
Windows System Image Manager User Interface

The Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) user interface contains a series of panes. These panes enable you to open Windows image files, create unattended answer files, and then add components and packages to the respective configuration passes in an answer file.

In This Section

  • Windows SIM Panes
  • Windows SIM Menus
  • Windows SIM Buttons

Windows SIM Panes

The following sections describe the Windows SIM panes.

Distribution Share Pane

The Distribution Share pane displays the currently open distribution share folder in tree view. You can select, create, explore, and close distribution share folders by selecting the top node and then right-clicking in the pane. You can add items in an open distribution share folder to an answer file by right-clicking the item. For more information, see Understanding Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets.

Answer File Pane

The Answer File pane displays the Windows Setup configuration passes, the settings to apply in each pass, and the packages to install. You can open and edit an existing answer file, validate the settings in an answer file against a Windows image, or create a new answer file. For more information, see Understanding Answer Files.

Windows Image Pane

The Windows Image pane displays the currently open Windows image in tree view. When the tree is expanded, all the components and packages for the image are visible and available to add to an answer file in the Answer File pane. For more information, see Understanding Windows Image Files and Catalog Files.

Properties Pane

The Properties pane displays the properties and settings of a selected component or package. The Properties pane enables you to edit the settings, and, in the case of packages, Windows feature selections. At the bottom of the Properties pane, Windows SIM displays the name of the setting and the associated .NET type. For more information, see Understanding Settings and Properties.

Messages Pane

The Messages pane consists of three tabs. The tabs displayed are XML, Validation, and Configuration Set. Clicking a tab in the Messages pane displays the type of message, a description, and the location of the issue.

The types of messages that the Messages pane display are informational. Messages appear only in the Configuration Set messages tab if a configuration set has been created. For more information, see Understanding Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets.

Windows SIM Menus

The following sections describe Windows SIM menus.

File Menu

Menu Item Description

New Answer File

Creates a new answer file.

Open Answer File

Opens an existing answer file.

Close Answer File

Closes the currently open answer file.

Save Answer File

Saves the currently open answer file.

Save Answer File As…

Opens a dialog box to enable naming of the answer file with which you are currently working.

Select Distribution Share

Opens a valid distribution share folder.

Close Distribution Share

Closes the currently open distribution share folder.

Select Windows Image

Browses to and selects a Windows image (.wim) file.

Close Windows Image

Closes the currently open Windows image (.wim) file.


Closes Windows SIM.

Edit Menu

Menu Item Description


Cuts the highlighted text or tree structure (Unattend and Properties).


Copies the highlighted text or tree structure (all panes).


Pastes text or tree structure (Unattend and Properties).


Deletes the currently selected item or text. (This item may be disabled if the item is not removable.)


Brings up a search dialog box to scan a Windows image and answer file, distribution share, or message for a specific item.

Revert Change

Reverts the most recent customization.

Write Image Value

Writes the value of the setting in the currently open Windows image to the answer file.

Add to Answer File

For components, a submenu opens that shows the available passes. The item and its children are added to the Unattend.xml answer file. Packages are automatically added to the packages section of the Unattend.xml answer file.

Insert Menu

Menu Item Description

Synchronous Command

Adds a synchronous command to a configuration pass. Enables you to choose the configuration pass windowsPE, specialize, auditUser, or oobeSystem. Once you select the configuration pass, a window opens, enabling you to input the command line and the order of execution.

Driver Path

Adds a driver path to a configuration pass. Enables you to choose the configuration pass in which to add the driver path, and then opens a window enabling you to select a file or folder.


Opens a window that enables you to browse to the location of a package and inserts a package from a file or folder into the currently open answer file.

Tools Menu

Menu Item Description

Hide Sensitive Data

Stores local account passwords in an answer file as unreadable text. Domain passwords, product keys, and other sensitive data are not hidden.

Validate Answer File

Validates the XML and other settings in the answer file. Settings are validated against the currently open Windows image.

Create Configuration Set

Generates a new configuration set.

Explore Distribution Share

Opens a distribution share folder in Windows Explorer view.

Create Distribution Share

Creates a distribution share folder and subfolders.

Import Package(s)

Enables you to navigate to a folder that contains a package and import it into the currently open distribution share. For more information, see Import a Package to a Distribution Share

Create Catalog

Generates a catalog file. For more information, see Understanding Windows Image Files and Catalog Files

Help Menu

Menu Item Description

Image Manager Help

Launches the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit (Windows OPK) User's Guide.

Unattended Reference

Launches the Unattended Windows Setup Reference.


Displays version, copyright, and licensing information.

Windows SIM Buttons

Button Name Function

New Answer File

Creates a new answer file.

Open Answer File

Opens an existing answer file.

Close Answer File

Closes the currently selected answer file.

Save Answer File

Saves the currently open answer file.

Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete

Manipulates data.


Enables you to search a Windows image and answer file, distribution share, or within the Messages pane.

Validate Answer File

Validates the answer file against the settings in the opened catalog file.

Create Configuration Set

Creates a configuration set.

Help Contents

Displays the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit (Windows OPK) User's Guide.

See Also


Windows SIM Terminology
Windows SIM Architecture
Understanding Windows Image Files and Catalog Files
Understanding Distribution Shares and Configuration Sets
Understanding Answer Files
Understanding Settings and Properties