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Gets or sets the transformation that is applied to the brush by using relative coordinates.

value = object.RelativeTransform
object.RelativeTransform = value

Property Value

Type: Transform

The transformation that is applied to the brush by using relative coordinates.

This property is read/write. The default value is null.

XAML Values




Exactly one object element for an object that derives from Transform. This can be one of the following: RotateTransform, ScaleTransform, SkewTransform, TranslateTransform, MatrixTransform, or TransformGroup. If you use a TransformGroup, you can apply multiple transforms by defining child object elements of the TransformGroup. For more information, see the "XAML Values" section in the TransformGroup reference topic.

Managed Equivalent



This property is especially useful when you want to rotate, scale, skew, or otherwise transform a brush about its center, but you do not know the size of the area that painted with the brush, or you are using the same brush to paint different areas with different sizes.

For more information on basic concepts, see Transforms. Note that the Transforms topic is written primarily for users of the managed API, and may not have code examples or specific information that address the JavaScript API scenarios.

See Also
