Azure Percept eye module problem

Tom Fanara 141 Reputation points

Hello my Vision module on my IoT Azure percept DK is not working. Just seemed to have stopped. Please see device logs on eyemodule below. Any help would be great!

Inference App Version: 2021-05-04
2021-07-16 04:07:59 ERROR: Unrecognized string format for model data. Given a URL or zip or XML or blob file of path:
2021-07-16 04:07:59 ERROR: Could not load the desired type of model. Using a default one instead.
2021-07-16 04:07:59 rm -rf /app/model && mkdir /app/model
2021-07-16 04:07:59 libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid VID 0x3e7 PID 0x2485 found
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Raw RTSP Stream's resolution changed to native
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Raw RTSP stream enabled
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Raw RTSP Stream's FPS changed to 10
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Result RTSP Stream's resolution changed to native
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Result RTSP stream enabled
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Result RTSP Stream's FPS changed to 10
2021-07-16 04:07:59 H.264 Stream's resolution changed to native
2021-07-16 04:07:59 H.264 RTSP stream enabled
2021-07-16 04:07:59 H.264 Stream's FPS changed to 10
2021-07-16 04:07:59 RTSP thread created.
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Data collection thread created.
2021-07-16 04:07:59 rm -rf /app/snapshot/ && mkdir /app/snapshot/
2021-07-16 04:07:59 libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid VID 0x3e7 PID 0x2485 found
2021-07-16 04:07:59 Loading label file /app/data/labels.txt
2021-07-16 04:07:59 blobs: /app/data/ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco.blob, , firmware: /eyesom/mx.mvcmd, parser: SSD, label: /app/data/labels.txt, classes: 183

Azure Percept
Azure Percept
A comprehensive Azure platform with added security for creating edge artificial intelligence solutions.
72 questions
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Accepted answer
  1. Mike McCoy - MSFT 606 Reputation points

    @Tom Fanara

    It looks like the file that is being deployed to the dev kit has an issue. Can you validate that the zip file and its content is not corrupted. Make sure that you can access the URL and download it from your browser.

    From the logs it looks like you are using ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco.blob model file which is generated from this transfer learning notebook azure-percept-advanced-development/transfer-learning-using-ssd.ipynb at main · microsoft/azure-percept-advanced-development (

2 additional answers

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  1. Tom Fanara 141 Reputation points

    ok its all working even my custom model see below. Don't know exactly what fixed it. Maybe there was a breakage in the docker image or container deployment?


  2. Tom Fanara 141 Reputation points

    Yes I think you are right. Here is the image URL from the device screen. Is this the right place to get the It just redirects ro a git hub page for registered containers if I browse it!
