Odata for data export from blob storage

Valentin Feulner 21 Reputation points

Me and my team are creating forecasts with ML Services/Databricks and then store the forecasts/data in the azure blob storage. Then we want to export/query the data in the blob storage with odata and import them in the hana database of our customer. The question is, does blob storage support odata protocols for data export & how can we use them? Do we need to import the data in data-factory?

I have googled for about 5 hours and could not find a promising solution. I would be very thankful for any advice!

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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  1. HimanshuSinha-msft 19,381 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @Valentin Feulner ,

    Thanks for clarifying the ask . As mentioned by you , the first time when you use the ODATA to read the data and dump the records , ODATA is acting as source . But when want to write back the data using ODATA , it will be treated as a sink . Unfortunately ODATA is not supported as a sink at this time . Please read here .


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2 additional answers

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  1. Valentin Feulner 21 Reputation points

    The task itself is that we are using customer data from their database and import them with odata in data factory. After the ETL Processes we want to analyze and do forecasts with data. Then the data is stored in blobstorage. To load the data back to the customer data base, we want to use Odata, and thats where i am stuck currently, if this is possible and how is it applicable.

    Why to use Odata? Since I am a very new team member I cannot really say why my collegues want to use that protocol

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  2. HimanshuSinha-msft 19,381 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @Valentin Feulner ,

    Thanks for the ask and using the Microsoft Q&A platform .
    You have two question and let me answer the second one . Using Azure dafactory you can import the data from blob to HANA .I do not have a HANA instance but I am sure that you will have to install an IR to achieve this .
    Please do read more on the same here .

    Out of curiosity , can you please elaborate as to why you want to use ODATA ? I am just trying to understand more on the ask itself .

    @SumanthMarigowda : Can you please help in answering with the first ask ?

    Please do let me know how it goes .
    Please do consider to click on "Accept Answer" and "Up-vote" on the post that helps you, as it can be beneficial to other community members

    1 person found this answer helpful.
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