若要註冊要重新開機的應用程式,請呼叫 RegisterApplicationRestart 函式。 Windows 錯誤報告 (WER) 如果應用程式已在未回應或遇到未處理的例外狀況之前至少執行 60 秒,則會重新開機您的應用程式。
您也應該考慮 註冊復原,這可讓您儲存在 WER 重新開機應用程式時可能有説明的資料和狀態資訊。 如果您也註冊復原,WER 會在復原程式完成之後重新開機應用程式。
復原程式完成之後,WER 會終止應用程式,然後重新開機它。 針對主控台應用程式,應用程式會在應用程式結束時關閉的個別主控台視窗中啟動。
應用程式安裝程式作者的注意事項: 註冊應用程式重新開機也會導致 Windows 在電腦因為軟體更新而重新開機時自動重新開機應用程式。 若要這樣做,應用程式的安裝程式必須呼叫具有EWX_RESTARTAPPS旗標集的 ExitWindowsEx 函 式,或是已設定SHUTDOWN_RESTARTAPPS旗標的 InitiateShutdown 函式。
下列範例示範如何註冊以重新開機您的應用程式。 此範例會在註冊應用程式重新開機之後造成存取違規。 存取違規會由Windows 錯誤報告挑選,並示範錯誤報表使用者體驗,包括應用程式重新開機。 它應該從沒有命令列引數的主控台視窗執行。
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#define RESTART_SWITCH L"/restart"
void GetRestartInfo(int argc, wchar_t* argv[], BOOL* pfIsRestart, DWORD* pdwRecordId);
DWORD InitApplication(BOOL fIsRestart, DWORD* pdwRecordId);
BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandler(DWORD dwControlType);
DWORD WINAPI Recover(PVOID pContext);
// A simple example to show how to use application recovery. For simplicity,
// the state information (record ID) is passed as part of the command line.
void wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
DWORD dwRecordId = 0;
BOOL fIsRestart = FALSE;
GetRestartInfo(argc, argv, &fIsRestart, &dwRecordId);
if (FAILED(hr = InitApplication(fIsRestart, &dwRecordId)))
wprintf(L"Failed to initialize the application.\n");
goto cleanup;
// Do work. If you have a lot of state information, you should
// periodically persist the state information to save time
// in the recovery process.
// The application must exist for at least 60 seconds for the
// application to be restarted. Use Sleep() to mimic 60 seconds
// worth of work.
Sleep(62 * 1000);
// Set the record ID to verify restart value.
dwRecordId = 10;
// Generate an access violation to force a restart. If we've already
// restarted just exit because the example already demonstrated
// the restart feature.
if (FALSE == fIsRestart)
wprintf(L"Causing access violation...\n");
int* p = NULL;
*p = 5;
// Get the restart info from the command line. The command line is
// of the form, /restart -r <RecordId>. The application
// is being restarted if the first argument is /restart.
void GetRestartInfo(int argc, wchar_t* argv[], BOOL* pfIsRestart, DWORD* pdwRecordId)
if (argc > 1)
if (!wcsncmp(RESTART_SWITCH, argv[1], sizeof(RESTART_SWITCH)))
*pfIsRestart = TRUE;
*pdwRecordId = _wtoi(argv[3]);
// Initialize the application. If this is a restart, use the state
// information to reset the state of the application. This example
// does not fail the initialization process if the process of
// registering for application recovery and restart failed.
DWORD InitApplication(BOOL fIsRestart, DWORD* pdwRecordId)
DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Set only if the initializing the application fails,
HRESULT hr = S_OK; // not if registering for recovery and restart fails.
wprintf(L"Entering InitApplication...\n");
if (fIsRestart)
// TODO: Use the record ID to initialize the application.
wprintf(L"Restart record ID is %lu\n", *pdwRecordId);
// This is not a restart, so initialize the application accordingly.
// Register for restart. The command line is updated in the recovery callback.
RtlZeroMemory(wsCommandLine, sizeof(wsCommandLine));
StringCchPrintf(wsCommandLine, sizeof(wsCommandLine), L"/restart -r %lu", *pdwRecordId);
hr = RegisterApplicationRestart(wsCommandLine, RESTART_NO_PATCH | RESTART_NO_REBOOT);
if (FAILED(hr))
// Not failing because the registration failed.
wprintf(L"RegisterApplicationRestart failed with ox%x.\n", hr);
goto cleanup;
// Register the callback that handles the control event notifications.
// Used for recovery when an installer is updating a component of the
// application.
if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(CtrlHandler, TRUE))
// Not failing initialization because the registration failed.
// Consider calling UnregisterApplicationRestart if you must
// have the latest state information.
wprintf(L"SetConsoleCtrlHandler failed.\n");
goto cleanup;
// Register the callback that handles recovery when the application
// encounters an unhandled exception or becomes unresponsive.
hr = RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback(Recover, pdwRecordId, RECOVERY_DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL, 0);
if (FAILED(hr))
// Not failing initialization because the registration failed.
// Consider calling UnregisterApplicationRestart if you must
// have the latest state information.
wprintf(L"RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback failed with ox%x.\n", hr);
goto cleanup;
return hr;
// Implement the callback for handling control character events.
// You'd implement this callback if an installer could update a
// component of your application. The system sends a CTRL_C_EVENT
// notification when an installer needs to shutdown your application
// or restart the computer in order to complete the installation.
// You can use the CTRL_C_EVENT to save final state information or
// data before exiting.
BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandler(DWORD dwControlType)
wprintf(L"Entering CtrlHandler...\n");
switch (dwControlType)
wprintf(L"Handling CTRL_C_EVENT\n");
return FALSE;
// Other cases go here.
wprintf(L"Other, %ul\n", dwControlType);
return FALSE;
// Implement the recovery callback. This callback lets the application
// save state information or data in the event that the application
// encounters an unhandled exception or becomes unresponsive.
DWORD WINAPI Recover(PVOID pContext)
BOOL bCanceled = FALSE;
DWORD dwRecordId = *(DWORD*)pContext;
wprintf(L"Entering Recover callback...\n");
// Do recovery work.
// Update the restart command line.
RtlZeroMemory(wsCommandLine, sizeof(wsCommandLine));
StringCchPrintf(wsCommandLine, sizeof(wsCommandLine), L"/restart -r %lu", dwRecordId);
hr = RegisterApplicationRestart(wsCommandLine, RESTART_NO_PATCH | RESTART_NO_REBOOT);
if (FAILED(hr))
// Not failing because the registration failed.
wprintf(L"RegisterApplicationRestart failed with ox%x.\n", hr);
// You must call the ApplicationRecoveryInProgress function within
// the specified ping interval or the recovery callback exits.
// Typically, you would do a block of work, call the function, and repeat.
hr = ApplicationRecoveryInProgress(&bCanceled);
if (bCanceled)
wprintf(L"Recovery was canceled by the user.\n");
goto cleanup;
// Do more recovery work.
// You could also call the RegisterApplicationRestart function to
// update the command line used for the restart.
// Save the state file.
wprintf(L"Leaving Recover callback...\n");
ApplicationRecoveryFinished((bCanceled) ? FALSE: TRUE);
return 0;