Master Data Services - Attributes Length Issue

Biju IG 1 Reputation point

I have 2 questions...

  1. Is it possible to have an attribute in the MDS Model entity with data type NVARCHAR(MAX). If yes, how can I set the "MAX" length?
  2. "Code" attribute is a key in MDS Entity. Is it possible to change the data type or length of this column?

Earliest reply much appreciated.

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  1. Lukas Yu -MSFT 5,816 Reputation points


    Is it possible to have an attribute in the MDS Model entity with data type NVARCHAR(MAX). If yes, how can I set the "MAX" length?

    I guess you are trying to have a string attribute , in MDS we did not have NVARCHAR(MAX) data type but we have Text. You could follow this to create the attribute you like, and you question is answered with step 10 and step 11. Create a Text Attribute (Master Data Services)

    May I understand why would you change code attribute? Code is only used as key in the model, it should not affect you model. It is generated automatically as numeric value. I remember vaguely it can be set as text type, but I am not quite sure on this.
