STORE_DATA_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION錯誤檢查的 值為 0x000001C7。 它表示存放區元件偵測到其資料結構中的損毀。


本文適用于程式設計人員。 如果您是在使用電腦時收到藍色螢幕錯誤碼的客戶,請參閱 針對藍色畫面錯誤進行疑難排解


參數 描述
1 損毀識別碼。 請參閱下方的值。
2 請參閱下方的值。
3 請參閱下方的值。
4 請參閱下方的值。


 0x0 : A chunk heap buffer's hash doesn't match.
    2 - Chunk heap buffer whose hash didn't match.
    3 - Expected buffer hash.
    4 - Page frame number of the corrupted page.

 0x1 : An unhandled exception occurred on the store thread and a chunk heap buffer's hash doesn't match, which is likely the source of the exception.
    2 - Chunk heap buffer whose hash didn't match.
    3 - Expected buffer hash.
    4 - Page frame number of the corrupted page.

 0x2 : Page data appears corrupt during a read and the corresponding page record's heap buffer hash doesn't match.
    2 - Chunk heap buffer whose hash didn't match containing the page record of the data being read.
    3 - Expected buffer hash.
    4 - Page frame number of the corrupted page.
 0x3 : Page data appears corrupt during a read and the corresponding page record has changed since the start of the read operation.
    2 - Pointer to the page location information snapped from the page record that was found when the read was initiated.
    3 - Pointer to the page record currently in the page tree for the same page key.
    4 - Reserved.



記憶體損毀可能會因為實體記憶體存取而發生這個錯誤檢查。 實體記憶體損毀的原因包括:

  1. RAM 硬體故障
  2. 驅動程式或裝置透過不正確的 DMA 作業或相關聯的 MDL 修改實體頁面。
  3. 硬體裝置或韌體損毀記憶體所造成的損毀,例如韌體不合法地在電源轉換中修改實體頁面。

如需 Windows 記憶體管理員的詳細資訊,請參閱 Windows Internals 7th Edition 第 1 部分 ,作者:Yosifovich、Mark E. Russinovich、David A. 一文和 Alex Ionescu。


Windows 記憶體診斷工具

若要調查此錯誤檢查是否由 RAM 硬體損壞所造成,請執行 Windows 記憶體診斷工具。 在 [控制台] 搜尋方塊中,輸入 [記憶體],然後選取 [ 診斷電腦的記憶體問題]。執行測試之後,請使用事件檢視器來檢視系統記錄下的結果。 尋找 MemoryDiagnostics-Results 專案以檢視結果。



Windows Kernel-Mode記憶體管理員