
在 SharePoint Server 中管理搜尋中心

適用於:yes-img-132013 yes-img-16 2016yes-img-19 2019yes-img-seSubscription Edition no-img-sopSharePoint in Microsoft 365

在搜尋中心網站中,用戶會獲得 傳統 搜尋體驗。 當您如<Create a Search Center site in SharePoint Server>中所述建立企業搜尋中心網站集合時,SharePoint Server 會建立預設搜尋首頁和預設搜尋結果頁面。 此外,還會建立數個稱為搜尋垂直的頁面。 搜尋類別可自訂為搜尋特定內容 (例如 [人員]、[交談] 及 [視訊]),然後顯示篩選後的搜尋結果,並格式化為特定內容類型或類別。


  • default.aspx:搜尋中心的首頁,也是使用者輸入查詢的頁面。

  • results.aspx: the default search results page for the Search Center. It is also the search results page for the Everything search vertical.

  • peopleresults.aspx:[人員] 搜尋類別的搜尋結果頁面。

  • conversationresults.aspx:[交談] 搜尋類別的搜尋結果頁面。

  • videoresults.aspx:[視訊] 搜尋類別的搜尋結果頁面。

  • advanced.aspx:使用者可將一些限制套用至其搜尋字詞的搜尋頁面;例如,將搜尋限制在精確對應字詞。

These pages are located in the Pages library, and they contain Web Parts that you can customize to improve the end-user search experience. This article describes the Web Parts on these pages, and how you can configure the different Web Parts settings to improve how search results are displayed.

By default, the Web Parts on the search vertical pages (results.aspx, peopleresults.aspx, conversationresults.aspx, videoresults.aspx, advanced.aspx) are the same. However the query in the Search Results Web Part is configured differently for each search vertical page. For each search vertical page, the query in the Search Results Web Part is directed to a particular result source. This can be a result source that defines the search vertical or any result source that you want to direct queries to when you create a custom search vertical. For example, for the peopleresults.aspx search vertical page, the query in the Search Results Web Part is limited to the Local People Results (System) result source. For the videoresults.aspx search vertical page, the query in the Search Results Web Part is limited to the Local Video Results (System).
