and user classes are only supported for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class used with this command, use either set userclass or set vendorclass.


In the following example, this command sets the value of the router option (code 003) for the reserved client IP address of in the current scope to set IP addresses of and for its configured routers (default gateways).

set reservedoptionvalue 003 IPADDRESS

set scope

Sets the scope for use in subsequent operations.


set scope ScopeAddress


  • ScopeAddress
    Required. Specifies the IP address of the scope to use in subsequent command operations.


In the following example, this command sets the current scope to for subsequent operations.

set scope

set state

Sets or resets the state of the current scope to either the active or inactive state. Used without parameters, this command activates the scope.


set state [{0 | 1 | 2 | 3}]


  • {0 | 1 | 2 | 3}
    Indicates the state of the scope: 0-Deactivates the scope, 1-Activates the scope (default), 2-Deactivates the scope and marks the scope as "Switched,"

    3-Activates the scope and marks the scope as "Switched."


  • 2 and 3 are typically used for switched networks or networks where multiple logical networks are hosted on a single physical network.


In the first example, this command activates a scope.

In the second example, this command deactivates a scope.

set state 1

set state 0

set superscope

Sets the superscope to use in subsequent operations.


set superscope SuperscopeName {0 | 1}


  • SuperscopeName
    Required. Specifies the name of the superscope to include the current scope. The SuperscopeName is case-sensitive.
  • {0 | 1}
    Required. Indicates whether to set the state of the superscope to active or inactive: 0-Deactivates the superscope, 1-Activates the superscope.


In the following example, this command adds the current scope to the superscope MySuperScope and activates the superscope.

set superscope MySuperScope 1

show clients

Displays all of the available version 4 clients for the current scope. Used without parameters, this command displays the following information for each client: IP address, subnet mask, unique ID, lease expiration, and type.


show clients[{0 | 1}]


  • {0 | 1}
    Indicates the detail level of the output: 0-Shows the following information for each client: IP address, subnet mask, unique ID, lease expiration, and data type (default), 1-Shows all of the information that 0 provides and also displays the fully qualified domain name of each client.


  • To view the output of this command effectively, increase the width of the command prompt window to at least 95 characters.

show clientsv5

Displays all of the available version 5 clients for the current scope. Used without parameters, this command displays the following information for each client: IP address, subnet mask, unique ID, lease expiration, and type.


show clientsv5[{0 | 1}]


  • {0 | 1}
    Indicates the detail level of the output: 0-Shows the following information for each client: IP address, subnet mask, unique ID, lease expires, type (default), 1-Shows all of the information that 0 provides and also displays the fully qualified domain name of each client.


  • To view the output of this command effectively, increase the width of the command prompt window to at least 95 characters.

show excluderange

Displays all of the currently set exclusion ranges of IP addresses for the current scope.


show excluderange


  • none


  • Use other scope-level commands to add and delete exclusion ranges.

show iprange

Displays all of the address ranges that are available for the current scope.


show iprange


  • none

show optionvalue

Displays all of the option values that are set for the current scope. Used without parameters, this command assumes the current default user and vendor classes.


show optionvalue[**user=**UserName] [**vendor=**VendorName]


  • ****user=UserName
    Specifies that the options that are set for the specified user class will display. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current default user class is assumed.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies that the options that are set for the specified vendor class will display. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current default vendor class is assumed.


  • Vendor and user classes are only supported for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class used with this command, use either set userclass or set vendorclass.


In the following example, this command displays all options and values set for the current scope for the user defined class My User Class.

show optionvalue user="My User Class"

show reservedip

Displays all of the IP addresses that are currently reserved for the current scope.


show reservedip


  • none

show reservedoptionvalue

Displays all currently set option values for a reserved client IP address in the current scope.


show reservedoptionvalue ReservedIP[**user=**UserName] [**vendor=**VendorName]


  • ReservedIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address reservation for which currently assigned options are to display.
  • ****user=UserName
    Specifies that the options that are set for the specified user class will display. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current default user class is assumed.
  • ****vendor=VendorName
    Specifies that the options that are set for the specified vendor class will display. If the tag is provided, but no value is specified, the current default vendor class is assumed.


  • Vendor and user classes are only supported for DHCP servers running Windows 2000 Server.

  • To modify the current defaults for an unspecified class used with this command, use either set userclass or set vendorclass.


In the following example, this command displays the option values set for the reserved IP address in the current scope.

show reservedoptionvalue

show scope

Displays information for the current scope.


show scope


  • none

show state

Displays the state of the current scope, indicating whether it is active or inactive.


show state


  • none

Netsh DHCP server mscope

The following commands can run from the dhcp server mscope> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • add excluderange

  • add iprange

  • delete excluderange

  • delete iprange

  • dump

  • initiate reconcile

  • set comment

  • set lease

  • set mscope

  • set name

  • set state

  • set ttl

  • show clients

  • show excluderange

  • show iprange

  • show lease

  • show mibinfo

  • show mscope

  • show state

  • show ttl

add excluderange

Adds a range of excluded addresses to the current multicast scope.


add excluderange StartIP EndIP


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the exclusion range.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the exclusion range.


  • The exclusion range must be a subset of the overall scope address range.


In the following example, this command adds an exclusion range that starts with and ends with to the distribution range of the current multicast scope.

add excluderange

add iprange

Adds a range of IP addresses to the current multicast scope.


add iprange StartIP EndIP


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the range.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the range.


  • The range must be within the valid range of multicast IP addresses (from to


In the following example, this command adds the IP address range to to the distribution range in the multicast scope.

add iprange

delete excluderange

Deletes an exclusion range of previously excluded IP addresses in the current multicast scope.


delete excluderange StartIP EndIP


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the exclusion range.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the exclusion range.


In the following example, this command removes a multicast scope exclusion with a range of IP addresses that starts at and ends with for the multicast scope.

delete excluderange

delete iprange

Deletes a range of IP addresses from the current multicast scope.


delete iprange StartIP EndIP


  • StartIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that starts the range to delete.
  • EndIP
    Required. Specifies the IP address that ends the range to delete.


In the following example, this command deletes the IP address range to from the overall range of the full multicast scope.

delete iprange


Dumps the configuration of the current multicast scope to the command prompt window when run within the netsh environment.



When run at the command prompt or in a batch file, output can be saved in a text file. Used without parameters, this command dumps the configuration of the current multicast scope to the command prompt window.


netsh dhcp server [ServerName| IPAddress] mscopeMscopeIDdump >[PathAndFileName]


  • ServerName | IPAddress
    Specifies the server name or IP address of the DHCP server for which the scope configuration is output.
  • MscopeID
    Required. Specifies the name of the multicast scope for which the configuration is output.
  • PathAndFileName
    Specifies both the location where the file is saved, and the name of the destination file to which to dump the multicast scope configuration. If unspecified, scope configuration is dumped to the command prompt window.


The first command, which is run within the netsh environment, dumps the configuration of the current multicast scope to the command prompt window.

The second command, which is run from the command prompt, dumps the configuration of the local server multicast scope TestMscope to the file Mscopecfg.dmp on the shared network folder \\Backup\Dhcp\.


netsh dhcp server mscope TestMscope dump > \\Backup\Dhcp\Mscopecfg.dmp

initiate reconcile

Checks and reconciles the current multicast scope.


initiate reconcile


  • none


  • This command checks the integrity of the current multicast scope by comparing the current contents of the server database with a mirrored copy of the same information in the Windows registry. If inconsistencies are detected in the database, they are repaired based on the information that is duplicated in the registry. Repair is always attempted for any inconsistency that is found.

set comment

Sets the comment for the current multicast scope.


set comment NewComment


  • NewComment
    Required. Specifies the new or revised comment for the multicast scope


In the first example, this command modifies the multicast scope comment with a new comment that contains no spaces.

In the second example, this command modifies the multicast scope comment with a new comment that contains spaces.

set comment NewCommentNoSpaces

set comment "New Comment With Spaces"

set lease

Sets the lease duration for the multicast scope IP addresses.


set lease Time


  • Time
    Required. Specifies the lease duration for clients of the multicast scope. Specifying -1 sets the duration of the IP address lease to an unlimited or infinite time.


In the following example, this command sets the lease duration for the clients of the current multicast scope to 691200 seconds (eight days).

set lease 691200

set mscope

Sets the multicast scope to use in subsequent operations.


set mscope NewName


  • NewName
    Required. Specifies the name of the multicast scope to which the command context is changed. NewName is case-sensitive.


  • This command changes the context of the netsh dhcp server mscope> prompt from one multicast scope to another.

  • This command does not rename the current multicast scope. To change the name of the current multicast scope, use the command set name.


In the first example, this command changes the command context to a multicast scope named MyMulticastScope. Note that the multicast scope name contains no spaces.

In the second example, this command changes the command context to a multicast scope named My Multicast Scope. Note that the multicast scope name contains spaces.

set mscope MyMulticastScope

set mscope "My Multicast Scope"

set name

Changes the name of the current multicast scope.


set name NewName


  • NewName
    Required. Specifies a new name for the current multicast scope.


In the first example, this command sets a new name that contains no spaces for the current multicast scope.

In the second example, this command sets a new name that contains spaces for the current multicast scope.

set name NewNameNoSpaces

set name "New Name With Spaces"

set state

Sets or resets the state of the current multicast scope to either an active or inactive state.


set state {0 | 1}


  • {0 | 1}
    Required. Sets the state of the current multicast scope: 0-Deactivates the current multicast scope, 1-Activates the current multicast scope.


In the first example, this command activates the current multicast scope.

In the second example, this command deactivates the current multicast scope.

set state 1

set state 0

set ttl

Sets the Time-To-Live (TTL) value for the current multicast scope.


set ttl TTL


  • TTL
    Required. Specifies the Time-to-Live (TTL) value. The valid range for this value is a number from 1 to 255.


In the following example, this command sets the TTL value for the current multicast scope to 32.

set ttl 32

show clients

Displays all available clients for the current multicast scope.


show clients


  • none


  • To view the output of this command effectively, increase the width of the command prompt window to at least 95 characters.

show excluderange

Displays all currently excluded ranges of IP addresses for the current multicast scope.


show excluderange


  • none


  • If no exclusion ranges have been previously defined for the scope, this command outputs an empty list.

show iprange

Displays all available IP address ranges for the current multicast scope.


show iprange


  • none

show lease

Displays the current lease duration settings for the current multicast scope.


show lease


  • none

show mibinfo

Displays management information base (MIB) information for the current multicast scope.


show mibinfo


  • none

show mscope

Displays information for the current multicast scope.


show mscope


  • none

show state

Displays the state of the current multicast scope.


show state


  • none

show ttl

Displays the Time-To-Live (TTL) value for the current multicast scope.


show ttl


  • none

Formatting legend

Format Meaning


Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output