(wdm.h) RtlCopyVolatileMemory 函式
例如,RtlCopyVolatileMemory 函式會提供 RtlCopyMemory 行為 (,例如) ,在開發人員需要確定複製作業發生 (的情況下,不會受限於編譯程式優化) 。
volatile void * RtlCopyVolatileMemory(
[out] volatile void *Destination,
[in] volatile const void *Source,
[in] size_t Length
[out] Destination
[in] Source
[in] Length
傳回 Destination 的值。
RtlCopyVolatileMemory 函式具有下列屬性:
函式無法辨識為編譯程式內部函數,因此編譯程式永遠不會完全優化呼叫 (,或將呼叫取代為) 的對等指令序列。 這與 RtlCopyMemory 不同,這受限於各種編譯程式優化。
當呼叫傳回時,數據已從 來源 複製到 目的地。 此函式記憶體存取 來源 和 目的地 只會在函式內執行 (例如,編譯程式無法將記憶體存取移出此函式) 。
它類似於 RtlCopyMemory ,因為它在 來源 和 目的地 彼此重疊時不支援複製作業。
此函式適用於所有版本的 Windows,而不只是最新版本。 您需要使用最新的 WDK,才能從 wdm.h 標頭取得函式宣告。 您也需要來自最新 WDK 的連結庫 (volatileaccessk.lib) 。 不過,產生的驅動程式會在舊版 Windows 上正常執行。
HEADER MyHeader;
UCHAR RawBuffer[100];
// Ensure that the shared memory (which could be constantly changing)
// is copied in to the local MyHeader variable.
// Note that the compiler is allowed to optimize away calls to
// RtlCopyMemory so those functions are not guaranteed to actually
// make a local copy of data.
// RtlCopyVolatileMemory does not handle a source/dest buffer that overlap
// with each other (RtlCopyMemory semantics).
// Assume SharedMemory points to virtual memory that is also mapped in an untrusted process.
// Assume that untrusted process is changing the memory contents while you are accessing it.
PVOID SharedMemory;
RtlCopyVolatileMemory(&MyHeader, SharedMemory, sizeof(MyHeader));
if (MyHeader.Size < 100) {
// Because MyHeader is local and we are guaranteed we actually made
// a local copy, we can be sure that the "Size" value will not change
// between the previous bounds check and the below call to RtlFillMemory.
// If RtlCopyMemory had been used to copy the data, it is possible
// that a compiler may optimize away the call to RtlCopyMemory and instead fetch
// the "size" field of MyHeader directly from untrusted memory two times.
// The first time it would be fetched for the bounds check, and the second
// time it is fetched is for the call to RtlFillMemory. It is possible the memory
// could have changed between the two accesses resulting in the size check
// being ineffective.
RtlFillMemory (RawBuffer, MyHeader.Size, 0);
需求 | 值 |
標頭 | wdm.h (包含 Wdm.h) |
程式庫 | volatileaccessk.lib (核心模式) 、volatileaccessu.lib (使用者模式) |