What's the recommended way to seed Azure PostgreSQL flexible server?

Denis Gontcharov 36 Reputation points


I'm deploying an Azure PostgreSQL flexible server database. I want to seed this database with an existing SQL dump that creates one table with some data.

My original approach was to create a deploymentScript with Bicep that:

  1. Downloads the SQL dump from Azure Blob Storage into the ACL
  2. Seeds the Postgres database with the pg_restore command

However, I noticed that the ACL instance that runs the deployment script doesn't have pg_restore installed. This means I would either have to install it or use a custom container image.

I found an alternative on the Azure GitHub: https://github.com/Azure/azure-postgresql/tree/master/arm-templates/ExampleWithStartupScript

There they seed the database using an Ubuntu VM.

So what is the recommended way to seed my database?

Azure Database for PostgreSQL
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  1. Denis Gontcharov 36 Reputation points


    I solved the problem using an Azure deployment script. I install postgresql-client in the Alpine Linux container in which the script runs.

       resource createPostgresTable 'Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts@2020-10-01' = {  
         name: 'createPostgresTable'  
         location: location  
         kind: 'AzureCLI'  
         identity: {  
           type: 'UserAssigned'  
           userAssignedIdentities: {  
             '${managedIdentityId}': {}  
         properties: {  
           azCliVersion: '2.37.0'  
           retentionInterval: 'P1D'  
           environmentVariables: [  
               name: 'administratorLogin'  
               value: postgresDatabase.properties.administratorLogin  
               name: 'PGPASSWORD'  
               value: administratorLoginPassword  
               name: 'postgresDatabaseName'  
               value: postgresDatabase.name  
           cleanupPreference: 'OnSuccess'  
           forceUpdateTag: currentTime  
           scriptContent: '''  
             az login --identity  
             apk add --no-cache postgresql-client   
             psql \  
               --host=${postgresDatabaseName}.postgres.database.azure.com \  
               --username=$administratorLogin \  
               --dbname=postgres <<-EOSQL  
                 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.pressure (  
                   timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,  
                   asset_id BIGINT NOT NULL,  
                   sensor_name VARCHAR (25) NOT NULL,  
                   pressure REAL,  
                   PRIMARY KEY (timestamp, asset_id)  
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