您只會建立控制項所使用的影像清單。 例如,如果您的應用程式不允許使用者切換至圖示檢視,則不需要建立並指派大型圖示清單。 如果您同時建立大型和小型影像清單,它們必須以相同順序包含相同的影像,因為單一值是用來識別這兩個影像清單中的清單檢視項目圖示。
- C/C++
- Windows 使用者介面程序設計
若要顯示專案影像,您必須將影像清單指派給清單檢視控件。 若要這樣做,請使用LVM_SETIMAGELIST訊息或對應的宏ListView_SetImageList,指定影像清單是否包含完整大小的圖示、小型圖示或狀態影像。 若要擷取目前指派給清單檢視控件之影像清單的句柄,請使用 LVM_GETIMAGELIST 訊息。 您可以使用 GetSystemMetrics 函式來判斷完整大小和小型圖示的適當維度。
在下列 C++ 程式代碼範例中,應用程式定義的函式會先建立影像清單,然後將它們指派給清單檢視控件。
// InitListViewImageLists: Creates image lists for a list-view control.
// This function only creates image lists. It does not insert the items into
// the control, which is necessary for the control to be visible.
// Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.
// hWndListView: Handle to the list-view control.
// global variable g_hInst: The handle to the module of either a
// dynamic-link library (DLL) or executable (.exe) that contains
// the image to be loaded. If loading a standard or system
// icon, set g_hInst to NULL.
BOOL InitListViewImageLists(HWND hWndListView)
HICON hiconItem; // Icon for list-view items.
HIMAGELIST hLarge; // Image list for icon view.
HIMAGELIST hSmall; // Image list for other views.
// Create the full-sized icon image lists.
hLarge = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON),
ILC_MASK, 1, 1);
hSmall = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON),
ILC_MASK, 1, 1);
// Add an icon to each image list.
hiconItem = LoadIcon(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ITEM));
ImageList_AddIcon(hLarge, hiconItem);
ImageList_AddIcon(hSmall, hiconItem);
// When you are dealing with multiple icons, you can use the previous four lines of
// code inside a loop. The following code shows such a loop. The
// icons are defined in the application's header file as resources, which
// are numbered consecutively starting with IDS_FIRSTICON. The number of
// icons is defined in the header file as C_ICONS.
for(index = 0; index < C_ICONS; index++)
hIconItem = LoadIcon (g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_FIRSTICON + index));
ImageList_AddIcon(hSmall, hIconItem);
ImageList_AddIcon(hLarge, hIconItem);
// Assign the image lists to the list-view control.
ListView_SetImageList(hWndListView, hLarge, LVSIL_NORMAL);
ListView_SetImageList(hWndListView, hSmall, LVSIL_SMALL);
return TRUE;