mem_fun Function
Helper 所使用的樣板函式建構函式成員函式的物件配置器,當使用指標引數。
template<class Result, class Type>
mem_fun_t<Result, Type> mem_fun (
Result(Type::* _Pm )( )
template<class Result, class Type, class Arg>
mem_fun1_t<Result, Type, Arg> mem_fun(
Result (Type::* _Pm )( Arg )
template<class Result, class Type>
const_mem_fun_t<Result, Type>
mem_fun(Result (Type::* _Pm )( ) const
template<class Result, class Type, class Arg>
const_mem_fun1_t<Result, Type, Arg>
mem_fun(Result (Type::* _Pm )( Arg ) const
- _Pm
對類別要轉換的 [型別] 成員函式的指標轉換成函式物件。
型別 mem_fun_t 或 mem_fun1_tconst 或 non_const 函式物件。
// functional_mem_fun.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class StoreVals
int val;
StoreVals() { val = 0; }
StoreVals(int j) { val = j; }
bool display() { cout << val << " "; return true; }
int squareval() { val *= val; return val; }
int lessconst(int k) {val -= k; return val; }
int main( )
vector<StoreVals *> v1;
StoreVals sv1(5);
StoreVals sv2(10);
StoreVals sv3(15);
StoreVals sv4(20);
StoreVals sv5(25);
cout << "The original values stored are: " ;
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), mem_fun<bool, StoreVals>(&StoreVals::display));
cout << endl;
// Use of mem_fun calling member function through a pointer
// square each value in the vector using squareval ()
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), mem_fun<int, StoreVals>(&StoreVals::squareval));
cout << "The squared values are: " ;
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), mem_fun<bool, StoreVals>(&StoreVals::display));
cout << endl;
// Use of mem_fun1 calling member function through a pointer
// subtract 5 from each value in the vector using lessconst ()
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(),
bind2nd (mem_fun1<int, StoreVals,int>(&StoreVals::lessconst), 5));
cout << "The squared values less 5 are: " ;
for_each(v1.begin(), v1.end(), mem_fun<bool, StoreVals>(&StoreVals::display));
cout << endl;
The original values stored are: 5 10 15 20 25
The squared values are: 25 100 225 400 625
The squared values less 5 are: 20 95 220 395 620
標題: <functional>
命名空間: std