


Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

In this article

The DevicesManager object has members representing audio and video devices for use with Skype Web SDK. This object is a member of the Application object. It has properties for the currently selected devices: selectedCamera, selectedMicrophone, and selectedSpeaker. There are also three lists, each representing the available devices: cameras, microphones, and speakers. The objects in these lists each have properties describing the device they represent, including name, id, type.


The currently selected camera can be referenced by DevicesManager.selectedCamera. The application can change this device by passing an instance from the cameras collection to DevicesManager.selectedCamera.set().


set() will have no effect if the new device is already in use by another application. If the application is to be notified when this device changes, it must set a callback using the DevicesManager.selectedCamera.changed() function.

A collection of all available cameras is in DevicesManager.cameras. Before using this collection, the application must first subscribe to changes in the list by calling DevicesManager.cameras.subscribe(). Callbacks for when cameras are added or removed from the collection are set by calling DevicesManage.cameras.added() and DevicesManager.cameras.removed().


The currently selected microphone can be referenced by DevicesManager.selectedMicrophone. The application can change this device by passing an instance from the microphones collection to DevicesManager.selectedMicrophone.set().


set() will have no effect if the new device is already in use by another application. If the application is to be notified of when this device changes, it must set a callback using the DevicesManager.selectedMicrophone.changed() function.

A collection of all available microphones is in DevicesManager.microphones. Before using this collection, the application must first subscribe to changes in the list by calling DevicesManager.microphones.subscribe(). Callbacks for when microphones are added or removed from the collection are set by calling DevicesManage.microphones.added() and DevicesManager.speakers.removed().


The currently selected speaker can be referenced by DevicesManager.selectedSpeaker. The application can change this device by passing an instance from the speakers collection to DevicesManager.selectedSpeaker.set().


set() will have no effect if the new device is already in use by another application. If the application is to be notified when this device changes, it must set a callback using the DevicesManager.selectedSpeaker.changed() function.

A collection of all available speakers is in DevicesManager.speakers. Before using this collection, the application must first subscribe to changes in the list by calling DevicesManager.speakers.subscribe(). Callbacks for when speakers are added or removed from the collection are set by calling DevicesManage.speakers.added() and DevicesManager.speakers.removed().

See also