DPM2016 - not able to modify protection group - Error ID 917

Lynda Nabulsi 1 Reputation point


I am trying to modify protection group. I received error ID 917: Connection to the DPM service has been lost issue. I am running DPM 2016 version 5.0.622.0.

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

Appreciate any help I can get.

The description for Event ID 999 from source MSDPM cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

An unexpected error caused a failure for process 'msdpm'. Restart the DPM process 'msdpm'.

****Problem Details:****
<FatalServiceError><__System><ID>19</ID><Seq>79</Seq><TimeCreated>11/9/2022 11:11:48 PM</TimeCreated><Source>DpmThreadPool.cs</Source><Line>163</Line><HasError>True</HasError></__System><ExceptionType>MissingMethodException</ExceptionType><ExceptionMessage>Method not found: 'Int32 Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.PRMCatalog.PrmCatalog.CreateReplicaInstance(System.Guid, System.Guid, Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.XsdClasses.StorageManager.StorageType, UInt64, System.Collections.Generic.List1&lt;System.Guid&gt;, System.String, Boolean)'.</ExceptionMessage><ExceptionDetails>System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Int32 Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.PRMCatalog.PrmCatalog.CreateReplicaInstance(System.Guid, System.Guid, Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.XsdClasses.StorageManager.StorageType, UInt64, System.Collections.Generic.List1<System.Guid>, System.String, Boolean)'.
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Rhl.ReplicaAreaSetManagerHelper.CreateReplicaInDb(Guid datasourceId, UInt64 replicaSize, List1 dataSourcesOnReplica, String storageNodeServerName, Boolean migrationScenario) at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Rhl.ReplicaAreaSetManager.Allocate(Guid dataSourceId, List1 dataSourcesOnReplica, String storageNodeServerName, String replicaAreaSetName, String replicaMountPointName, UInt64 replicaSize, String shadowCopyMountPointName, UInt64 shadowCopySize, String replicaGuid, String shadowCopyGuid, Boolean formatRequested, Boolean isCustom, Boolean isDiskMigration)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.StorageManager.DiskManager.AllocateStorage(String containerId, Guid storageId, StorageParams storageParams)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.StorageManager.StorageManager.AllocateStorage(String containerId, Guid storageId, StorageType storageType, StorageParams storageParams)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.DataSourceTranslator.PerformReplicaAllocation(Boolean isCustom, ProtectedObjectType[] protectedObjects)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.DataSourceTranslator.ValidateAndPerformReplicaAction(ProtectedObjectType[] protectedObjects, Boolean isReplicaProtectionTypeChanged, Dictionary`2 reallocateStorageMap)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ProtectedGroupTranslator.ValidateAndPerformReplicaAction()
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ProtectedGroupTranslator.PrepareForTranslation()
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ProtectedGroupTranslator.TranslateGroup(IMCatalogType IMCatalogXmlPassed, String intentCatalogXml, String oneTimePasscode)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Engine.CIntentServices.ConfigureProtectedGroup(UInt16* bstrIMCatalogXml)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Engine.CCoreServices.ConfigureProtectedGroup(CCoreServices* , UInt16* bstrIMCatalogXml, tagSAFEARRAY** exceptionResult)</ExceptionDetails></FatalServiceError>

the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table

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2 answers

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  1. XinGuo-MSFT 15,161 Reputation points


    I had a similar issue. Error id was 917: Connection to the DPM service has been lost.

    It turned out that I had been using DPM 2016 with DB on SQL 2012. DPM was fine with it up to UR9, but after update to UR10 DPM console started to crash.
    This documentation states that DPM 2016 does not support SQL 2012 since UR2:

    Preparing your environment for System Center Data Protection Manager | Microsoft Learn

    After SQL server upgrade to MS SQL 2016 it is looks like the issue with console crash has been solved.

    Hope it would be helpful.

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  2. Limitless Technology 44,031 Reputation points


    Thank you for posting your query.

    To work around this issue, create a protection group that contains all the SQL Server Always On databases. (If you have to adjust protection group settings, you should make the change when no jobs are running.) After the error occurs, restart the console, and then resolve the warning. At that point, the protection group will return to OK status, the new settings will take effect, and future backups will succeed.

    Go to this link for your reference https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/system-center/dpm/dpm-service-crashes-event-917

    Do not hesitate to message us if you need further assistance.

    If the answer is helpful kindly click "Accept as Answer" and up vote it.

    Best Regards,

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