IADs::GetInfo 方法 (iads.h)
IADs::GetInfo方法會從基礎目錄存放區載入這個 ADSI 物件所支援屬性的屬性快取值。
HRESULT GetInfo();
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 ADSI 錯誤碼。
系統會呼叫 IADs::GetInfo 函式來初始化或重新整理屬性快取。 這類似于從基礎目錄存放區取得所支援屬性的屬性值。
未初始化的屬性快取不一定是空的。 呼叫 IADs::P ut 或 IADs::P utEx ,將值放入任何支援屬性的屬性快取中,而且快取維持未初始化狀態。
明確呼叫 IADs::GetInfo會載入或重載整個屬性快取,並覆寫所有快取的屬性值。 但隱含呼叫只會載入快取中未設定的屬性。 請一律明確呼叫 IADs::GetInfo ,以擷取 ADSI 物件的最新屬性值。
由於明確呼叫 IADs::GetInfo會覆寫屬性快取中的所有值,因此如果IADs::SetInfo 在 IADs::GetInfo 之前未叫用 IADs::GetInfo,則對快取所做的任何變更都會遺失。
針對 ADSI 容器物件, IADs::GetInfo 只會快取容器的屬性值,但不會快取子物件的屬性值。
請務必強調 IADs::Get 和 IADs::GetInfo 方法之間的差異。 前者會從屬性快取傳回指定屬性的值,而後者則會從基礎目錄存放區將所有支援的屬性值載入屬性快取中。
下列程式碼範例說明 IADs::Get 和 IADs::GetInfo 方法之間的差異。
Set x = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com")
' The first IADs::Get calls
' GetInfo implicitly.
Debug.Print x.Get("homePhone") ' Assume value is '999-9999'.
x.Put "homePhone", "868-4449" ' Put with no commit(SetInfo)
Debug.Print x.Get("homePhone") ' Value='868-4449' from the cache.
x.GetInfo ' Refresh the cache, get the data
' from the directory.
Debug.Print x.Get("homePhone") ' Value will be '999-9999'.
為了提升效能,請明確呼叫 IADs::GetInfoEx 以重新整理特定屬性。 此外,如果必須存取物件的操作屬性值,則必須呼叫IADs::GetInfoEx,而不是 IADs::GetInfo。 此函式會覆寫任何先前快取的指定屬性值。
下列程式碼範例會使用 WinNT 提供者所提供的電腦物件。 支援的屬性包括 擁有者 (「擁有者」) , OperatingSystem (「Windows NT」) , OperatingSystemVersion (「4.0」) , Division (「Fabrikam」) , ProcessorCount (「Uniprococessor Free」) , Processor (「x86 系列 6 Model 5 逐步執行 1」) 。 預設值會顯示在括弧中。
Dim pList As IADsPropertyList
Dim pEntry As IADsPropertyEntry
Dim pValue As IADsPropertyValue
On Error GoTo Cleanup
Set pList = GetObject("WinNT://localhost,computer")
' pList now represents an uninitialized empty property cache.
pList.Put "Owner", "JeffSmith" ' Property cache remains uninitialized,
' but with one property value.
count = pList.PropertyCount ' count = 1.
MsgBox "Number of property found in the property cache: " & count
v = pList.Get("Division") ' pList.GetInfo is called implicitly
ShowPropertyCache ' This will display "JeffSmith" for Owner,
' "Fabrikam" for Division, "Windows NT" for
' OperatingSystem, and so on.
pList.GetInfo ' Refreshes the entire cache, overwriting
' "JeffSmith" for the Owner property.
ShowPropertyCache ' This will display "Owner" for Owner,
' "Fabrikam" for Division, "Windows NT" for
' OperatingSystem, and so on.
If (Err.Number<>0) Then
MsgBox("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
End If
Set pList = Nothing
Set pEntry = Nothing
Set pValue = Nothing
Private Sub ShowPropertyCache()
For I = 0 To pList.PropertyCount-1
Set pEntry = pList.Item(I)
Debug.Print pEntry.Name
For Each v In pEntry.Values
Set pValue = v
Debug.Print " " & pvalue.CaseIgnoreString
End Sub
下列程式碼範例是用戶端腳本,說明 IADs::GetInfo 方法的效果。 支援的屬性包括 擁有者 (「擁有者」) , OperatingSystem (「Windows NT」) , OperatingSystemVersion (「4.0」) , Division (「Fabrikam」) , ProcessorCount (「Uniprococessor Free」) , Processor (「x86 系列 6 Model 5 逐步執行 1」) 。 預設值會顯示在括弧中。
<td><input type=text name=txtOwner></td>
<td>Operating System:</td>
<td><input type=text name=txtOS></td>
<td>Operating System Version:</td>
<td><input type=text name=txtOSV></td>
<td><input type=text name=txtDiv></td>
<input type=button onClick = "showGetInfo()">
<script language="vbscript">
Dim pList
sub showGetInfo()
Set oFac = CreateObject("ADsFactory")
path = "WinNT://Fabrikam"
On Error Resume Next
' Browser security requires enabled/Prompt for "Initialize and
' script ActiveX Controls not marked as safe"
Set pList=oFac.OpenDSObject(path,vbNullString,vbNullString,ADS_SECURE_AUTH)
' pList now represents an uninitialized empty property cache
pList.Put "Owner" "JeffSmith" ' Property cache remain uninitialized
' but with one property value.
v = pList.Get("Division") ' pList.GetInfo is called implicitly
ShowPropertyCache ' This will display "JeffSmith" for Owner,
' "Fabrikam" for Division, "Windows NT"
' for OperatingSystem, and so on.
pList.GetInfo ' Refreshes entire cache, overwriting
' "JeffSmith" for the Owner property.
ShowPropertyCache ' This will display "Owner" for Owner,
' "Fabrikam" for Division, "Windows NT"
' for OperatingSystem, and so on.
end sub
sub ShowPropertyCache()
txtOwner.value = pList.Get("Owner")
txtDiv.value = pList.Get("Division")
txtOS.Value = pList.Get("OperatingSystem")
txtOSV.value = pList.Get("OperatingSystemVersion")
end sub
下列程式碼範例會醒目提示 Get 和 GetInfo 的效果。 為了簡潔起見,會省略錯誤檢查。
IADs *pADs;
IADsPropertyList *pList;
BSTR bstr;
hr = ADsGetObject(L"WinNT://somecomputer,computer",
if(!(hr==S_OK)){return hr;}
// Get the number of property entries, should be zero.
long pCount;
hr = pList->get_PropertyCount(&pCount);
printf(" prop count = %d\n",pCount); // 0 for empty cache.
hr = pList->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**)&pADs);
// Set "Owner=JeffSmith" in the property cache.
V_BSTR(&var) = SysAllocString(L"JeffSmith");
V_VT(&var) = VT_BSTR;
hr = pADs->Put(CComBSTR("Owner"), var);
// This time the number of property entries should read one (1).
hr = pList->get_PropertyCount(&pCount);
printf(" prop count = %d\n",pCount); // 1 for what was set.
// The following Get invokes GetInfo implicitly, but
// the cache (that is, "Owner=JeffSmith") remains intact.
hr = pADs->Get(CComBSTR("Division"), &var);
printf(" division = %S\n", V_BSTR(&var));
hr = pADs->Get(CComBSTR("Owner"), &var);
printf(" owner = %S\n", V_BSTR(&var)); // Owner = JeffSmith
// The following GetInfo call refreshes the entire prop cache.
// Now Owner is no longer "JeffSmith", but the value stored in the
// persistent store, for example, "BenSmith".
hr = pADs->GetInfo();
hr = pADs->Get(CComBSTR("Owner"), &var);
printf(" owner = %S\n", V_BSTR(&var)); // Owner = BenSmith
// ...
最低支援的用戶端 | Windows Vista |
最低支援的伺服器 | Windows Server 2008 |
目標平台 | Windows |
標頭 | iads.h |
Dll | Activeds.dll |