您可以建立部署參與者,以便在部署 SQL 專案時執行自訂動作。 您可以建立 DeploymentPlanModifier 或 DeploymentPlanExecutor。 使用 DeploymentPlanModifier,在計畫執行前變更計畫;使用 DeploymentPlanExecutor,在計畫執行時執行作業。 在這個逐步解說中,您會建立名稱為 DeploymentUpdateReportContributor 的 DeploymentPlanExecutor,以產生有關部署資料庫專案時執行之動作的報表。 因為這個組建參與者接受參數來控制是否產生報表,您必須執行其他必要步驟。
您必須已安裝包含 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 和支援 C# 或 VB 開發的 Visual Studio 版本。
您必須擁有包含 SQL 物件的 SQL 專案。
可以部署資料庫專案的 SQL Server 執行個體。
這個逐步解說適用於已經熟悉 SSDT SQL 功能的使用者。 您也應該熟悉基本的 Visual Studio 概念,例如如何建立類別庫及如何使用程式碼編輯器將程式碼加入至類別。
定義繼承自 DeploymentPlanExecutor 且名稱為 DeploymentUpdateReportContributor 的類別。
覆寫 OnExecute 方法。
建立名稱為 MyDeploymentContributor 的 Visual Basic 或 Visual C# 類別庫專案。
將 "Class1.cs" 檔案重新命名為 "DeploymentUpdateReportContributor.cs"。
在 [方案總管] 中,以滑鼠右鍵按一下專案節點,然後按一下 [新增參考]。
選取 [Framework] 索引標籤上的 [System.ComponentModel.Composition]。
加入必要的 SQL 參考:以滑鼠右鍵按一下專案節點,然後按一下 [加入參考]。 按一下 [瀏覽] 並巡覽至 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\Bin 資料夾。 選擇 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll、Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions.dll 和 Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.dll 項目,按一下 [加入],然後按一下 [確定]。
若要定義 DeploymentUpdateReportContributor 類別
在程式碼編輯器中,更新 DeploymentUpdateReportContributor.cs 檔案,以符合下列 using 陳述式:
using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Deployment; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensibility; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Model;
/// <summary> /// An executor that generates a report detailing the steps in the deployment plan. Will only run /// if a "GenerateUpdateReport=true" contributor argument is set in the project file, in a targets file or /// passed as an additional argument to the DacServices API. To set in a project file, add the following: /// /// <PropertyGroup> /// <ContributorArguments Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'"> /// $(ContributorArguments);DeploymentUpdateReportContributor.GenerateUpdateReport=true; /// </ContributorArguments> /// <PropertyGroup> /// /// </summary> [ExportDeploymentPlanExecutor("MyDeploymentContributor.DeploymentUpdateReportContributor", "")] public class DeploymentUpdateReportContributor : DeploymentPlanExecutor { }
現在您已經定義繼承自 DeploymentPlanExecutor 的部署參與者。 在建置和部署程序期間,自訂參與者是從標準擴充目錄載入。 部署計畫執行參與者是由 ExportDeploymentPlanExecutor 屬性加以識別。
參與者需要這個屬性,才能設定為可搜尋的。 看起來應類似下列範例:
[ExportDeploymentPlanExecutor("MyDeploymentContributor.DeploymentUpdateReportContributor", "")]
在此案例中,屬性的第一個參數應該是唯一識別碼,用來識別專案檔中的參與者。 最佳做法是將您程式庫的命名空間 (在此逐步解說中是 MyDeploymentContributor) 與類別名稱 (在此逐步解說中是 DeploymentUpdateReportContributor) 結合,來產生識別碼。
public const string GenerateUpdateReport = "DeploymentUpdateReportContributor.GenerateUpdateReport";
這個成員可讓使用者使用 GenerateUpdateReport 選項,指定是否應該產生報表。
下一步,您會覆寫 OnExecute 方法,加入部署資料庫專案時要執行的程式碼。
若要覆寫 OnExecute
將下列方法加入至 DeploymentUpdateReportContributor 類別:
/// <summary> /// Override the OnExecute method to perform actions when you execute the deployment plan for /// a database project. /// </summary> protected override void OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context) { // determine whether the user specified a report is to be generated bool generateReport = false; string generateReportValue; if (context.Arguments.TryGetValue(GenerateUpdateReport, out generateReportValue) == false) { // couldn't find the GenerateUpdateReport argument, so do not generate generateReport = false; } else { // GenerateUpdateReport argument was specified, try to parse the value if (bool.TryParse(generateReportValue, out generateReport)) { // if we end up here, the value for the argument was not valid. // default is false, so do nothing. } } if (generateReport == false) { // if user does not want to generate a report, we are done return; } // We will output to the same directory where the deployment script // is output or to the current directory string reportPrefix = context.Options.TargetDatabaseName; string reportPath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.DeploymentScriptPath)) { reportPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; } else { reportPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(context.DeploymentScriptPath); } FileInfo summaryReportFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(reportPath, reportPrefix + ".summary.xml")); FileInfo detailsReportFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(reportPath, reportPrefix + ".details.xml")); // Generate the reports by using the helper class DeploymentReportWriter DeploymentReportWriter writer = new DeploymentReportWriter(context); writer.WriteReport(summaryReportFile); writer.IncludeScripts = true; writer.WriteReport(detailsReportFile); string msg = "Deployment reports ->" + Environment.NewLine + summaryReportFile.FullName + Environment.NewLine + detailsReportFile.FullName; ExtensibilityError reportMsg = new ExtensibilityError(msg, Severity.Message); base.PublishMessage(reportMsg); } /// <summary> /// Override the OnExecute method to perform actions when you execute the deployment plan for /// a database project. /// </summary> protected override void OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context) { // determine whether the user specified a report is to be generated bool generateReport = false; string generateReportValue; if (context.Arguments.TryGetValue(GenerateUpdateReport, out generateReportValue) == false) { // couldn't find the GenerateUpdateReport argument, so do not generate generateReport = false; } else { // GenerateUpdateReport argument was specified, try to parse the value if (bool.TryParse(generateReportValue, out generateReport)) { // if we end up here, the value for the argument was not valid. // default is false, so do nothing. } } if (generateReport == false) { // if user does not want to generate a report, we are done return; } // We will output to the same directory where the deployment script // is output or to the current directory string reportPrefix = context.Options.TargetDatabaseName; string reportPath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.DeploymentScriptPath)) { reportPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; } else { reportPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(context.DeploymentScriptPath); } FileInfo summaryReportFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(reportPath, reportPrefix + ".summary.xml")); FileInfo detailsReportFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(reportPath, reportPrefix + ".details.xml")); // Generate the reports by using the helper class DeploymentReportWriter DeploymentReportWriter writer = new DeploymentReportWriter(context); writer.WriteReport(summaryReportFile); writer.IncludeScripts = true; writer.WriteReport(detailsReportFile); string msg = "Deployment reports ->" + Environment.NewLine + summaryReportFile.FullName + Environment.NewLine + detailsReportFile.FullName; DataSchemaError reportMsg = new DataSchemaError(msg, ErrorSeverity.Message); base.PublishMessage(reportMsg); }
將 DeploymentPlanContributorContext 物件傳遞給 OnExecute 方法,以存取任何指定的引數、來源和目標資料庫模型、組建屬性和擴充檔。 在這個範例中,我們會取得模型,然後呼叫 Helper 函數以輸出模型資訊。 我們使用基底類別的 PublishMessage Helper 方法,回報所發生的任何錯誤。
其他相關類型和方法包括:TSqlModel、ModelComparisonResult、DeploymentPlanHandle 和 SqlDeploymentOptions。
/// <summary> /// This class is used to generate a deployment /// report. /// </summary> private class DeploymentReportWriter { readonly TSqlModel _sourceModel; readonly ModelComparisonResult _diff; readonly DeploymentStep _planHead; /// <summary> /// The constructor accepts the same context info /// that was passed to the OnExecute method of the /// deployment contributor. /// </summary> public DeploymentReportWriter(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } // save the source model, source/target differences, // and the beginning of the deployment plan. _sourceModel = context.Source; _diff = context.ComparisonResult; _planHead = context.PlanHandle.Head; } /// <summary> /// Property indicating whether script bodies /// should be included in the report. /// </summary> public bool IncludeScripts { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Drives the report generation, opening files, /// writing the beginning and ending report elements, /// and calling helper methods to report on the /// plan operations. /// </summary> internal void WriteReport(FileInfo reportFile) {// Assumes that we have a valid report file if (reportFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reportFile"); } // set up the XML writer XmlWriterSettings xmlws = new XmlWriterSettings(); // Indentation makes it a bit more readable xmlws.Indent = true; FileStream fs = new FileStream(reportFile.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); XmlWriter xmlw = XmlWriter.Create(fs, xmlws); try { xmlw.WriteStartDocument(true); xmlw.WriteStartElement("DeploymentReport"); // Summary report of the operations that // are contained in the plan. ReportPlanOperations(xmlw); // You could add a method call here // to produce a detailed listing of the // differences between the source and // target model. xmlw.WriteEndElement(); xmlw.WriteEndDocument(); xmlw.Flush(); fs.Flush(); } finally { xmlw.Close(); fs.Dispose(); } } /// <summary> /// Writes details for the various operation types /// that could be contained in the deployment plan. /// Optionally writes script bodies, depending on /// the value of the IncludeScripts property. /// </summary> private void ReportPlanOperations(XmlWriter xmlw) {// write the node to indicate the start // of the list of operations. xmlw.WriteStartElement("Operations"); // Loop through the steps in the plan, // starting at the beginning. DeploymentStep currentStep = _planHead; while (currentStep != null) { // Report the type of step xmlw.WriteStartElement(currentStep.GetType().Name); // based on the type of step, report // the relevant information. // Note that this procedure only handles // a subset of all step types. if (currentStep is SqlRenameStep) { SqlRenameStep renameStep = (SqlRenameStep)currentStep; xmlw.WriteAttributeString("OriginalName", renameStep.OldName); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("NewName", renameStep.NewName); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Category", GetElementCategory(renameStep.RenamedElement)); } else if (currentStep is SqlMoveSchemaStep) { SqlMoveSchemaStep moveStep = (SqlMoveSchemaStep)currentStep; xmlw.WriteAttributeString("OriginalName", moveStep.PreviousName); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("NewSchema", moveStep.NewSchema); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Category", GetElementCategory(moveStep.MovedElement)); } else if (currentStep is SqlTableMigrationStep) { SqlTableMigrationStep dmStep = (SqlTableMigrationStep)currentStep; xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Name", GetElementName(dmStep.SourceTable)); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Category", GetElementCategory(dmStep.SourceElement)); } else if (currentStep is CreateElementStep) { CreateElementStep createStep = (CreateElementStep)currentStep; xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Name", GetElementName(createStep.SourceElement)); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Category", GetElementCategory(createStep.SourceElement)); } else if (currentStep is AlterElementStep) { AlterElementStep alterStep = (AlterElementStep)currentStep; xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Name", GetElementName(alterStep.SourceElement)); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Category", GetElementCategory(alterStep.SourceElement)); } else if (currentStep is DropElementStep) { DropElementStep dropStep = (DropElementStep)currentStep; xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Name", GetElementName(dropStep.TargetElement)); xmlw.WriteAttributeString("Category", GetElementCategory(dropStep.TargetElement)); } // If the script bodies are to be included, // add them to the report. if (this.IncludeScripts) { using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { currentStep.GenerateBatchScript(sw); string tsqlBody = sw.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tsqlBody) == false) { xmlw.WriteCData(tsqlBody); } } } // close off the current step xmlw.WriteEndElement(); currentStep = currentStep.Next; } xmlw.WriteEndElement(); } /// <summary> /// Returns the category of the specified element /// in the source model /// </summary> private string GetElementCategory(TSqlObject element) { return element.ObjectType.Name; } /// <summary> /// Returns the name of the specified element /// in the source model /// </summary> private static string GetElementName(TSqlObject element) { StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); if (element.Name.HasExternalParts) { foreach (string part in element.Name.ExternalParts) { if (name.Length > 0) { name.Append('.'); } name.AppendFormat("[{0}]", part); } } foreach (string part in element.Name.Parts) { if (name.Length > 0) { name.Append('.'); } name.AppendFormat("[{0}]", part); } return name.ToString(); } } /// <summary> /// This class is used to generate a deployment /// report. /// </summary> private class DeploymentReportWriter { /// <summary> /// The constructor accepts the same context info /// that was passed to the OnExecute method of the /// deployment contributor. /// </summary> public DeploymentReportWriter(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context) { } /// <summary> /// Property indicating whether script bodies /// should be included in the report. /// </summary> public bool IncludeScripts { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Drives the report generation, opening files, /// writing the beginning and ending report elements, /// and calling helper methods to report on the /// plan operations. /// </summary> internal void WriteReport(FileInfo reportFile) { } /// <summary> /// Writes details for the various operation types /// that could be contained in the deployment plan. /// Optionally writes script bodies, depending on /// the value of the IncludeScripts property. /// </summary> private void ReportPlanOperations(XmlWriter xmlw) { } /// <summary> /// Returns the category of the specified element /// in the source model /// </summary> private string GetElementCategory(IModelElement element) { } /// <summary> /// Returns the name of the specified element /// in the source model /// </summary> private string GetElementName(IModelElement element) { } }
將變更儲存至類別檔案。 在協助程式類別中參考一些有用的型別:
程式碼區域 有用的型別 類別成員 TSqlModel、ModelComparisonResult、DeploymentStep WriteReport 方法 XmlWriter 和 XmlWriterSettings ReportPlanOperations 方法 相關型別包含:DeploymentStep、SqlRenameStep、SqlMoveSchemaStep、SqlTableMigrationStep、CreateElementStep、AlterElementStep、DropElementStep。
還有一些其他步驟 (如需步驟的完整清單,請參閱 API 文件)。GetElementCategory TSqlObject GetElementName TSqlObject 下一步,您會建置類別庫。
按一下 [專案] 功能表上的 [MyDeploymentContributor 屬性]。
按一下 [ 簽署 ] 索引標籤。
按一下 [ 簽署組件]。
在 [選擇強式名稱金鑰檔] 中,按一下 [<新增>]。
在 [ 建立強式名稱金鑰 ] 對話方塊中的 [ 金鑰檔名稱],輸入 MyRefKey。
(選擇性) 您可以為強式名稱金鑰檔指定密碼。
按一下 [確定]。
按一下 [ 檔案 ] 功能表上的 [ 全部儲存]。
在 [建置] 功能表上,按一下 [建置方案]。
下一步,您必須安裝組件,以便在建置及部署 SQL 專案時將其載入。
若要安裝部署參與者,您必須將組件和關聯的 .pdb 檔案複製到 Extensions 資料夾。
若要安裝 MyDeploymentContributor 組件
接下來,將組件資訊複製到 Extensions 目錄。 當 Visual Studio 啟動時,它會識別 %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\Bin\Extensions 目錄和子目錄中的任何擴充功能,並讓這些擴充功能可供使用:
將 MyDeploymentContributor.dll 組件檔案從輸出目錄複製到 %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\Bin\Extensions 目錄。 根據預設,編譯過的 .dll 檔案的路徑是 YourSolutionPath\YourProjectPath\bin\Debug 或 YourSolutionPath\YourProjectPath\bin\Release。
將屬性加入至要部署的 .sqlproj 檔案。
使用 MSBuild 並提供適當的參數,部署專案。
將屬性加入至 SQL 專案檔 (.sqlproj)
您一定要更新 SQL 專案檔,指定要執行之參與者的識別碼。 此外,因為這個參與者必須有 "GenerateUpdateReport" 引數,必須將它指定為參與者引數。
您可以使用下列其中一種作法: 手動修改 .sqlproj 檔案,加入必要的引數。 如果您的參與者沒有組態所需的任何參與者引數,或者如果您不想要在大量專案中重複使用參與者,可以選擇這樣做。 如果您選擇這個選項,將下列陳述式加入至 .sqlproj 檔案,在檔案的第一個 Import 節點後面:
<DeploymentContributors>$(DeploymentContributors); MyDeploymentContributor.DeploymentUpdateReportContributor</DeploymentContributors>
<ContributorArguments Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">$(ContributorArguments);DeploymentUpdateReportContributor.GenerateUpdateReport=true;</ContributorArguments>
第二個方法是建立包含必要參與者引數的目標檔案。 如果您針對多個專案使用同一個參與者而且有必要的參與者引數,因為其中包含預設值,這非常有用。 在此情況下,請在 MSBuild 擴充路徑建立目標檔案。
巡覽至 %Program Files%\MSBuild。
建立將儲存目標檔案的新資料夾 "MyContributors"。
在這個目錄中建立新檔案 "MyContributors.targets",在檔案中新增下列文字,然後儲存檔案:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"> <PropertyGroup> <DeploymentContributors>$(DeploymentContributors);MyDeploymentContributor.DeploymentUpdateReportContributor</DeploymentContributors> <ContributorArguments Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">$(ContributorArguments); DeploymentUpdateReportContributor.GenerateUpdateReport=true;</ContributorArguments> </PropertyGroup> </Project>
針對要執行參與者的任何專案,在 .sqlproj 檔案內部匯入目標檔案,方法是將下列陳述式加入至 .sqlproj 檔案,在檔案的 <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\SSDT\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets" /> 節點後面:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MyContributors\MyContributors.targets " />
遵循其中一個方法之後,您可以使用 MSBuild,傳入命令列建置的參數。
您一定要更新 "DeploymentContributors" 屬性指定您的參與者識別碼。 這是參與者原始程式檔中 "ExportDeploymentPlanExecutor" 屬性所用相同的識別碼。 如果沒有這個識別碼,當您建置專案時不會執行參與者。 只有在您有參與者執行所需的引數時,才需要更新 "ContributorArguments" 屬性。
您的專案可以在 Visual Studio 中正常發行或部署。 只要開啟包含 SQL 專案的方案,並從專案的滑鼠右鍵操作功能表中選擇 [發行...] 選項,或使用 F5 進行 LocalDB 偵錯部署。 在這個範例中,會使用 [發行...] 對話方塊產生部署指令碼。
若要部署 SQL 專案並產生部署報表
開啟 Visual Studio,並開啟包含 SQL 專案的方案。
選取專案並按 "F5" 進行偵錯部署。 注意:因為 ContributorArguments 元素設定為只在設定是 "Debug" 時才會包含在內,所以現在只產生偵錯部署的部署報表。 若要變更此情況,請將 Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'" 陳述式從 ContributorArguments 定義移除。
------ Deploy started: Project: Database1, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ Finished verifying cached model in 00:00:00 Deployment reports -> C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyTargetDatabase.summary.xml C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyTargetDatabase.details.xml Deployment script generated to: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MyDatabaseProject\MyDatabaseProject\sql\debug\MyDatabaseProject.sql
開啟 MyTargetDatabase.summary.xml 及檢查內容。 檔案類似顯示新資料庫部署的下列範例:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <DeploymentReport> <Operations> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <BeginPreDeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <EndPreDeploymentScriptStep /> <SqlBeginPreservationStep /> <SqlEndPreservationStep /> <SqlBeginDropsStep /> <SqlEndDropsStep /> <SqlBeginAltersStep /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales" Category="Schema" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.Customer" Category="Table" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.PK_Customer_CustID" Category="Primary Key" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.Orders" Category="Table" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.PK_Orders_OrderID" Category="Primary Key" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.Def_Customer_YTDOrders" Category="Default Constraint" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.Def_Customer_YTDSales" Category="Default Constraint" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.Def_Orders_OrderDate" Category="Default Constraint" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.Def_Orders_Status" Category="Default Constraint" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.FK_Orders_Customer_CustID" Category="Foreign Key" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.CK_Orders_FilledDate" Category="Check Constraint" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.CK_Orders_OrderDate" Category="Check Constraint" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.uspCancelOrder" Category="Procedure" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.uspFillOrder" Category="Procedure" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.uspNewCustomer" Category="Procedure" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.uspPlaceNewOrder" Category="Procedure" /> <SqlPrintStep /> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.uspShowOrderDetails" Category="Procedure" /> <SqlEndAltersStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <BeginPostDeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptStep /> <EndPostDeploymentScriptStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> <DeploymentScriptDomStep /> </Operations> </DeploymentReport>
如果部署的資料庫專案與目標資料庫相同,產生的報表不會有多大意義。 若要更有意義的結果,請將變更部署至資料庫或部署新的資料庫。
開啟 MyTargetDatabase.details.xml 及檢查內容。 詳細資料檔案的一小部分會顯示建立 Sales 結構描述、列印有關建立資料表的訊息,以及建立資料表的項目和指令碼:
<CreateElementStep Name="Sales" Category="Schema"><![CDATA[CREATE SCHEMA [Sales] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; ]]></CreateElementStep> <SqlPrintStep><![CDATA[PRINT N'Creating [Sales].[Customer]...'; ]]></SqlPrintStep> <CreateElementStep Name="Sales.Customer" Category="Table"><![CDATA[CREATE TABLE [Sales].[Customer] ( [CustomerID] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [CustomerName] NVARCHAR (40) NOT NULL, [YTDOrders] INT NOT NULL, [YTDSales] INT NOT NULL ); ]]></CreateElementStep>
您可以建立其他工具,執行 XML 輸出檔案的處理。 這只是 DeploymentPlanExecutor 的一個例子。 您也可以建立 DeploymentPlanModifier 以在計畫執行前變更部署計畫。