

如果您想要檢視未從檔案開頭開始的檔案部分,您必須建立檔案對應物件。 這個物件是您想要檢視之檔案部分的大小,加上檔案中的位移。 例如,如果您想要檢視從 131,072 個位元組開始的 1 KB (1K) , (128K) 到檔案中,您必須建立至少 132,096 個位元組的檔案對應物件, (129K) 大小。 檢視會啟動 131,072 個位元組 (128K) 到檔案中,並至少擴充 1,024 個位元組。 此範例假設檔案配置細微性為 64K。

檔案配置細微性會影響地圖檢視可以啟動的位置。 地圖檢視必須從位移開始到檔案中,這是檔案配置資料細微性的倍數。 因此,您想要檢視的資料可能是檔案位移會將配置資料細微性模譯為檢視。 檢視的大小是資料模數配置細微性的位移,再加上您想要檢查的資料大小。

例如,假設 GetSystemInfo 函式表示 64K 的配置細微性。 若要檢查 1K 個 138,240 個位元組的資料, (135K) 檔案中,請執行下列動作:

  1. 建立大小至少為 139,264 個位元組的檔案對應物件, (136K) 。
  2. 建立檔案檢視,從檔案位移開始,這是檔案配置資料細微性的最大倍數,小於您需要的位移。 在此情況下,檔案檢視會從位移 131,072 開始, (128K) 檔案。 檢視139264位元組 (136K) 減去 131,072 個位元組 (128K) ,或大小為 8,192 個位元組 (8K) 。
  3. 在檢視中建立指標位移 7K,以存取您感興趣的 1K。

如果您想要將資料分層檔案配置資料細微性界限,您可以讓檢視大於檔案配置資料細微性。 這可避免將資料分成幾個部分。


   This program demonstrates file mapping, especially how to align a
   view with the system file allocation granularity.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>

#define BUFFSIZE 1024 // size of the memory to examine at any one time

#define FILE_MAP_START 138240 // starting point within the file of
                              // the data to examine (135K)

/* The test file. The code below creates the file and populates it,
   so there is no need to supply it in advance. */

TCHAR * lpcTheFile = TEXT("fmtest.txt"); // the file to be manipulated

int main(void)
  HANDLE hMapFile;      // handle for the file's memory-mapped region
  HANDLE hFile;         // the file handle
  BOOL bFlag;           // a result holder
  DWORD dBytesWritten;  // number of bytes written
  DWORD dwFileSize;     // temporary storage for file sizes
  DWORD dwFileMapSize;  // size of the file mapping
  DWORD dwMapViewSize;  // the size of the view
  DWORD dwFileMapStart; // where to start the file map view
  DWORD dwSysGran;      // system allocation granularity
  SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo;  // system information; used to get granularity
  LPVOID lpMapAddress;  // pointer to the base address of the
                        // memory-mapped region
  char * pData;         // pointer to the data
  int i;                // loop counter
  int iData;            // on success contains the first int of data
  int iViewDelta;       // the offset into the view where the data
                        //shows up

  // Create the test file. Open it "Create Always" to overwrite any
  // existing file. The data is re-created below
  hFile = CreateFile(lpcTheFile,
                     GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,

    _tprintf(TEXT("hFile is NULL\n"));
    _tprintf(TEXT("Target file is %s\n"),
    return 4;

  // Get the system allocation granularity.
  dwSysGran = SysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity;

  // Now calculate a few variables. Calculate the file offsets as
  // 64-bit values, and then get the low-order 32 bits for the
  // function calls.

  // To calculate where to start the file mapping, round down the
  // offset of the data into the file to the nearest multiple of the
  // system allocation granularity.
  dwFileMapStart = (FILE_MAP_START / dwSysGran) * dwSysGran;
  _tprintf (TEXT("The file map view starts at %ld bytes into the file.\n"),

  // Calculate the size of the file mapping view.
  dwMapViewSize = (FILE_MAP_START % dwSysGran) + BUFFSIZE;
  _tprintf (TEXT("The file map view is %ld bytes large.\n"),

  // How large will the file mapping object be?
  _tprintf (TEXT("The file mapping object is %ld bytes large.\n"),

  // The data of interest isn't at the beginning of the
  // view, so determine how far into the view to set the pointer.
  iViewDelta = FILE_MAP_START - dwFileMapStart;
  _tprintf (TEXT("The data is %d bytes into the view.\n"),

  // Now write a file with data suitable for experimentation. This
  // provides unique int (4-byte) offsets in the file for easy visual
  // inspection. Note that this code does not check for storage
  // medium overflow or other errors, which production code should
  // do. Because an int is 4 bytes, the value at the pointer to the
  // data should be one quarter of the desired offset into the file

  for (i=0; i<(int)dwSysGran; i++)
    WriteFile (hFile, &i, sizeof (i), &dBytesWritten, NULL);

  // Verify that the correct file size was written.
  dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile,  NULL);
  _tprintf(TEXT("hFile size: %10d\n"), dwFileSize);

  // Create a file mapping object for the file
  // Note that it is a good idea to ensure the file size is not zero
  hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( hFile,          // current file handle
                NULL,           // default security
                PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write permission
                0,              // size of mapping object, high
                dwFileMapSize,  // size of mapping object, low
                NULL);          // name of mapping object

  if (hMapFile == NULL)
    _tprintf(TEXT("hMapFile is NULL: last error: %d\n"), GetLastError() );
    return (2);

  // Map the view and test the results.

  lpMapAddress = MapViewOfFile(hMapFile,            // handle to
                                                    // mapping object
                               FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write
                               0,                   // high-order 32
                                                    // bits of file
                                                    // offset
                               dwFileMapStart,      // low-order 32
                                                    // bits of file
                                                    // offset
                               dwMapViewSize);      // number of bytes
                                                    // to map
  if (lpMapAddress == NULL)
    _tprintf(TEXT("lpMapAddress is NULL: last error: %d\n"), GetLastError());
    return 3;

  // Calculate the pointer to the data.
  pData = (char *) lpMapAddress + iViewDelta;

  // Extract the data, an int. Cast the pointer pData from a "pointer
  // to char" to a "pointer to int" to get the whole thing
  iData = *(int *)pData;

  _tprintf (TEXT("The value at the pointer is %d,\nwhich %s one quarter of the desired file offset.\n"),
            iData*4 == FILE_MAP_START ? TEXT("is") : TEXT("is not"));

  // Close the file mapping object and the open file

  bFlag = UnmapViewOfFile(lpMapAddress);
  bFlag = CloseHandle(hMapFile); // close the file mapping object

    _tprintf(TEXT("\nError %ld occurred closing the mapping object!"),

  bFlag = CloseHandle(hFile);   // close the file itself

    _tprintf(TEXT("\nError %ld occurred closing the file!"),

  return 0;
