Creating a generic template in C#

JohnCTX 636 Reputation points

I have researched that C#, as well as its predecessor, C++, enable users to create generic templates.

Here are the two source code snippets below:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.IO;

namespace Access_mdb
    public class DataOperations
        public static string ConnectionString =
            $"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "[DatabaseFileName].mdb")};";

        public static List<string> Read()

            var list = new List<string>();

            using (var cn = new OleDbConnection() { ConnectionString = ConnectionString })
                using (var cmd = new OleDbCommand() { Connection = cn })
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT [FieldOne] FROM tblOne;";


                    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())

            return list;

and here is the second source code snippet below:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Access_mdb
    public class DataOpsTwo
        public static string connectionstring = $"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "[DatabaseFileName.mdb]")};";

        public static List<string> ReadOne()
            var listOne = new List<string>();

            using (var connection = new OleDbConnection() { ConnectionString = connectionstring })
            using (var cmdOle1 = new OleDbCommand() { Connection = connection })
                    cmdOle1.CommandText = "SELECT [FieldOne] FROM tblTwo;";
                    var readerOne = cmdOle1.ExecuteReader();
                    while (readerOne.Read())
            return listOne;


What I want to perform is to create a generic template, so that I do not have to perform double or repetitive work on creating different classes.

Is there any way or method on how to perform this effecitively?



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  1. Daniel Zhang-MSFT 9,621 Reputation points

    Hi JohnCTX-6479,
    First, you can add a new class in your project via following steps(as a template):
    Right-click your project name->Add->Class->Change class name to DataOperations.cs
    Then you need put the template code into DataOperations class.
    In this step, I suggest you construct a function with parameters and pass in "ConnectionString" as a parameter.
    Due to the Read method is static, so you can call it via class name directly.

    class DataOperations  
        public static string ConnectionString = $"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "[DatabaseFileName].mdb")};";  
        public static List<string> Read(string s)  
            var list = new List<string>();  
            using (var cn = new OleDbConnection() { ConnectionString = s })  
                using (var cmd = new OleDbCommand() { Connection = cn })  
                    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT [FieldOne] FROM tblOne;";  
                    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();  
                    while (reader.Read())  
            return list;  
    public class DataOpsTwo  
           public void test()   
                 List <string> list= DataOperations.Read(DataOperations.ConnectionString);//you can also pass another connectionString  

    Best Regards,
    Daniel Zhang

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