Visual Studio 2022 community ssrs external assembly path

Sushil Agarwal 381 Reputation points

Hello experts,

can comeone guide which path should i copy dll files which are required in ssrs reports

for example for vs2019 community,
i have copied

to path
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\SSRS

then i can see the ssrs without error.

but in vs2022 community ide, when the project is run and report with external assemblies are run its giving error

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  1. Karen Payne MVP 35,201 Reputation points

    The install Visual Studio 2010 oddly sounds to me like the DLL is 32bit and as (I don't have VS2022) I understand VS2022 is 64 bit which would account for not loading.

    Nothing in release notes indicate 32 or 64bit so I may be wrong but wanted to put this out there.

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  2. Isabellaz-1451 3,616 Reputation points

    Hi @Sushil Agarwal
    Can you install the Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding in another way ? From the nuget ?

    And I see that the RDC report can‘t open from your log, maybe you can just modify the suffix of the report to ’rdlc‘ ,then you can edit the report as you like .

    Hope this helps

    Best Regards,

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  3. Isabellaz-1451 3,616 Reputation points

    Hi @Sushil Agarwal
    Thanks for reply.
    I am afraid the reporting service project is currently not supported in vs 2022 .

    Reporting Services projects currently not supported in Visual Studio 2022 The Reporting Services projects extension is not yet supported in Visual Studio 2022. This page will be updated when supported.

    I found this from this thread :

    Best Regards,

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