
GetObjectOwner 和 SetObjectOwner 方法範例 (VB)

此範例示範 GetObjectOwnerSetObjectOwner 方法。 此程式碼假設 Accounting 群組存在,(請參閱 Groups 和 Users Append、ChangePassword 方法範例 (VB),以查看如何將此群組新增至系統)。 Categories 資料表的擁有者會設定為 Accounting。

' BeginOwnersVB  
Sub OwnersX()  
    Dim tblLoop As New ADOX.Table  
    Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog  
    Dim strOwner As String  
    ' Open the Catalog.  
    cat.ActiveConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _  
        "Data Source=c:\Program Files\" & _  
        "Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb;" & _  
        "jet oledb:system database=" & _  
        "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\system.mdw"  
    ' Print the original owner of Categories  
    strOwner = cat.GetObjectOwner("Categories", adPermObjTable)  
    Debug.Print "Owner of Categories: " & strOwner  
    ' Set the owner of Categories to Accounting  
    cat.SetObjectOwner "Categories", adPermObjTable, "Accounting"  
    ' List the owners of all tables and columns in the catalog.  
    For Each tblLoop In cat.Tables  
        Debug.Print "Table: " & tblLoop.Name  
        Debug.Print "   Owner: " & _  
            cat.GetObjectOwner(tblLoop.Name, adPermObjTable)  
    Next tblLoop  
    ' Restore the original owner of Categories  
    cat.SetObjectOwner "Categories", adPermObjTable, strOwner  
End Sub  
' EndOwnersVB  


Catalog 物件 (ADOX)
GetObjectOwner 方法 (ADOX)
SetObjectOwner 方法