Teams - Creating/Editing/Deleting Classes

Clinton Redfern 1 Reputation point

Hi All,

Hoping to get some advice on this.

Just some background info, I work in a school and we have over 1700 teams created within Microsoft Teams, some are set up as classes and some are just normal team groups.

What we are having issues with is the really poor or sloppy Admin Management console that Microsoft offers for Teams.

What I am wanting to do is seamlessly remove/delete over 400 classes (all have the same naming convention), and rename 600 odd classes to a new naming convention IE for example 19.20.year7.maths to Maths.Year7.19-20. at the moment we have to manually go through every team and change these manually one-by-one and delete the old classes. The problem is when you change the name for a class or team and click save the list then refreshes and goes back to the top of the list so you have to scroll all the way down to where you were and rename the next class and then repeat the process. THIS TAKES HOURS........!!!!!

Is there no script or software which can help manage classes using a CSV file or something along those lines? Otherwise, this is going to take me ages every year when I have to delete old classes in teams and Manually create new classes in teams.

It seems like Microsoft is really letting down schools if this is not easily done.

Thanks for any advice in advance.


Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
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  1. Sharon Zhao-MSFT 25,066 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    @Clinton Redfern ,

    About creating teams in bulk, you could refer to the following steps

    1. Creating bulkTeams.csv file with necessary fields about teams and channels
    2. Import bulkTeams.csv file data to create teams: $data = Import-Csv C:\Scripts\bulkTeams.csv
      foreach ($d in $data) {
      $GroupID = (New-Team -DisplayName $d.TeamDisplayName -Description $d.TeamDescription`
      -MailNickName $d.MailNickName -Visibility $d.TeamVisibility -Owner $d.Owner).GroupID
      New-TeamChannel -GroupId $GroupID -DisplayName $d.ChannelDisplayName -Description $d.ChannelDescription

    About deleting teams in bulk, you could refer to the following steps

    1. Get teams GroupID and export to delete.csv file: Get-team | export-csv delete.csv
    2. Filter out the teams which you want to delete by Display Name in the delete.csv file
    3. Delete teams: Import-csv delete.csv | foreach{remove-Team -groupid $_.groupid }

    About editing teams in bulk, we can do some modifications in the deleting teams scripts

    1. Get teams GroupID and export to edit.csv file: Get-team | export-csv edit.csv
    2. Filter out the teams which you want to edit by Display Name in the edit.csv file
    3. Edit teams: Import-csv edit.csv | foreach{set-Team -GroupId $_.groupid -DisplayName $_.displayname}

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