Category = 'A string that can be one of the following values: "windows.comServer" or "windows.comInterface".'
uap10:TrustLevel = 'An optional string value that can one of the following value: "appContainer" or "mediumIL".'
ap10:RuntimeBehavior = 'An optional string with a value that can be one of the following values: "windowsApp", "packagedClassicApp", or "win32App".'
uap10:HostId = 'An optional alphanumeric string with a value between 1 and 255 characters in length. Must begin with a letter.'
uap10:Parameters = 'An optional string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters in length with a non-whitespace character at its beginning and end.'
uap11:Id = 'An optional string with a value between 1 and 255 characters in length with a non-whitespace character at its beginning and end.'
uap11:Subsystem = 'An optional string that can have one of the following values: "console" or "windows".'
uap11:SupportsMultipleInstances = 'An optional boolean value.'
uap11:ResourceGroup = 'An optional alphanumeric string with a value between 1 and 255 characters in length. Must begin with a letter.'
uap11:CurrentDirectoryPath = 'An optional string that cannot contain these characters: <, >, |, ?, or *. >'
uap11:Parameters = 'An optional string with a value between 1 and 32767 characters in length with a non-whitespace character at its beginning and end.'
desktop7:CompatMode = 'An optional string the can have one of the following values: "classic" or "modern".'
desktop7:Scope = 'An optional string that can have one of the following values: "machine" or "user".'>
<!-- Child elements -->