What is WinDivert64.sys

Jasper 1 Reputation point

Recently my laptop has been giving me the BSOD, so I decided to run the Driver Verifier to make sure if any drivers were crashing my system.

When I booted it back up, it gave me the error of a driver that failed: WinDivert64.sys

What is WinDivert64.sys? I tried searching for it online, but I got very mixed results with some saying it's a Windows component and some saying it's a virus.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  1. Castorix31 82,231 Reputation points

    No, it is not a Windows component
    It is a driver, from WinDivert

  2. Docs 15,241 Reputation points

    Please run the V2 log collector and post a share link into this thread using one drive, drop box, or google drive.




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